Many say i am not important for anybody around me.. it really hurts me!

@archiee (322)
February 7, 2007 11:14pm CST
i think that i am not important for anyone. no one actually need me. many say that i bore them, and they can't find their precious time for me to waste on me. they think that i am a idiot who helps anyone without asking for return from them and that's why i am treated like this. and i deserve to be treated like this. i never thought that if i have a attituted to serve others its a very wrong aatitude.
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43 responses
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
Of course you are important. Nobody deserves to be treated unfairly! We are created by GOD with our own talent, intelligence, and abilities. You got to believe in yourself. You got to respect and love yourself so others would respect you and love you as well. Continue to do good and others will see your value. your worth.... Go pick up yourself, walk with proud.....
@wings33 (230)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I don't care how much you love and respect yourself, you are still going to run into crazy, rude or jealous people. Just try to ignore these people and remember they are nuts and don't know what they are talking about.
@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
nothing is wrong with you!!! they are simply non-cranial,they are useless people which you do not even should consider being with them. you have an enormous heart and don't you ever waste it on people who does not care. what is important is you are important to yourself and nothing else matters.always believe in yourself especially at times when you feel that the whole world is against you and that is where your strength will be put to test. remember, you are wonderful and take into consideration that you cannot please everyone. do not mind them because they really do not care to respect as to who you are.if you are happy by just being you then you have nothing to worry and you will always feel good and happy.remember, whatever you place in your mind will happen and manifests in the real world. so, always have a happy thought.
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Feb 07
I agree with you :) and i love the term non-cranial. hehe! That was great.
• United States
8 Feb 07
You should be important to yourself and need yourself. Don't depend on others to make you feel good. Learn to love yourself. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life :) Head up sweetie.
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@pendragon (3349)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Keep helping others, but don't let yourself be taken advantage of, I hope you can tell the difference? Find different people with similar interests as yours, so hard as you may think, and don't let anyone tell you you're boring.No one should say that to you, you don't deserve to have your feelings hurt.
@pendragon (3349)
• United States
9 Feb 07
*not so hard as you might think... sorry!
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
8 Feb 07
Im sure you are a good person. I dont know you but I think everyone has good in them. The people who tell you these things are probably just jealous. Find people who will like you for who you are and ignroe the ones who treat you bad.
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• India
8 Feb 07
There are some situation when we think that we are not important any how. But when we are not there everybody miss you and at that time no one is able to answer that how much important you are for them. And yes remember one thing when we are helping some never expect any responce from anyone. We do only whatever we feel good from our side, use message from Bhagawat Geeta, "Tu apne karm kiye jaa, fal ki asha mat rakh", than you r going to be very happy in ur life... Regards,.....
@14missy (3183)
• Australia
9 Feb 07
I also am sure that you are a good person archiee. No one deserves to be treated with disrespect and I am sure you will be a better person for ignoring them and finding other people to spend your time with. Good luck to you.
@patrice7 (1191)
• United States
9 Feb 07
archie you must not think like that because we all know that your family loves you and would never think of you that way.. please take into consideration the people who cares for you much like your family and your real friends.. no one in this world is worthless. "Be who you are and say what you feel for those who mind DONT MATTER, and those who MATTER dont mind". please remember this quote from dr. seuss. those people who tell you that you are boring and all that are the people who doesnt matter and need not matter in your life.. to serve others without asking anything in return is a noble deed. for people like you who consider helping someone without rewards are few in the world today.. if helping makes you happy then do it. dont mind those people who does not understand or accept you for who you are because they are not worth your time. your family and friends love you and im sure that they are proud of you because you are a good person.
@smartnrich (1067)
• Malaysia
9 Feb 07
I don't think god creation, especially human being is useless or not important. my suggestion you could show your performance and quality of yourself and everybody will respect you.
@sensesfail (2251)
• India
8 Feb 07
Hoeny it does'nt matter what others feel about you.It matters what you feel about yourself. It is not necessary for one to be useful to someone else.But still if that someone requires you to be so, i'm guessing that they wanna use you up.So dont give way to all these worthless things you hear around you.And remember the mylot family is always at your side for any sort of help. cheers ^_^
• India
9 Feb 07
• India
9 Feb 07
Have you searched anyone for whom , you are important?
@widjaja (39)
• Indonesia
9 Feb 07
I think you must set up your attitude first. Take positif attitude. Everyone is created uniquely and never same. Everyone has its function and ability. may be you are lacking in one side but have ability in other side. You task is digging more and more of your ability. It makes you more confidence of yourself.
• China
9 Feb 07
The way maybe being that you treat others is incoreect,probly,you change onece way are cable to favorable impression winning them
• India
9 Feb 07
@kawillow74 (1416)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Has someone really said this to you or do you think this of yourself If someone has said this to you why would you even waste your time with being friends with that person I am sure they are wrong there is something good in everyone and if you sit and think for 1 moment I am sure you will find they are wrong. Don't get down because someone else right have there own promblems. Good luck wishing you the best.
@emarie (5442)
• United States
9 Feb 07
wow, i think your just getting used and you should never be treated like that or told that. i know i used to fabricate those thoughts in my own mind all the time, it actually drove me to the point of trying to take my life....twice. but i had good friends who found out about it and after some sever lecturing they talked to me and told me never to think that way again because they didn't think that way of me. if you're friends don't support you, find new ones because they are really not your friends. good friends are something you should hold on to forever and its also something thats very hard to find. let no one talk to you like that because you are worth something, i don't even know you and i feel that you're worth it.
@wings33 (230)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I would ignore these people and continue helping people. You are a rare and unique person. Try to find people who will appreciate the fine person that you are. Good luck, because this may be hard to do. Some peole are soo mean, jealous or just plain crazy. While looking for new friends just stay busy with interests and hobbies and remember people are not always right and do what is best for you.
@silveysim (337)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Why? and what scale are you judging your importance. Plus-these people might be losers or have a different idea about what fun is. Your not an idiot for helping others, you will receive more than you give, and definetly more than those that make fun of you whether it be in money, favors, happiness, friends, or success you'll have an abundance because of your good deeds. Don't stop-you never know how close you are to success. You don't deserve to be treated friendly with others but don't let losers become your main source of friends. Serving others is a great quality. Just find a field that'll pay you for it-people wise, money wise, and to your happiness. You'll find people like you who'll support you for you. Your one good person and don't let others make you think your not important to anyone. Servers are the most important of ALL!!
• China
9 Feb 07
I think you are a good .I don't agee with them.Don't place on the heart what others said.Persists originally own.At last they must can know you are best.I think it must come ture later
• United States
9 Feb 07
that is really sad... Please dont develop such a complexion. I have the same attitude of helping people without asking them for return favor. Its a human nature. Instead you should be proud of what you are doing is good and people are just being felt jealous of the good stuff you are doing. Don't think so that its a bad attitude.