So tell me What do you think of my site

United States
February 9, 2007 1:10pm CST
Hi I have bought a new template for my flash aracede. Please give me feedback Address is Thanks for your time
2 responses
@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
9 Feb 07
I'll start if you do not give me negative rating. Please do not give it as it takes time to make an honest review of any website. 1. Page Title phpArcadeScript v3.0 - sounds silly. 2. Left aligned top banner is just not good. 3. No Logo. 4. Too much Adverts on Home page. 5. No footer or contact us link. 7. Work on Layout and Design, it should be more professional. 8. Blank spaces in the top-center position do not look good. You have to work on this site for some more time. As I'm not that interested about games, so, just can't comment about the contents. Hopefully this will help you a lot to improve.
• United States
9 Feb 07
Thanks for your feed back. Kinda of silly to rate ya down when I asked for feedback
• Indonesia
10 Feb 07
your color scheme is too simple, and there is no graphic especially at the header. And if wish i can it for you it just $5 in egold. for example look my blog, the header of my blog was created by my self :