What law would you obey the law of God or the law of men.

@noypi07 (109)
United States
February 8, 2007 9:41am CST
I n every day life we obey the law of men and we forget the law of God which is the more important.Basically Don't do unto others that you don't want others do unto you." That is the golden rule, but we all mess up with the law of men .We forget it.Do you believe me that we must first obey God's law before that law of men. See what happen now in Iraq. People killing people and america troops are now there .America troops don't have business there young solder keep dying everyday leaving the loves cry becoz we are obeying what are goverment (we is men) us to obey what they wish to do.
2 responses
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
The laws of men should coincide with the Laws GOD created. the problem is that the laws of men sometimes run contrary to the laws of GOD. This is now where trouble comes in. If only we make all laws in harmony and based on the law of GOD, the world could be a better peaceful place to live in.
@arvee17 (730)
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
If people will truly obey God's law, the world would be a peaceful perfect world. but because people are born sinners, they try to do as they please... they try to do what they think what is right in their own sense of what is right. that is why we will never be at peace...