Do You Often Think People Limit Themselves?

@KrauseHome (36445)
United States
February 7, 2007 3:43am CST
I have wondered about this many times, and have wondered if sometimes due to something that has happened in my life, if I end up limiting myself to where I could be if I opened up and started looking beyond where I am now. I have people tell me how Good of a Writer I am, and I should really pursue my Career as a Writer, and Write the Books and such I have so desired to do. Or I need to look into working somewhere else besides where I am at being a Dispatcher as they feel I could be good like working as a 911 Dispatcher, etc. I know I Love to Write, and would Love to be a published well known author someday, and at one time wanted it to happen by the time I was 40. Now I am past that, but still desire to be a well known author in time. But I tend to procrastinate, and will not just settle for something just because someone else says it is Good. I want to feel Good about it, and know when it is published it is the True Real me, and not someone else. As for working somewhere else. Well, I have only been where I am at now for 7 months. As if it will be what I will do for the rest of my life, I have no real thoughts on that one yet. Maybe I do need to decide in time where I want to be, and what I want to do, but now I am satisfied, and the Benefits are not that Bad, so that is a Plus. How about you yourself? Are you achieving your Dreams, and desires, or are you limiting yourself from where you want to be, and cutting yourself short? Would Love to hear your thoughts on this one.
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45 responses
@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
7 Feb 07
We all set our own limits. I know I do. I have, for various reasons, been in a fog, and really sending myself into the dumps in more than one way.My trend now is back up, and I know that as well. Each of us needs to find our own talents, and make use of them in the way that gives our soul satisfaction. I am where I am right now, career wise, but I am exploring some moves. If you have good benefits, perhaps the job you have will be the tool to allow you to be a writer, and to have time to help and inspire others. Procrasination is often a symptom of being a perfectionist.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
8 Feb 07
Interesting way to look at things. Great idea as well.
• United States
7 Feb 07
I see you want to be a published author and a 911 can do both you know..there are probably periods of time when it's quiet in an 911 office where you are sitting at the desk waiting for the call.. I think however we can't go by feelings ..I was told once by a vey holy and wise person "feelings have no brains and are deceiving" Follow your heart and listen to the One who speaks to you in prayer!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
7 Feb 07
Very Good advice, and one I think we all need to follow more often.
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I do think people sometimes limit themselves because they are afraid of failing if they try and go further or do more with their lives. I have this same problem as my friends tell me that I could be doing so much more with my life than what I am doing now, both career wise and in my personal life. People are always wondering why I am not married yet or have children. They also say that I should be working a better and higher paying career than what I am doing. I like my job so I am happy with my job, though the pay is not great. But I would like to get married and have kids but that has not happened yet and need to get out more.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
16 Feb 08
Well, this is great thoughts here. Because a lot of us in life, isn't it better to be Happy with your Career, then be working a job making $20 or more an hr. and not like your job? To me, being happy at your job, is what it is all about.
@craftwave (1338)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I know I limit myself because of my fears. There are many things I wish to do and always tell myself someday. I need to stop telling myself that and just get up and do it.
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@mimatexas (1818)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I always wanted to go to college but because of money matters I never could. This limited myself to find a better job. Another thing is I like to travel but my husband doesn't like to travel so I limit myself going places, besides we don't have a reliable car or monies to travel.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
16 Feb 08
This is an interesting way to look at it for sure. Sometimes it is definately Economic means that stops us for sure. Thanks for sharing.
@Fluplup (555)
• United States
7 Feb 07
Yes, life have unexpected moves!
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@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
7 Feb 07
Like you I feel the same way. I am however trying to achieve my dreams of being a writer..poet. I used to love writing when I was younger and have started pursuing it the last few years with good results. I have one poetry book published...and now have my second one ready to be shipped to a publisher. My next projects are a cookbook and fantasy I hope I am not limiting myself..this is my passion and I am pursuing it..come hell or high
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
8 Feb 07
That is great progress. Your path is not limiting at all.
• United States
7 Feb 07
no way! if thats what you call limiting yourself then you will do just fine.
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
7 Feb 07
It does appear that people who don't achieve, possibily do not believe that they can, and so are limiting themselves. I feel that I could have been doing so much more than what I am doing and where I am at right now. Of course when I think back over all I have done it seems like everything has gone the way it should. I have learned alot and wouldn't trade much of it for anything. Shared this since I believe that I was open to possibility. Didn't let myself be kept down, always strove for more. Your writing is a process so I would suggest you begin, God will guide you through it, be open to it and allow it become what it is meant to be.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
7 Feb 07
I like to think about it as contentment. I will never put myself in a situation where people will give a high expectancy of my work, then would later on disappoint them. I mean, it would only cost me more trouble, something to worry more about. I just try to put myself where I think I can be of more use and live a better peaceful life. As long as I can feed myself and my family, I would not look for any other things that would make my life more complicated. As for now, I am contented to what I am and to what I have. Though I can still never say that I am sure that I will continue this way of living, no one's sure of what tomorrow might bring to us.
@Wanderlaugh (1622)
• Australia
8 Feb 07
Yes, people do limit themselves, and get boxed into conceptual coffins where it seems impossible to do anything about their ambitions. They convince themselves things can’t be done, without trying. I can truthfully say that I’ve achieved more than I ever dreamed possible. Couldn’t care less about “success according to other people’s shopping list”, which was the removal of another limit. Even an experiment on an agar plate has its own specific success criteria, so why not people? I’m perfectly happy with what I’m doing about my writing, music, and graphics, and that’s what’s driving me to do more and better work. Never worked so hard before, never pushed myself so hard before... and I've never enjoyed it so much. No mouthwash; I know I'm achieving something. I think you’ll find, by the way, if you do a bit of time management, that you can write your book with no real difficulty. Just get the basics written, and the rest will naturally follow.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
8 Feb 07
This is excellent advice.
