Why can't schools treat all children fairly these days?? Racism sucks!!!!
By lifeis2good
@lifeis2good (1183)
United States
February 9, 2007 9:48am CST
This is long to read so just bear with me and I think you will see the point here!!!!
Here's a letter that was recently sent home by an employee at Wylie High School in North Texas. This letter was never approved by the principal before it was sent home with the student. How does this make you feel?? How would you react if your child was sent home with a letter like this??
I think it's truly disgusting!!!! Here's what the actual letter said:
Good Morning Young Black Men & Women!!! Hopefully as you see these words in print, you will have a better understanding of the reality that I'm trying to bring to your attention.
The black population here at the High School has been steadily growing for the last 4 years. I personally think it's great if only for the reason that more of you will get the opportunity of a better education...more so than other kids in surrounding areas. The resources here are phenomenal; there is no reason or excuse for a student not to succeed other than laziness or lack of sight for the future.
You individually and collectively are the future parents, professionals, practitioners and continuation of your race and culture. The choices you make today, can affect the way future Black students will be viewed and judged here in Wylie. Of course that's not fair; but life isn't!!! What a legacy you will leave for them if you continue to choose to make inappropraite choices.
If you were hungry or thirsty, then why did you not seek me or someone else that you know. Some of you are of the attitude that "No Badge or Authority Figure is gonna tell me what do"!!! Well to that I say "Good Luck"!!!! Unless you plan on living on the moon or somewhere outside of planet earth, wherever you go or wherever you live in your lifetime, there will be badges and authority figures!!! Unless you plan on working for yourself or becoming rich overnight, you will always have to answer to someone. You yourself at one point in your life may be one of those authority figures - remember that!!!!
Some adults from other races expect for you to screw up...don't give them the satisfaction of being right!!!!! Prove them wrong remember, in life you can do whatever you want to - just be willing to deal with the consequence!!! Consequences can be good or bad; that's entirely up to you and the choices you make!!
Young Black Men...with your pants SAGGIN - write that words backwards...you play right into the hands of those that see you as that!!!!! Do you even know where that style originated??? Well, here is Lesson 101 on SAGGIN. It started in Prison!! The way the other prisoners could see that you were spoken for was by the SAGGIN pants!!! It was not hard to do because prisoner's pants hung off their hips anyway, as they were not given belts!!! So those that were spoken for, taken, someone's B, just hung their pants a little lower!!! Is that really the message you want to send to others...that you are spoken for by another Man?? You never know when you will come across an ex-con who has had to sag against his free will; and now wants someone to pay for what he had to endure!!!! Do you see the possibility of you getting hurt???
If you would like to talk to me about any of this stuff, I am always here to listen!!!!
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5 responses
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
10 Feb 07
This was well worth the long read. I cannot believe that anyone in a position of teaching children would have the nerve to say these things, much less to put them in writing! Of course it wasn't approved by the principal or the school board! I do hope that the teacher's employment is terminated. Even IF she were to argue that she was trying to help and had good intentions, this is written proof that she is unable to follow rules and policies (by getting the letter approved) and that she has some underlying racism that needs to be addressed.
This child and his family, as well as anyone else who received this letter, should be fuming mad. I would be right down there to talk and make them listen, you can be sure of that!
Talk about trying to set kids up for failure! It seems as if we take one step forward with this issue in the U.S.and then something like this sets us back 10 steps again. I can't tell you how many white and Hispanic kids, as well as black kids, who walk around my city with SAGGIN pants and all of the other atrocities that kids come up with. None of them are race-specific; it's just a kid thing. As for the behavior, I'm sure that just as many white kids as black kids are in the principals office daily because of mouthing off to authorities or other discipline problems. This type of letter and opinion on the part of the faculty only fuels the smoldering fires of racism that already exist. In order to eliminate it, we have to start by setting a good example and treating all people as human beings, not colors.
Please keep us posted on how this turns out!
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@lifeis2good (1183)
• United States
12 Feb 07
You hit so many points on this one!!! It's such a shame that we have to have things like this happening in schools these days!!! Thank Goodness it wasn't in one of my kids's schools - otherwise - they would have gotten an earful from me!!!
The principal said that this employee has been dealt with although they won't say how!!!!
The story is crossing different sides now - as the principal says he's never seen the letter before until this child's parents contacted him about it - but the employee says that she's given it out to other students as well!!!
The principal was interviewed by the news but the employee has stated that she doesn't want to be interviewed about it - gee I wonder why?? She did tell the news that she is biracial - said she's half white and half african-american. Other people from that town say she's actually Jamaican.
Other things being stated are some people say she's the head of detention at the school - and other people say she's just an aide at the school.
