Does Your Birth Date Affect The Rest Of Your Life

@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
February 8, 2007 2:38pm CST
I've often wonder whether I was born at the wrong time, wrong day, wrong month, wrong year? Does your birth date affect what sort of life you are going to lead? Do you believe in the stars, horoscopes and does this affect how your life turns out? I often wonder my lot in life, maybe if I was born a year earlier or a year later that my life would be totally different? That I might have been more luckier in my life? I was born Tuesday 18th May, 1971 at 23:50 What if I had been born in 1970 or 1972 or in July instead of May, do you think my life would be better, or indeed could be worse?
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48 responses
@rosie_123 (6113)
8 Feb 07
Taurus the Bull - For those born under the sign of The Bull
Hi fellow Taurean! Well, I believe in the Stars very firmly. I do believe the time and place you were born, and the position of the stars at that time, can make a great deal of difference to your life. I am not qualified to read your Birth chart properly, though there are plenty of good people out there who could if you wanted to pursue it further. Strangely, from knowing you only from here on MyLot, I would have placed you as a Gemini, not a Taurean, - but you are only three days before the start of Gemini, so perhaps I was not so far out. Were you perhaps borm early if you don't mind ne asking?
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
8 Feb 07
Not sure on that, will have to ask my mum, from what I do know is that the docs told mum she couldn't fall pregnant and I was a miracle child LOL! I am also the only child. Thanks Rosie. I was also born in the Chinese Year of the Pig which is this year no less! So hopefully good fortune will befall me in 2007
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@rosie_123 (6113)
8 Feb 07
I am also an only child! My Mum was a refugee from the Nazis in Central Europe - she had a lot of health problems beause of that, and they dd not think she could have children. After me she could not have any more, so maybe I am a "miracle" too! I admt I don't know so much about the Chinese Signs, apart from the fact that I am the year of the Rooster!!! Hope the stuff abut the Pig Year works out well for you!
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@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I don't believe in astrology, but I think when you're born can impact your life in other ways. For one, what year you're born in determines a lot of what you'll experience in life, how old you'll be when certain events happen, how your parents will raise you, etc. The month can be significant, too. I was born at the tail end of November, right after Thanksgiving. Well, after that big of a holiday, and right when the Christmas season is getting into swing, nobody really wants to have or go to a birthday party, or buy more gifts on top of what they're already doing for Christmas. So my birthday often got overlooked, and I think this has influenced how I view myself- I tend to feel like I'm not very important, and sometimes I feel even invisible.
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• United States
9 Feb 07
You are not alone, my sister was born December 23 and my best friend was born December 31 and they both feel gyped out of all the celebrations that go along with having a birthday. Also I remember being in school and the kids that had their birthdays during the summer always missed out on passing out treats on their birthdays and having been special for one day.
@patootie (3592)
11 Feb 07
My sister was born on 20th December and was always annoyed at losing out by having a 'bigger' Birthday and Christmas present .. even now (at almost 60) she INSISTS on having seperate celebrations for her Birthday and Christmas .. and quite right too !!
@weemam (13372)
8 Feb 07
Personally pal , I don't think so . I think we are who we are and we just make our own luck as we go along , now hubby he thinks all our life is mapped out for us and we just follow the trail , so who can tell us really xx
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@patootie (3592)
11 Feb 07
I have often wondered about this .. I know being born in July made me one of the youngest in my class at school .. just a few weeks later and I would have been starting school a whole year later so I would have been the same age but one of the older children ... if you see what I mean Surely I would have leaned my lessons quicker and easier if my Birthday had been 'at the other end of the school year' .. then I was born asthmatic .. I wasn't laid down properly for 12 months .. always had to be propped up so I could breathe .. (did that stunt my growth I wonder?) .. when my doctor did his training 'asthma' was widely held to be only psychosomatic .. so he never ever treated me as if I had a 'real' illness .. but when did you ever hear of a day old child being able to 'bring on an asthma attack to get attention' ?? Ironically just a few miles away in the next county they understood asthma was a 'real' illness and treated kids accordingly .. had I been born there I would not have the weakened heart (got a murmur) and damaged lungs I have now .. In fact had I not been born to parents who never ever thought to question the doctor .. I wonder how different my life might have been .. But on the other hand .. had I been born in Peru, or Somalia, Timbuktu (just using those places purely as examples) or indeed MANY other places around the world I doubt I would have lived more than a few hours as in the 50's medical help was sketchy or non existent in many countries .. I think you are who you are .. we cannot go back and change things .. and I have always said I am glad I have the disabilities I have .. they make me who I am .. !