@skydancer (2101)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I have always believed the most important thing is to listen to your what your heart says and know yourself well enough to be honest in what needs to happen in order for you to achieve your dreams. I was very fortunate to have a number of role models who accomplished remarkable things against all odds which is a reminder that the best things in life were accomplished by people who kept going when there seemed to be no hope at all. There will always be people including so-called "experts" on the subject that will tell you it's hopeless and use all sorts of statistics to try to prove it, but the truth is that if you dream big and reach for the stars, there's no telling what you can do. It's a whole learning process, a journey. As you reach for the dream, you learn about yourself, and which direction to go next, which may lead your dreams to come true in ways you didn't initially expect. I do have fears of being ridiculed and under-appreciated sometimes, but when I do I just have to keep reminding myself that I am doing this for myself and that's what matters in the end. As Mark Twain put it, "Don't part with your illusions. When they're gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
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@karthima (111)
• India
7 Feb 07
yes, people have many limitations.In India many culture and tradition is followed. Everybody fix up a limit to all surroundings.Thats just because they care for them.Limitations are fixed maximum by the opposite parties. in case of girls they fix their own limit concerned to friendship, level of enjoyment, etc,.Gents limit their smoking , drinks, etc,. depends on the person.
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• United States
18 Feb 07
It is so hard in life to be where you want to be cause a lot of the times money stops you from doing what you want. Just when I think we are getting somewhere something else put a stop to it. My job has now cut our hours of work to 32 hours and that is alot of money that will not come home to pay bills. So I keep looking for different ways to make money from my home to make ends meet for right now. It seems like life is never fair. All I ever wanted in life was to live comfortable and be able to pay my bills. I am thankful for the life I have cause I have 2 wonderful kids, one grandson and a wonderful husband. Someday maybe my dreams will come true but have to keep working at them.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
16 Feb 08
I think so. People are not always showing the real them. Sometimes they pretend and sometimes they are so reserve. But there are also a lot of factors to consider why they are like tat. Which for sure triggers them to limit themselves.
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
18 Feb 07
Why not do both of them at the same time, even though writing your book might take a little longer. However going out to work every day, meeting and mixing with other people can only add to your experiences in life. Also you are earning an income, which I am sure is something that you need to do. We do have to strive and perhaps make some sacrifices in order to achieve but if we are determined then we will do what we aim to do. At this stage of my life I am retired and when we decided that is what we would so, I was keen to do some travelling although I accepted it would be limited to Australia mostly. At the same time I accepted that due to health considerations we couldn't be completely nomadic but would need a base somewhere, and it couldn't be where we used to live because of too many other memories. So we took to the road, found ourselves a base to operate from and wander as and when we feel like it. Certainly there have been some struggles along the way, due to a variety of reasons, but the main one has been financial of course. We have overcome that though by camping out more than staying in commercial accommodation, i.e. a caravan park or motel, cooking our own meals rather than dining out, taking non-perishable foods with us which we have bought over time when on special. The might not seem like major events but if we can save $100-$180 per week on caravan park sites then that allows us to travel a bit further or for a bit longer. Certainly a long hot shower every night would be wonderful, but I can still have a wash and quick shower using the solar shower pack. So I would say that yes we can achieve our dream if we are prepared to make a few sacrifices along the way. It is our choice, but making that choice is the first important step.
@Prakash84 (437)
• India
8 Feb 07
it depends actually most of the times i am able to achieve what i want but sometimes u have to adjust with what u have or get :)
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
i want to be a best-selling author too. But it's a bit too late when I started reading English novels, so I guess I have to wait until all my ideas clinch into a nice book. I also want to become a lawyer, but I got very limited resources, and have to wait a little longer or maybe not at all. So, I settled for the easiest job I know from three years of experience and I'm still at it. I'm planning to shift careers but I don't know yet if I'm going to pass the physical examination. In the meantime, I'm roughing it in the city I think is trying to spit me out. As for you, from what I heard, people get better at writing once they get older, maybe, because they know better than to insist their truths only.
• United States
8 Feb 07
Of course, people limit themselves. In a capitalistic society, beyond a few barriers to entry in some areas, the rest of the marketplace is ours. You have to eliminate the talent factor, but even that is a self-limiter. Many people have overcame a lack of superior talent to become superior performers in various fields. If you want to make money or travel or become famous, mostly we are held back by our prideful unwillingness to take the necessary risks. Our ego limits us by either a lack of confindence or a a fear of embarassment. Either way, we have limited ourselves. On the internet alone there are hundreds if not thousands of ways to achieve financial independence or fame or influence. Who limits us? We do. Even if you say you don't have access, you are wrong. Go to the library. It might be less convenient or slower because you can't stay on forever. The old adage "where there's a will, there's a way." still rings true.
• India
8 Feb 07
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
People often cut their dreams short because of fear of failing and the risks involved. Because of this, most individuals would often settle for what can be easily attained or what it within their reach. I have taken a lot risks in my life. Majority of my decisions resulted to not so good circumstances but I am glad that I have taken the risk and not just sit and keep wondering up to this day on "what could have happened if I did". I found out that Life is not all about winning. It is about standing up and learning your lesson each time you fall.