runescape these days
By Detr47
@Detr47 (96)
February 6, 2007 8:32pm CST
i used to play runescape about a year ago, i started 2 years ago. then i quit for a year and started playin again, and the game has changed a LOT since before. all u ever see now is "NOOB" stuff like that. the ppl are a lot less nicer then they were before. now all they do is yell at ppl for askin a question, not knowin somethin, etc;
when i first started whenever i needed help i wouldn't be afraid to ask, now it's "NOOB UR DUMB!" ppl used to help new ppl. now if u give some1 free stuff they dont even bother to say thanx. also people always love to brag now about their mains, their rich stuff, this and that. when i quit runescape, whips were 2.5m, so one day about a week ago, i mentioned the whip being 2.5m (i didnt know it was 1.8m now) and i got like attacked by a bunch of people sayin "NO U NOOB ITS 1.8M!" ... i liked runescape a lot better before. btw im a low lvl account now in f2p i heard people are a lot nicer in p2p, i hope so.
10 responses
@HawaiiGopher (1009)
• Belgium
8 Feb 07
You're actually just following the band wagon of "RuneScape was way better back in the day.." You can't imagine how many times I've heard this. What you don't realize is that RuneScape has never really changed, it's just gotten more crowded. People did this a lot two years ago.. Heck, two years ago was only 2004/2005. That's pretty recent. People DID insult you and didn't always help you out back then. The only year I can remember where people seemed to get along was in 2001 since everyone was a newb and everyone needed help.
@hustlin313 (62)
• United States
7 Feb 07
Yeh thats defidentily right! I used to play runescape a year ago and when i was a noob and had just started playing the game i found a rich player who had 200k, which seemed like so much at the time. Then I asked for a little bit of money, and he gave me 30k. Thats a lot of money to just give out. Also the people on runescape were nicer and were funner to have as a friend, now everyone is boring. I dont have any good friends like the ones I had a year ago now on this account.
@joelofcow (193)
• United States
7 Feb 07
i remember i just lost all my items for no reason [no i didnot get hacked]
then this dude just came out of no were and gave me 60k
@Detr47 (96)
• Yemen
7 Feb 07
one time on my main old main, i saved up like 500k and it was my first time I was so excited, so i went to lumbridge and started passing out 10k each to a bunch of new ppl who just started the game =). those were the good days, now its still a pretty fun game, and actually the game got better, but it's the people that make the game kinda suck.
@HawaiiGopher (1009)
• Belgium
8 Feb 07
Very immature on his part. It seems he is using the common luring technique. Something that a lot of people dislike.. very much.
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@miningbeeble (328)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I know, you are right. I played a year ago and people always were willing to help me. I always said thanks. I think the reason people call more and more low level characters noobs because of two reasons. One reason is there are more "newbs" that people mistake for "noobs". Yes, there is a difference. Some people on runescape act like they know everything and say you have a level 3 and a level 89 and the level 3 says " I could own you easily in the wild". Then that is why more people called them noobs. The other reason is that the old "newbs" are become today's high levels. The high levels feel so great about their new level that they make other players feel worse about themselves. In doing that, they make themselves feel better by showing other players who has a higher level. It is very dumb and the jagex staff should really do something about it. I hate both the people that call people noobs and people that act like noobs. I never do either.
@Detr47 (96)
• Yemen
7 Feb 07
yeh and another thing i jsut remembered. before, the wildy was a fun place u could go to to fight other players and have fun and see who is the better fighter, now all u ever see in the wildy is clans and pures, and clans of pures. before, i could go have a friendly fight with my friend, now we go up there and get attacked by clan. also before u could walk up to someone the same level as u and attack him, thinkin 'hey! we're same level his should be a good fighr! it'll be a close fight!' but now u try to do that, and find out he's a pure with like lvl 99 mage or somethin. its kinda stupid, i dont like it
@joelofcow (193)
• United States
7 Feb 07
lol now there is no such thing as a 1 on 1 fight there is always some1 waiting to kill u it sucks
@HawaiiGopher (1009)
• Belgium
8 Feb 07
Not so smart, just ignore them. No reason to argue over a game. The people who provoke you can't have much of a good social life considering they entertain theirselves by setting up arguments.
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@arr0wz_bug (41)
• Canada
14 Feb 07
i cant qui rs because of the fact of looting and doing war with my clan lool XD
@joelofcow (193)
• United States
7 Feb 07
i know what u mean now every1 is just money and power greedy they dont care as long as they get there way i take the time to help people unless there scammers but i think every deserves the right not to quit runescape just because they dont know how to play
@123ballin (33)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Yea i always have had problems with people callin me a noob i hated it when i was lvl 3-50. Now i am lvl 63 with 72 mining and a lvl 3 miner came up to me and started mining my rocks. I was in a rush to get my friend the ore so i asked him if he wouldent mind going to the east mine instead and my reply was "stfu u noob my main is 15 lvls higher than you i would own you easly in the wild you can go over to the east mine and i'll stay here." well he made me mad so i mined all the iron and he only got 1 rock lol.
@volcom (161)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Yep, I agree with this post 110% runescape has changed alot before this wasn't a well known game. Basicly everyone knew echother the word noob was hardley ever said and it was a just a fun game to play with your friends. Now runescape is just all about being the best getting the best getting lal the money making the best pure and thats basicly what happened all these lippy people are joining the game and basicly are ruining it and it will just get worse as the years go on. More and more lippy players will start joining and this will be just a common thing i think it already is but still. And yes psp people are a lot nicer exept for the pures some are nice but most of them are the same all mean and annyoing most of psp is nice houugh from what ive heard