My friend went missing for 24 hours, he's mad at us for trying to contact him.

February 7, 2007 9:04am CST
Something happened to my friend yesterday morning that put him in a big depression. He went 24 hours without contacting anyone. His roomate and I constantly phoned him and text messaged him. I was in around his area of work last night so I dropped in thinking maybe he was there. Finally at 6am this morning he comes home, and he is extremely pissed off that we were trying to contact him and that I went to his work looking for him. Saying, "Jesus F***, cut the umbilical cord, people". I don't know what to do. It makes me feel pretty stupid for caring about him, but I want to be there for him. He just doesn't want anyone to be. What should I do?
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17 responses
• United States
7 Feb 07
Sometimes friends need there space. Let him have it. It does'nt mean you don't care if you don't go looking for him. And you never know what excuse he gave his job for being out, you could have messed that up for him. If you don't give him space you could run him off permanantly.
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@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
7 Feb 07
I had a friend who use to do this to me and it is very annoying. I realize you are doing it out of compassion, but it was only one day. I can understand if he wasn't returning your phonecalls two days later, but perhaps he simply needed some time by himself to try and sort things out. You shouldn't feel stupid for caring about him, and I'm sure he knows you are there for him. If he needs you, I'm certain he will turn to you. Some people need to deal with things on their own.
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@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
Maybe he just don't want to be bugged at this point in time. Maybe you got overreacted with the situation and has bugged him at the time he needed to be alone. Just stay with him as a friend and maybe someday he'll open up and realize that you were just concerned. You can maybe personally talk to him personally and explain your side of the story but right now is not yet time.
• Canada
8 Feb 07
I now know what happened, and I can understand that he might be embarassed about it... but it still just makes me mad that he would be so furious at me for trying to make sure he's alright.
• Thailand
8 Feb 07
Stay out for a while, see what he really think, maybe if he understand about how important of having a friend who care he will come to say sorry for his behave.
• Canada
8 Feb 07
The feedback has been amazing. I never expected all this. Thanks you guys. He's calmed down and has started talking to his roommate and other friend. I think he realises that we are there for him. I havent talked to him yet, but i'm going to wait for him to talk to me. Again, thanks so much.
@red1976 (92)
• United States
7 Feb 07
My brother suffers from Bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorder as well. We went through several episodes where he went missing. I think you caring and being there is the best thing he can have right now. I would not feel bad or guilty about trying to find him. Someday he'll understand that what you did you did because you care. Don't stop caring! :)
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@yahooguy (508)
• Romania
8 Feb 07
WELL may be he didn't whant you to know where was he .....did he tell you to not lock for him//??????? may be he wantfd to alone and thats all .:))
• Canada
8 Feb 07
no, he didnt say anything. thats the thing.
• India
8 Feb 07
Do remember that every person has the right to be left alone when they choose to stay aloof and alone. There are highs and lows for everyone. A true friend must give due weightage to this fact. Dont feel stupid about caring for a friend even though the friend does not need it. It is your duty as a friend to care.
@destroyer (784)
• Pakistan
8 Feb 07
I think your friend is being very obnoxious and unappreciative of you! i gather from what you have written that you really care for him but he's not returning the favor. i would suggest talking to him when he's cooled down a bit and ask him about his whereabouts of 24 hours ago, maybe it will give you a clue to his rude reply! if he presists with his rude demeanor just let him be! he clearly doenst wants anyone to know where he's been!
@renestl (99)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I think that sometimes people just need time alone. I myself suffer from Bipolar disorder, and I know most of the time I would like to just be left alone to think. Not saying that you shouldn't care. Caring is the best thing that you could do. Just that a day, maybe even 2, is enough time to let the person think. Longer than that can sometimes become dangerous. It may not be that he doesn't want anyone to be there, it may just be that sometimes when he does want to get away, he can't b/c of the constant phone calls. I've disappeared for days at a time and I've learned to call and give my parents and a few friends a heads up so they know not to call until after 24-48 hours and in case someone calls them wanting to know where I am.
@yogiraut (230)
• India
8 Feb 07
HEllo dear, first of all u need to find out whether is mentally ok. take him to a good doctor. If he is ok , let him know that u all love him and care for him.Tell him to be loved is the greatest thing one can have in this world. i think he will understand. plz add me as ur friend. we will have great friendship
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
i think that you're friend should be thankful for you...but in other hand, maybe he really wanted to be alone and think of his problems
@loousta (24)
8 Feb 07
it sounds to me like your friend is looking for attention. sometimes when you get depressed you want people around you to worry and for him to respond like that just shows how much. i think he secretly is pleased that you worried and he wants you to worry more by his response. i know it sounds funny but ive seen it happen. keep an eye on him, maybe even confront him and say that you think he wants the attention, and that you will give it to him but when he sits down with you and talks it out.
• United States
8 Feb 07
He was just mad at something and didn't want to be bothered. I get like that all the time and I just don't want to be bothered by anyone...and it pisses me off even more if they're trying to help or be extra nice to me. I've been told I've always been cranky and grouchy and I guess I've just never outgrown it. Hopefully someday I will but for now if I'm in my "grouchy" mood then people should just leave me alone...and you should do the same with your friend no matter how much you want to help him.
@Cheez4 (78)
• Canada
8 Feb 07
yeah leave him alone.. he'll be aight
@Prakash84 (437)
• India
8 Feb 07
just leave him alone
@freak369 (5113)
• United States
8 Feb 07
Ahhh this sounds all too familiar my dear. I have a friend that is going through massive depression. I tell him to call me when he is upset or just wants someone to talk to. Then I find out like a week later that he was sitting there crying for hours, feeling all alone and I just want to hit him for not calling me. My suggestion is to have a face to face, 30 second conversation with him. Tell him that you are not going to be walked on like a doormat but you are willing to be a friend and friendship is a two way street. It might sound harsh to him but in time, he'll understand.
• India
8 Feb 07
well, what u do is.. when u find him alone.. just go near him.. sit besides him.. stay silent.. and then in nice voice and slowly ask him.. what happend.. whats wrong.. dont worry everything will go fine.. and he himself will come out with what went wrong.. and he will appoligize for his behaviour towards you... so dont worry about that, and dont get him wrong.. he behaved with you that way just because he was already pissed off.