What gross things have you found in your food? (Hopefully not a finger!)
By shywolf
@shywolf (4514)
United States
February 9, 2007 1:23pm CST
German police are currently investigating a case where a man bit into his chocolate bar and found.. a finger. Ewww. You hear stories like this every so often. Thankfully, the worst thing that I've ever found in my food was once when a friend and I bought some candy bars from a local salvage store, and i opened mine up to find bugs swarming all over it. Thankfully, I saw this before I took a bite! *laugh*
What is the worst/grossest/most interesting thing you've ever found in your food?
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47 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
10 Feb 07
The worse or only thing I have ever found has been hair. It's bad enough, but I am glad nothing else beside this. A finger would be enough to keep me from eating ever, YUCK!
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@sunshinecup (7871)
10 Feb 07
LOL, I meant to say keep me from eating chocolate ever.
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@sasklily (240)
• Canada
10 Feb 07
About forty years ago, as a new wife and mother, I bought a can of spinach. When I opened the can, there lay a big, light green worm!
Needless to say, I was horrified and have never been able to buy a can of spinach since.
And I'm never going to, lol.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Wow! I'm sure that if you had found a finger in a chocolate bar, you would also have been put off of chocolate bars for the rest of your life, eh? I don't blame you for never wanting to buy a can of spinach again. That's pretty gross, finding a big worm right there in the can when you openeed it.
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
10 Feb 07
How gross! A finger? Doesn't it seem as if whoever lost it would have notified someone and they could have stopped production? That would certainly cure my addiction to chocolate in a hurry! Fortunately, I've never really found anything gross in food that I've bought or had in a restaurant, other than occasionally opening a package and finding mold, which is gross. I remember buying Parmesan cheese in the cardboard container once because they were out of fresh grated Parmesan. I never buy the packaged stuff, but I needed it. When I opened it, it was all moldy. Mold freaks me out- it's one of the ugliest things to look at.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Feb 07
You're right - you sure would think that whoever lost that finger coudln't have *not* known it, lol, and that they would have stopped the production line. Maybe they were too embarrassed to say anything? Or maybe they were in too much pain. Maybe they tried to look for it and couldn't find it? But then you'd think that they would have just thrown out that day's product in order to be safe. I guess not!
I agree that mold is gross. It doesn't freak me out, but it tastes horrible. I have accidentally eaten some slightly moldy things a time or two, and boy it wasn't fun, and then I was afraid that I might get sick. I guess I shouldn't worry, since penicillin is created from mold, lol.. but it was hard not to freak out knowing that I'd eaten something that had mold on it!
@angelashupe (343)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I heard about that. ICK! It's almost enough to keep my from every thinking about eatting chocolate again.
The grossest thing found in food, was found by my mom. She bit into a cresant and found maggots. She was so grossed out, she didn't eat another one until after quite a few years.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Oh Angela, your story is one of the worst I've read yet! Maggots - I don't know why - but they are just simply one of the most disgusting creatures I can ever imagine finding in one's food or drink. Just the very word 'Maggots' is sort of creepy, don't you think? Whoever gave maggots the name 'maggots' really knew what they were doing. The very word conjures up such disgusting images! I'm so sorry that that happened to your mother! I don't know if I ever would have felt able to eat a crescant again if I had been her!
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
10 Feb 07
OMG No I never found a finger in anything I eat. I found hair in my food once, it was a take out. They also missed an order that I paid already, so I called them and told them they missed two orders (because I couldn't eat the food after finding that piece of hair in it). So I had two orders delivered again and this time they're OK LOL
@hellsangelus (670)
• Oman
10 Feb 07
the worst thing ive found in my food is hair but ive found it so often that im quite used to it now. im so fed up that nowadays when i do find hair i just remove the portion of the food with the hair in it and eat the rest.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Gosh, I'm sorry that you find hair in your food so often! I don't blame you one bit for getting so fed up with the whole thing that you don't complain anymore, and just take out the portion of the food with the hair in it and carry on eating. To be honest, I would probably do the same. If i found a bug I would want to tell the management, if i could. But if i just found a hair, I would probably do like you do and carry on with my meal. It's pretty gross, but there are worse things. I just wish that it didnt happen to you so often!
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
10 Feb 07
for me the worst ever was in a windfall apple, i found half a wasp after taking a big bight, ohhhhhh i can still feel my revulsion now 30 years later lol
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Ugh, I can't stand wasps! Just the idea of finding one anywhere is bad enough - but finding half of one after taking a big bite of an apple is especially disgusting! No wonder you can still feel the feelings that you felt that day, to this day. I'm sorry that it was such a traumatic experience! I can totally understand why. I hope that nothing like it ever happens to you again! ^_^
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@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
10 Feb 07
when i was little me and my mom went to kfc and in our bucket of chicken their was a rat.needless to say we never went back there again.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Chiquita, that's the first story that I've heard of where someone found a rodent in their food. I would never have wanted to go back to KFC either if I found a rat in my bucket of chicken! That is _really_ unsanitary. Rats and other rodents carry all sorts of really bad diseases. My goodness. You're making me wonder if I should avoid KFC's chicken buckets for life, lol!
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Feb 07
LOL about what you said about how if it would have been tequila, at least you would expect a worm, lol! I'm sorry that you found that worm at the bottom of your aunt and uncle's homemade cider. Ew, that's pretty gross! But at least I can see more of how it might have happened, since it was homemade stuff. And I guess that the worm must've been in the apple to begin with, so really there's no reason that it couldn't have also happened with commercially made apple cider.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Yuck. that must have been a big candy bar. If it is true, he will get alot of money from this.No more candy bars for me this week. LOL
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Anne, I don't blame you for not feeling like eating any more candy bars for a week after reading this story. I might have felt put off myself if I were able to eat candy in the first place anymore, but I can't because of the sugar. Still, it's awfully gross to think about someone finding a finger in any food. But I can't stay away from all food, lol! So I'll just have to be careful about what I bite into before I eat it, lol! That way I won't be totally shocked if something is lurking in my food! lol.
