caesarian delivery
By royceneri
@royceneri (13)
February 8, 2007 11:08pm CST
I am due on MAr 3, 2007. But as per my last ultrasound I can give birth anytime between today, February 9 and Mar 3. My baby's presentation is still in breech position, and my OB told me that as 38 weeks, there's a very little chance that she will move into cephalic position. Thus we are considering CS now. Can someone please tell me what to expect once I go under the knife? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
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28 responses
@breenjalf (34)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
i'm a student nurse here, i already had hands on with a casarean sectioon delivery, actualy my patient doesnt need to undergo CS but it was her personal choice because she was scared of the pain of a normal spontaneous delivery. the operation was about 15 minutes because there was no complications, all you need to do is relax. the painful part there is when they will introduce the anesthesia to you and the incision site will be quite painful after the anesthesia has no more effect, there's nothing to worry really as long as the surgeon is good and as long as you cooperate
@workingmom31 (42)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
I delivered my baby thru CS. Nothing to be afraid of. You will be given anesthesia so you wont feel anything. Operation would be very quick. After the operation, you will be wheeled to the Recovery room for a couple of hours then you will be transfered to your room. You will feel a little pain when the anesthesia wears off. Buy a good binder to protect the wound. You will be needing a lot of help & support from your husband too. Good luck & have a safe delivery. Always remember all the pain & fears will fade off once you see & cuddle your adorable baby :)
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@royceneri (13)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
hi workingmom31! yes you are right about cuddling and seeing your baby after all the pains and difficulties associated with pregnancy. And that is my motivation now. I'm no longer thinking about the pains and all, all I wish is for my baby to be healthy.
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@gendomingo (115)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
i agree with you workingmom31. i had my two kids thru CS too. there is nothing much too worry but most importantly pray for a safe delivery not only for yourself & the baby but for the doctors & the nurses that will be attending to you during the delivery. pray that they may be guided accordingly so that the processes will just go on quick, smooth & safe especially for you & the baby. pray for a healthy & fast recovery too.
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@akotalagato (1334)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
i gave birth to my son through a c-section. the advantage is that it is not that painful. when they give you a spinal anethesia thats about all thats painful. when my baby came out i was still hazy on the operating table but my ob let me see my baby to give him a kiss. then i was wheeled over to recovery and was put under lots of bright lights. when the anesthesia started wearing off i felt chilled and was shaking uncontrollably. i guess thats what all the bright lights are for. its like a huge incubator. the wound wasnt all that painful since you will be given painkillers and a binder for abdominal support. i was able to walk out of the hospital after 3 days of observation. some people walk out after 2 days. i had to stay an extra day becuase my ob wanted to make sure my blood pressure was stable. i underwent a c-section due to pre-eclampsia. but overall, everything went well and now my baby is 2 years old and healthy.
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@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
10 Feb 07
dont give up all hope yet i was on a dash to the hospital 350km away when me waters broke with my second baby due to the fact she was in a breech position by the time we reached the hospital(in record) time and the dr had arrived my little sweet pea had done a spin around so there is always plent of time and just get them to check again closer to the op date it can happen at anytime.good luck i wish you well and a resulting healthy bub soon
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@ethanmama (1745)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
Mine was an emergency Caesarian delivery. I labored for about 12 hours (induced) before we decided to go for the CS since my bag had been leaking for about 24 hours already and I was only 1 cm dilated after all that labor. I actually felt relief when I was given the epidural anesthesia. It was pretty quick. I was awake and I was able to see my baby when he got out. I was given a lot of painkillers so I was already out and about the next day.
@royceneri (13)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
12 hours of labor and then CS? Wow! I can't imagine how painful it was for you. I hope they will give me a lot of painkillers as well, so I can carry my baby right away.
