Who do you admire most and why?

February 8, 2007 1:29am CST
Of all the people in the world, I admire my mother the most. She's everything I want to be. Many people often misunderstand her, thinking that she is a very difficult person to deal with (she rarely shows her soft side). But, although she's workaholic, she finds time to look after us, see what's going on in our lives. How can one person do so much in so little time? I think that of all the people in the world, our mothers are really the most admirable and most wonderful.
2 responses
• Philippines
22 Mar 07
who i admire most and why? i really don't know? there are so many people i've encountered...but i can't choose among them...my parents are excluded in my options because i really admire them...but apart from them...i can't choose who i admire the most...probably one day i'm gonna meet that person...i wonder when?...
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
i admire God. i'm surprised everyday on every little thing, creature, and happening that He has made in this world. i'm very thankful to Him for giving me this life and for giving me the people i love. and for those who don't believe Him, i pity them cause i know God is with us. He has a plan for everyone and that plan is the best for us. whatever is happening to our lives now, it certainly has a reason