I Love GOD! i love Christians, Muslims n Jews! but i hate atheists!

@soadnot (1606)
February 9, 2007 1:48pm CST
Don't you LOVE god? Don't you Love Christians? What about Muslims? What about Jews? I love what they believe in! Do you? isn't it great when you don't question anything about life? isn't ignorance the best thing ever? I love blindly going through life with my artificial answer, don't you? Oh, but i hate atheists, they make life so hard. They question my beliefs and ask me to prove it! I hate thinking for my own. I hate debating about these things because ultimately i loose! Thats why i love giving low ratings to these atheists because I cant fight them, so i will take the easy way out! Do you agree?
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68 responses
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
9 Feb 07
You're assuming - even if it's simply in tongue-and-cheek fashion - that everyone who's devout doesn't question their beliefs. There's a big, big difference between those who accept dogma blindly and those who come to it through years of study, soul searching and reading between the lines. Dude, you really need to drop this martyr complex. Just accept your lumps, suck it up, and move on. It's what the rest of us do.
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
well, it seems like every1 here is like that. i have religious friends who i argue with all the time, we are all in philosophy class, and we have a great time arguing, but we know that when we are fighting that our beliefs/lack of beliefs is different from our friendship. Debating is has made our civilization so advanced..
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• United States
9 Feb 07
How is being a jerk and posting something like this at all in the spirit of debating? All this does is make you look immature and as though you're desperate for attention and validation. And you can't seem to accept the idea that maybe, just maybe, people are taking offense to your tone and wording rather than your opinions. I post unpopular opinions all the time. I post things that upset people. And yet, despite that, I still have a high rating. The same with dozens upon dozens of members of this site. Debating on an open forum with thousands of people of different ages, backgrounds and cultural upbringing is a lot different than debating in a controlled environment. These people aren't your friends. These people know nothing about you save for how you present yourself. If you present yourself as being argumentative, close-minded and unable to handle opposing views - whether you can or not, I'm not saying that you are these things, just that your posts come across that way - then people will react to that. Not to what you say, but how you say it and how you present it. I'm honestly trying to give you helpful advise here.
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
arguing is part of debating, is it not? being aggressive can be apart of debating, many people debate in this way. If people cannot handle aggressiveness, they should move on and not argue with someone they cant handle so, when they cant handle it, all they can do is give bad ratings..and that is basically chickening out. aggressiveness is not necessarily a bad thing, it just means that you are more determined to "win" the debate, or get the better points across.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I'm a Christian and as a Christian, I am not supposed to hate anyone...even the most wicked. Jesus commanded us to love one another as He has loved us. He didn't say to love those that love us or are just like us. We are to pray for our enemies and do good to those who hurt/wrong us.
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27 Jul 08
No, someone WROTE DOWN that Jesus commanded us to love one another. That doesn't make it true. I could write down that God wants us to eat half a brick every Tuesday, that doesn't make it true. God (if it exists) is not the problem. Dogma is.
@not4me (1711)
• United States
9 Feb 07
That's like talking out of both sides of your mouth. If you believe in God, no matter what the religion, is it okay to hate people? Is that not the opposite of the teachings? I don't understand how someone who loves and believes in God can hate anyone.
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@not4me (1711)
• United States
9 Feb 07
And how the heck did I escape this discussion without mentioning that I'm atheist. I'm all about a healthy debate now and then but one thing you will never do is catch me doing is pushing my beliefs on anyone else. My oldest daughter, who is old enough to decide for herself considers herself a Christian and I'm fine with that. I've taught her a little about every religion that I know a little something about and even told her that not all people believe in a god. She understands but still made the choice on her own. The biggest lesson I've taught her is not to hate or make fun of others for their general appearance or religious beliefs.
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• Qatar
9 Feb 07
WE should love humans, there should be no racism i liked ur comment
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• India
9 Feb 07
i am a hindu and have full faith in god. i love everything that god has created. he is the creator of this universe. he created u and me as well as those who does not believe in him. so i cannot afford to hate them as well. their minds are designed in that way by god himself. they are just doing what the almighty wants them to do. please do not hate them out of no reason.
• United States
10 Feb 07
No. I do not agree. First of all, we are commanded in the BIble to Love all. Even atheists. Although they do not agree with us, we can pray for them. And we are not to debate, rather share, give our opinions. You are not judge or condenm. And you are not to fight. Study the Word of God. So when the time comes, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and show you how to respond.
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• Canada
11 Feb 07
@PoeTalker (715)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Ahaha! You just told me about 5 minutes ago that you weren't going to make anymore controversial posts! Liar, Liar Pants on fire!!! You are about to get some more '-' from some people!!! Alright, I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion and in all honesty I think everyone is just as bad. I am a christian and half the christians I know are just looney. I don't hate or love any of the above for any specific reason. I know that the bible says that god wants us to worship ONLY him and so we should convert people into the friendly ways of the Christian church... but that was thousands of years ago when no one knew of christ. Now that everyone knows it's their own choice and not mine to put onto people. Hmm... I got a little side tracked. All I'm saying is people are people and they have chosen what they want. I only judge them for what they do with their lives and how they treat me.
2 people like this
• United States
9 Feb 07
Ahh it's alright, just because you got spots doesn't mean you can't have stripes too. You might not get that... hmm...
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
lol..its my lost one i promise!
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• India
25 Jul 08
@Poe-you are absolutely right!! couldn't agree with you more. and for that u are going mto get a "+" from me @soda- or whatever your name is- you are simply a sadistic basta** with no respect for others.
@moreinfo (3865)
• China
10 Feb 07
did god teach us to hate?