@biwasaki (1745)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I've never had this experience...thank goodness...but its happened to both my parents. My dad ordered a pizza and had taken a few bites when he found a band-aid in it. He took it over to the management, and they refunded his money and gave him a credit for another large pizza on his next visit. Needless to say, he never ate there again.
My mom and I were at a nice sit down restaurant and she ordered cabbage soup as an appetizer. She was just about to take her first bite when she noticed a little caterpillar curled up on the leaf. Management was notified and we got a free dinner.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Feb 07
It's nice to know that both establishments offered you free food when they found out what had happened! I know that they almost have to do so, but it's still comforting to know that they did.
Finding a band-aid in anything is just plain disgusting, if it's been used.. and I can't imagine finding a non-used one in food, lol! So I can see why your dad never ate at that pizza restaurant again. I would have probably used the credit for another free pizza, though. I would have just
checked it carefully for band aids first! *laugh*
Just the way that you described that caterpillar curled up on the leaf made me go aww! I know that it was disgusting to find it there at the time, but your description made me picture something cute! LOL ^_^ Anyway, I'm glad that you got a free dinner out of it! ^_^
@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I must go and count my blessings because the worst thing I have ever seen in any of my food has been a hair which I personally think is gross but not as bad as this or the other one with the roasted cockroach ouch ...!!! thats not just gross but nasty ...yikes
I can handle a gnat in my tea glass ... you never even taste that ...lol
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Feb 07
LOL! A gnat you might not even see. You would probably just drink it and never even realize, they're so small! I'm sure that I've ingested a few tiny bugs and never known it, as gross as the thought may be! LOL.
I'm glad that the worst thing you have found in your food so far was a hair. I don't find that that disgusting, personally, although it certainly doesn't seem really sanitary. I hope that a hair is the worst thing that you ever do run across in your meals and drinks!
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Ow, thats a rough one. You'd think if someone lost a finger they'd get it out of the vat. Worst thing I've spoted was a roach. I've eaten several things most people would consider gross. Mudball chicken, roast seagull, grilled porcupine to name a few.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Uath, I'm really curious about those meals that you've had that a lot of people might consider gross. I've never heard of Mudball chicken! What's that like? I actually don't think that roast seagull sounds very disgusting, not that I had ever considered eating a seagull, period, until reading what you wrote here *laugh* But grilled porcupine, wow! I wonder how long it would take to remove all the quills before grilling it? Because I can't imagine that you could eat the quills! *laugh*
@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
10 Feb 07
ewww! That is horrible! How does a finger end up in a chocolate bar?? Nevermind I don't really need to know the answer to that question. One time I bought a packaged sub and while eating it I found a rock in it! I phoned the company to lodge a complaint and the next day they delivered free subs to everyone I worked with. I thought that was very nice of them, and all of the free subs were rock-free too, lol
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Feb 07
LOL! That's the first time that I can remember hearing about someone finding a rock in their food. How big of a rock was it? I'm guessing that it wasn't just a little one, from the way that you're talking. It's really amazingly cool that the sub company delivered free subs to your entire workplace, or at least the people that you worked with! Wow! That's the best story that I've heard yet about getting free food out of a deal like this! Cool! ^_^
@stvasile (7306)
• Romania
10 Feb 07
The grossest thing I ever found in my food was a moth.
The soup bowl was outside to cool-off and a moth must have fallen in. The soup was hot so it killed the moth, but its soaked wings were transparent so I didn't see it. I realized there's something wrong when it got in my mouth, because it was so big (about 1 inch long)...Lucky I didn't chew on it...
@blogyourself (1577)
• United States
12 Feb 07
So gross. lol This didn't happen to me, but to a friend. He bit into a twinkie...and there was a fingernail in it. To this day makes me gag just thinking about it. Thanks for bringing up a bad memory ;)
@yanjiaren (9031)
9 Feb 07
i have eaten a roasted cochroach in chicken and every time i see one of the blasted things i cringe..i do not like the little b-------gers lol...
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Ew! It seems like a lot of people have found cockroaches in their food. How strange that I cannot remember ever doing so, even though when I was younger we had a really hard time getting roaches out of our house. We have a nice house, but it's old, and sometimes we do get bugs. Mostly spiders, now, which as far as I'm concerned is far worse than a few roaches, lol! But we used to get roaches every year. They honestly never bothered me that much, I was so used to them, lol! But I never saw one in my food - thankfully! ^_^
@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Ewww, a finger in the chocolate bar. That's smiliar to the Wendy's fast food chain. A women put a finger in her chili to try and get money from suing. But she was caught and charged. I think the most gross thing was a hair. But I have heard of one women finding a bloody bandaid in her McDonalds french fries.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I think that a bloody bandaid would be a truly disgusting thing to find anywhere, let alone in one's food! Yuck! lol.
I remember that Wendy's story. I couldn't believe the lengths that someone would go to in order to try to get money. I mean, it's one thing suing over little things that actually happened - that can be bad enough, if it's a silly case - but to put a finger _into_ her food in order to try to win some money by suing the fast food chain? That's really crazy. I feel sorry for anyone who would go that far. I need money, believe me, but I would never do something like that! LOL.
@crickethear (1417)
• United States
12 Feb 07
The grossest thing I ever found in my food was a cockroach. By the way, it was still alive.