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
11 Feb 07
Thanks Toots! Thanks for sharing, appreciated, we have to be thankful for our lot in life and it could be worse!
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
8 Feb 07
None of this matters. Life is not about luck. You mean to tell me that you feel cursed because you were born at the wrong time? If that is how you are feeling, that is how your life will be; cursed. Thinking your life is cursed is nonsense. You can change your thinking and change your life. Quit worrying about when you were born and start thinking about the time you have right now. See yourself as being born at the perfect time where evrything you want for your life is attainable. Think about those things and appreciate the time you have right now. As long as you are focused on yesterday, you will continue to live in the wrong time, all because you think it is. You life is not better or worse, it just is. Your life can still be totally different from what it is now but you have to begin to creatively dream about it. Think about it and take action to make it so. Think about the things you do want to have happen, fell great that the are going to come true and take some kind of positive action to bring them into your world. Be thankful for what you have and the universe will gladly give you what you want. It is the law of attraction that gives you exactly what you get in life, good or bad as you perceive it. To attract good things into your life, you have to think about good things. Your life can be as good as you want it to be. So, dream big and dare to ask for what you truly want.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
8 Feb 07
Thank you very much for such all what you said makes perfect sense and I appreciate where you are coming from.
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• India
9 Feb 07
Every thing depend on your Birthday birthtime and name also.Our birthdate is also affected our life because stars or good luck are connected with all of these. But when it give you harm than you have pray to god and daily you have to go temple for your better work and for your goodluck also.
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@exchange (947)
• Australia
9 Feb 07
so you believe in horror-scopes you do know that the signs are more than 1 month out of date, dont you? therefore if horoscopes did work it would never work for you as you are reading the wrong date
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@plumwish07 (4057)
• Indonesia
9 Feb 07
hm, for me it doesnt affect much coz we dont know our own destiny should be till we already reach on there. Dear wolfie34, its better if we always do the best in and for our life :)
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
9 Feb 07
That is a good question! I think the answer would depend on if you believe in fate or destiny. If you do believe in one of those...then, yes, it would matter when you are born. It would change the whole thing because there would different people and events involved. Not saying that what you have done in your life now does not matter. Just that if you were to change the year or month you were born, it would have an effect on the way the world played around you. Had you been born years earlier or later, you would have grown up with different friends. You would have had different experiences with those friends that you learned to love or hate...and with those experiences, it has made you who you are today. Change as a person would be different...and your life would be different. Mind boggling at times, huh? LOL
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
8 Feb 07
You are looking for an answer to your life wows and this will not work, The reason I say this is because that was then and this is now, you can not go back and change anything, So why are you wasting your time and effort to explain The reason your life is a mess. Your best bet is to look at what is going on right now and deal with it, in the now. If you are in a bad relationship work on it now, if you are in a financial dump work to wards getting out. Excuses and reasons are not the answer, you doing the work is
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
8 Feb 07
Fair comment! Thank you for your response and welcome to Mylot.
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@ronpick (16)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
Yes, astrologically we do live life through guiding stars but it pays also to walk out of that disciplinary path and be adventurous while you're young as long that you still keep in mind that being a good citizen pays much,much more than anything else. investing your talent could get you so very far,doing things like writing here.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
I actually think that it won't. It might affect your astrology prediction, but in general life is always up and down anyway. I see that you are a Taurus Boar, a complete birth chart will help to find out your near future, if you believe it. I would say 2007 is your year, according to many predictions about Boar Year. Also my year because I am a bunny. No I never wish I am not a Leo. I wouldn't be this witty and nasty little girl if I'm not LOL
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@Lavera1 (896)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Stars don't destine your life. So don't order star charts for they're only lies and deception.
