The Ultimate Success Formula

United States
February 9, 2007 11:52am CST
Tell me what you think 1.Decide what you want. Be very clear on it. A statement like I want alot of money is not clear enough. You have really define what you wnat 2. Find out what you have to do to get what you wnat. Take action 3. Be aware if what you are doing is getting you closer or further away from your goal. If what you are doing is not working change what you are doing intil you find out what works. Be not afraid of appearing foolish. This will bring anything you want into your life. These are steps from tony Robbins book. Unlimited Power. In this book he use the example of a plane flying to an destination very rarely does it fly straight to it. It has to adjust its course many times on its way. So what do you think
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