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@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
9 Feb 07
You will be given a spinal or epidural in your back to numb you. Depending on the strength of it, you will be able to feel some parts of your body. Before this they shave you and hook you up to monitors and all that. When it time to go to the operating room, you'll be wheeled there and your coach person will be suited up somewhere else. Then you will be given meds to help you during the birth. Coach comes in, you are draped and arms are pulled out to sides. The drs will check to see where you are numb at. They poke you and you answer them. Then you get to know they are cutting, you feel pressure, but no pain. Then the drs will pull the baby out and you get to see it. After that the baby will be weighed and all that,, Apgar scores. Then the drs start to suction and then they start to close. After the surgery is done, you go to recovery. After recovey you go to your room and your baby. You'll have a catheter in, so when thats out you can walk. It hurts like hell, but walk, lots. It will help you heal faster. If you have a boppy pillow, it helps you hold the baby with less pain. If you nurse, its is a lifesaver.
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@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I've had 3 kids by cs by the way. One was an emergency and the other 2 were planned. It was all ok.
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@sillygirlsd (959)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I think some of the people are sugarcoating how a c-section really feels. I had an emergency csection. They gave me a spinal block. I couldn't feel anything. I thought I was having an allergic reaction. I wanted to get up but of course couldn't! It was hard breathing too. I kept telling the anesthesiologist that I couldn't breath he told me that's what its supposed to do. After the doc said i would feel a lot of pressure...that's when they were putting my intestines and liver back in(well i think that's what they were!) It took a few minutes to stop feeling the pressure. Then they transferred me to a clean bed. I was in the recovery room until I started feeling my toes(from the anesthesia). Then I was transferred to my room. I had the catheder in the whole time. That whole day I couldn't get up...It really hurts to get up when the anesthesia wears off and it's very uncomfortable. They gave me vicodin for the pain but that was not enough! I was a little better after about a week. I didn't need help getting in and out of the bathroom, bed, couch etc.... I had a good experiance at the hospital. I don't know how painful a natural birth is so I can't compare the two...I'm sure you'll do just fine...just expect the worst pain so then you won't be surprised...GOOD LUCK!!!
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@Sawsen (793)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Well, I had to do a last minute c-section as well. Because my daughter's head was somewhat crooked, so I also had to go under the knife. If you want the truth, I really didn't feel anything when they opened me up. I was too numbed out to feel it, so I doubt you'll feel any pain during the actual process. The real pain comes AFTER they open you up and close you back. It's a really hard two weeks or so, but after a while you wont feel anything. You will have a little scar, but that's about it. I think c-section is much easier than actual labor in terms of having the baby, but actual labor is easier than c-section in terms of AFTER having the baby. So I wouldn't be that worried if I were you, and try to take it easy after you have the c-section, because you wont be able to do a lot of moving for a few weeks.
@Shelite (212)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
I would say that everyone's experience is different. I had 3 CS's. The first two I could feel. I literally screamed through the whole thing. I mean it wasn't painful but I could feel a lot of the tugging and things I just shouldn't have felt. Make sure you take the time to talk with your anatheioligst(sp). The third child was a breeze. I was given more medication and was just so comfortable. Oh and one good little bit of advise make sure you have panties that go up to your belly button. lol. Don't want anything resting against your insision.
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@zannette (17)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
I had a caesarian delivery last Oct. 2004 for my fourth child. My first three kids were born through normal delivery but this fourth baby of mine is kinda small and moves a lot.
During my second month of pregnancy my OB found out that I have a low lying placenta and that the baby is on breech position. But when she turned seven months she turned into normal position until the nine month so I'm no longer expecting a CS delivery. But during the day when my water bag broke my she turned into breech position again and so I had my CS for my last baby.
For CS delivery prepare a binder (you need this after the operation) but nothing to be afraid of 'coz after a day you should try hard to stand up and walk a little. God bless you and your baby
@sripriya (450)
• United States
9 Feb 07
You need not be afraid of a CS.I have heard delivering baby thro' CS is more good for the baby than the normal delivery.You will not know anything during the operation.It will hurt a little after the operation but that is absolutely bearable.Best of luck.