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• Australia
10 Feb 07
Definitely not! God taught us to love. I have found atheists to be more tolerant and open to honest, courteous and intelligent discussions than any others here on myLot.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
10 Feb 07
so are you actually serious or are you being sarcastic?? because i'm sitting here laughing at this post not knowing how to really answer it. should i take it seriously and answer it seriously? or should i just laugh it off thinking that you're just making a statment. whatevers...but good luck too you!
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
9 Feb 07
don't hate them just pray for them. That is all you and I can do. I am a christian myself. It's up to a atheist to see the truth and hopefully one day they will.
• India
25 Jul 08
EVERY ATHEIST HERE: please report this discussion as abuse. EVERY NON-ATHEIST HERE: i fully respect your beliefs. i was once a believer myself..the biggest in my community. and i have nothing against you if u believe in God...any God. but all we ask of you is to respect us right back. you don't speak ill of us, we don't speak ill of you.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
25 Jul 08
No problem with me myself. With atheists. If you don't belive in God that is your choice. I just hope one day you will see things differntly.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
10 Feb 07
You are not suppose to hate anyone. Even if they don't believe in God at all. How are you showing what you so called preach if you are showing hatred towards people that don't believe in God. Also people are going to remember you flat out stating that you give atheists a low rating just because they are atheists. Don't get upset when your earnings drop and your rating as well.
@soul0629 (94)
• United States
10 Feb 07
How could you love god and yet hate others? Bible teaches us to be a tolerate and loving person. It also teaches us to be more Chrislike. Have you tried to undertand others before making a judgement?
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@pilbara (1436)
• Australia
9 Feb 07
What I think is that your post reeks of sarcasm.
@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
haha...i learned it from Steven Colbert.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
10 Feb 07
You know there's plenty of ways to start debates without strting arguments..or being a jerk. Mind, you're entitled to your opinion. That's okay. But..in my honest opinion the above post is kinda insulting. I'm not an athiest, I'm a pagan but still..religious people and athiests can be great people..it's unfair to lump all people into one category. Personally I really dislike people who don't stop and think about their own beliefs and prefer to blindly follow some words in a book. It's idiotic to me. It's like what my Mom always asked me "If someone told you to jump off a bridge would you do it?" just because someone tells you to do something you shouldn't just do it..just because some book tells you this God's the one and only you shouldn't just believe it..you should study, and think, and deduce until you can form an honest informed opinion about it. Thinking's good for you..people who don't think are often the first ones to die in a crisis, that's just a fact. Anyway..for the rest of your questions..I love the christian religion, the muslim one's especially easy. I love the good ones of each batch of those religions..but I dislike the blind sheep, the extremists who kill people or cause people trouble all in the name of their religion, Jews are fascinating, so are atheists..in their lack of belief..they believe in nothing..but that's still believing all the same. Religion period is intresting, beautiful at most times..but in the wrong hands..*shakes my head* Religion could end the world on a whim if enough bad people took ahold of it. And ignorance is just one step below the bad people to me. But that's me..I have a very low tolerance for stupidity. You can hate debating, and you can hate what others' think..but that's no reason to stop thinking. Ignorance IS bliss at times..but what would you prefer, a short life because you weren't smart enough, or a long life because you had the knowledge to keep you alive? Anyway, sorry if I make you question your beliefs. But the popular and fun thing isn't always what's good for you, the things that make you grow as a person are often painful. Deal with it, and grow up..life's full of it.
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• United States
10 Feb 07
my Goddess that's a monster of a typo..the sentance should be "the muslim's religion's especially interesting"*
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• Canada
10 Feb 07
well sorry to say, but i consider myself atheists! i dont belive in god, but i dont question other ppl about why they do, my thing is, belive wat you want, i got my reasons for not beliveing, i dont try to make you not belive, so dont try to make me belive, plain and simple, i dont question life, i dont question beliefs, i live my life the way i wanna, you live yours!!
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@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
10 Feb 07
I love god and Jesus Christ but since God dosn't hate athiests, neither do I.(God dosn't hate anybody)
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@chavezrmc (6095)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
Don't hate anyone! God commanded Love your enemies. If they question you, answer them what you believe. Tell them to respect your opinions and that you should do the same thing with them. We always have different views in life that is a fact. What we can do to make relationship better for everyone is to accept and understand their beliefs even they don't do to yours. Surely you can't change them, but you can change your attitude towards them. So don't debate much, i will highly suggest that you just share to them your opinions and views and you will never loose. Good luck! God bless!
• United States
10 Feb 07
I don't hate any group of people and I don't believe anyone should, regardless of whether or not they believe in and love a god. I choose to look at the individual and not the group. For example, I don't hate ALL Muslims just because of what happened on 9/11.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
As a devoted Christian and reading Bible verses everyday, I don't think its right to judge a person based on their chosen beliefs. Be it Atheists or agnostics, they are still people who deserved our respect. You said yourself that you love GOD, and you must be aware that God is love and that he also loves his enemies. I didn't say that those who didn't believe in His existence are considered enemies. They have yet come to understand how it is to have God in their life. Whatever miracles or goodness God did for your life, just keep it to yourself. I believe God prefer us to do things the right way. Your posts can cost you a lot enemies coz I believe there are a lot of atheists here. You should still continue to support them and not giving them low ratings. God would not accept that. Go ahead and do your Godly duties. We just keep on praying for those non-believers as I believe it is the real purpose why we are all here on this earth. To get to know God. God bless you.
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@librarian (181)
• United States
10 Feb 07
No real end to this kind of attitude.
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• Philippines
10 Feb 07
The real essence of loving God is not hating anybody whom He created in His own likeness - regardless of the faith (or religion) he chose to practice. How can you claim you love God and at the same time hate those who don't share your faith?
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