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@skydancer (2101)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I don't believe in horoscopes, tarot card readings, or anything of that sort - mostly because it always seems my "readings" do about the worst job describing my personality I could ever imagine (though when I put in my full birthdate, time, and location on the now defunct, it was pretty accurate surprisingly!) I do think a lot of things we do in life are affected by luck of timing and whether or not we are born into a time that appreciates and value what we're doing, especially when it comes to career and professional life. The people you are around throughout your life also play a role in terms of what sorts of influences they were and what ways they encouraged you. Though would I be the same PERSON with the same personality, aspirations, points of view, philosophies, and approach to life had I been born a different month, day, year, it is hard to say, and equally hard to say whether I would be "luckier" or more unlucky had I been born slightly later or earlier. For me, I wouldn't think a slight change in birth month and year wouldn't make much of a difference provided that all other variables in your life are the same. However, if you could have been born in another century, or even another decade, differences would probably be more significant.
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@Lavera1 (896)
• United States
9 Feb 07
No, stars can not effect you life. But if you believe they can then you're putting yourself in that fantasy. Stars have nothing to do with your birth. They're not intelligent beings and they are not gods. They can make nothing. The persons who write those horoscopes are dictating your destiny for you and you are agreeing with them about it. I read the horoscopes when I was a teen and I wished I'd never read them because nearly everything that was written about the so called sign I was born under was negative and that caused me to have negative opinions of myself. God told us not to worship His creation but to worship Him only. He's the truth the light and the way. So why follow a cloud of darkness when you should follow the Light.
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• Philippines
9 Feb 07
I don't believe in horoscopes or any of that kind. For me, we are the controllers of our life. We define what our life would be. We are the ones who choose what path to take. As what I've always believed in, everything is inevitable. Whatever happened in our lives is bound to happen. We may not know the reasons why but I believe that there is a purpose for those.
• United States
9 Feb 07
I don't know for sure. I don't read my horoscope regularly... but I have had my charts drawn, and I have read all the things they say a Pisces is and how they act, etc, etc. It really fits me. Especially when I read about Double Pisces (meaning that the moon and sun were both in Pisces when I was born) it fits me even more. I don't know. If I had been born a day later, sure my life could be better... it could be worse. While I agree that the descriptions I mentioned do describe me pretty well, I don't think that the stars rule our lives and make us who we are. Have you ever gone backwards and read a horoscope or your year forecast from the previous year? Does it fit? Usually not. I think we control our own destinies... and that who we are now and where we are at in our lives is the result of all of our past actions. On the other hand though, I do sometimes think I was born in the wrong decade. People tell me that all the time - that I should have been alive in the 40s or 60s.
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@Bbilal (1998)
8 Feb 07
No its not like that my date of birth never affect on rest of my life. I do not believe in horoscope amd all so I really don't know how much it is happening true OR not. No, do what you want but your fate will never change, there are some words I'd like to share with you guys ` Heavens from all his creature hides the book of fate` =) it means that you will suffer from the thing which is in your fate. No, according to me there will be no change in your fate as you will born after a year back or a month. Believe in God, He'll surely cure all your problems!
@turbogeek (121)
• India
9 Feb 07
Yeah it does. For example if you were born during the World War times your character,outlook,job and every such thing would have been different. If you were born in the BC times it would have been lot different... Well if you are saying about horoscope thing then I don;t believe in such things...
@rainsong7 (124)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
i think your life will be what you make of it...its all about what you believe to be true...personally i don't believe in "luck"...i believe everything happens for a reason...all our experiences shape us...and teach us..if we do not learn from a life will keep reoccuring until we do..astrology can be fun and may even have some credibility...but i certainly wouldn't dictate my life by the stars...the little voice inside yourself is a far better indicator of good direction...
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@che6ry (60)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
no... i dont believe it ....your life is in your hand and also in god your the one who make it work and your the one make your life move in the right path... its not a matter of date its a matter of how you will drive your life
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• United States
8 Feb 07
I think it does. According to the whole mathmatical way to find your magical number yourt birthdate determines. Im thinking that the time you were born does have an affect
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