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@melissa23569 (28)
• Australia
9 Feb 07
I had 2 Caesarian's one emergency due to labour failing to progress, the second was elective. I think one big disadvantage of a CS is recovery time and that you dont get the emediate contact with the bub, you have to wait until the surgeons are done and you get to either the recovery room or your room, depending on the hospital. I know another disadvantage of a CS especially your first CS is being sore and unable to move properly, even rolling over in bed is quite a task. All I can suggest for that is to try to get up and mobile as soon as you can and are allowed. I found I had more pain in the morning when I hadnt moved much during the night. As for advantages Im not really sure there are any the only one would be that if you are having complications you and your baby arent going to be in an danger by trying a natural birth
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@Mamaof2 (574)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
I have never had a C Section (delivered natural with both kids) but I do know that after having this procedure it does take alot longer to recover. I have had a few friends that had complications due to my advice to you would to be just take it easy, dont do or lift to much and keep your incision clean as there is chance of infection..which you do not want. Good luck with everything.
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@blueskies (1186)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Both of my babies were born via c-section because both were 2 wks overdue and refused to drop. Stubborn babies!
Anyway, they will first take you in and prep you for surgery. They will wash and disinfect your belly and insert an IV and a catheter.
I'm assuming you will have an epidural. The epidural is nowhere as scary as it seems. They will give you local anasthetic with a small needle, them ask you to lean forward and hold still while they insert the epidural. You'll just feel a lot of pressure, it doesn't hurt. You may already be in the operating room when they do this, if not, they will take you there shortly after administering the epidural.
In the operating room, you'll be transferred to the operating table and hooked up to various monitors, as well as oxygen. They will then start the c-section. You should not feel any pain, just pressure as they manipulate your body.
Once the baby is born, they will show him/her to you and then wisk her away to be cared for. They'll finish up the c-section, then take you to the recovery room where you will probably sleep for a little while.
Both of my c-sections were done by a vertical incision, so my recovery was a little more difficult than the bikini-cut versions. I was able to get out of bed the next day and the catheter was removed. It took several days to get my strength back, but I was able to care for my babies with no trouble.
Good luck and congratulations :)
@adhamelgen (23)
• Egypt
9 Feb 07
well, I have gone through this twice. It is not as bad as you think.The only bad thing is that you are not able to move freely for at least a week and you may feel dizzy for few days but you wont feel anything during the operation.
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@yaneeps (122)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
i had an emergency c-section. i was supposed to have a normal delivery but the baby was oblique-lying and i was already in active labor. there was no chance that he'll move in the right position. i was awake the whole time they were opening me up, but i couldn't see anything (like in the tv, they put a blanket so you couldn't see what they were doing). they took the baby out in just 15-20 minutes, but it took them more than an hour to sew me back. it also took me more than 2 hours in the recovery room before they finally hauled me to my room. after that, i had to make sure that i could walk immediately (after 24 hours) so that i could see the baby in the nursery. they didnt bring me my baby bec they had to give him some tests due to cs. and i couldnt move much because the wound must heal first. anyway, at least i didn't experience the labor pains much. i hope you have a safe delivery, whether normal or cs.
@TheKristoffersens (200)
• Denmark
9 Feb 07
I had the same problem. Baby did not turn and had to decide wether I wanted to do it normal way or CS. I just asked my OB what would be the difference, and when he told me the baby could get stuck and there would be more risk for him to try delivering the normal way, I made up my mind. A CS is also an operation, and it comes with its risks too, like any other surgery, but this is not just about your health this one so this is basically why I chose the CS. It went great, no pain during the surgery, just a very wierd feeling to see the lower part of your body move when they take the baby out (in my cas they had to push him a little bit or something lik that) but it was actually funny feeling... the only thing I remember that was not so great, is the hour after delivery that I had to spend alone in the waking up recovery room (not sure what they call it) anyway, I knew my baby was ok, but I just could not wait to see him again! Pain gets a little bad after the anesthesia is over, but I guess you can get some painkillers. You get contractions and it kind of hurts because they just opened up your uterus so it is not such a nice feeling, but your new born baby will compensate so much for it all! A tip, from my part I wanted to get up as fast as possible, just to get it over with, and I think that was a good idea, coz from the next day I could already go to the bathroom myself, and help with my baby´s bath and changing.
Anyway, do not worry more, you are about to get so lucky!
All the best !
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@ScottTheGR81 (76)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I am atwin and we were born by way of C Section, our Mom's water broke 2 months early, we were each 2lbs. 2oz.