I did find it totally disgusting by the news reporters to have shown this child's picture as well as give his full name out to the world!!!! So now he has additional crap to deal with!!!!
The child's father was interviewed by the news and totally agreed that his son should have been disciplined according to the dress code rules - which is that you get a detention - and that he should never have been sent home with this letter. He said his son is really suffering from this!!
The family has hired an attorney - but they are not suing the School District - they just want this to be made right - by the employee apoligizing to the child & his family as well as the school district - applying sensitivity training to anyone in the district who deals with students!!!! They are not seeking any monetary damages or anything like that!!!
And I have visited the local community message board for this city and there is currently an uproar between citizens who said that the dress code in that city has really aggrivated so many families!!! Lots of people have moved their kids from this school district to another one because they said it seemed like the district is more concerned with how students dress than actually concentrating on educating the students!!!!
That's what I know for now!!!!
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I want to know why a story like this one is not being featured on CNN and FOX news? We were just discussing this earlier; why is it that the news stations are so caught up with Britney and Anna Nicole that real news and issues are being swept under the rug? Whether or not a has-been celebrity shaves their head is not important, yet racism is one of the biggest issues and challenges facing the U.S. and the world today! I think that anyone who is involved with the education system in any way should be required to take trainings in cultural diversity and sensitivity, and that the school districts should have a zero-tolerance policy for employees displaying any racist attitudes towards the students or other employees. As adults, it is our responsibility to set an example for children so that they do not grow up to be racist bigots themselves.
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@lifeis2good (1183)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Oh you so hit it right on the nose!!!! I think it's total crap to see all this junk about celebs - I mean really who gives a shi.!!!!! I could really careless about any & all celebs - they get paid way too much and aren't worth what they earn!!!
This is a topic that should most definitely gain news but alas things like this just seem to fade into the dark!!! It's really like the news reporters think we care more about celebs doing things that what's going on in the real world!!!!!
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
9 Feb 07
"If you would like to talk to me about any of this stuff, I am always here to listen!!!!"
It is clear that the man has good intentions, even if he did make a bad choice of words.
I would take this man up on his offer in his last sentence. You could have a serious conversation and explain to him how what he had to say is offensive. I'm betting he does not even know.
Understanding can begin with dialogue. He has made the first step, your turn.
@lifeis2good (1183)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I see your point - I just think that this person should first of all had the letter approved by the principal before sending it home with that student!!! And the parents of this student are dealing with it - they are just trying figure out the best way to do so since their child came home really upset and he's a really good student with all A's & B's - has never been in trouble before.
Guess we will just have to wait and see how this plays out - I know I will be watching our local news to see the progress!!!
@lifeis2good (1183)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Well you are so right about that - this employee is being dealt with by the school district as to whether they will keep their job or not - we shall see!!
You bet if this did happen at a school that my children go to then I would definitely be right up there at the school discussing this matter. But this is at another school district that is very close to our area!!!
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Undoubtly, the writer of this letter has put his job at risk. I do hope you go to see him. He does care, he just needs direction. This is your chance to help your school. Cost to you? Zero. Opportunity to make a difference? Limitless.
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@jal1948 (1359)
• India
12 Feb 07
the point made in theletter is that life is not fair and thats very true one is always fighting against odds and more so if you are a black all should be thaught that we are all human beings before we are blacks or whites,
@lifeis2good (1183)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Yes you are correct - we are all human beings and should all be thought of that way instead of throwing the race card into the picture where it really doesn't belong these days!
@varunshah_99 (301)
• India
9 Feb 07
If this is reality then its true that racism have reached its heights.. One has to do something to curb it and we are the only people who can do it by critisizing it.. Even we Indians face the same thing when we go to some other white countries...
@lifeis2good (1183)
• United States
9 Feb 07
You are so right - racism sure has reached it's heights!!! It's really sad to think that these days we still have the wrong people working in our schools and teaching our children!!! This to me only spreads bad vibes around and doesn't teach kids that no matter what race you are - everyone really should be accepted and dealt with in a humane way!!!!
@princesszee (28)
• United States
13 Feb 07
Oh my Gosh, I can't believe this is real. Or, rather, I don't want to believe this is real. How terribly sad that someone actually thought this letter was appropriate. I would have been in that principal's office the next morning, let me tell you.
@lifeis2good (1183)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I know the feeling when I caught this story on the news I was in total shock!!!! You would think that by now the school districts would have a handle on how to deal with students appropriately but alas - it never seems to fail as we see things like this happen!!!
And I am so with you - you bet I would have been right up there if this was a school that my kids went to!!! Such a shame!!!!