My Views Are Not Your Views, Your Views Are Not My Views
By misskatonic
@misskatonic (3723)
United States
February 9, 2007 2:29pm CST
I don't really understand how this is such a difficult concept for some people to grasp. I'd think it would be common sense, honestly.
I have my own views and beliefs. They are mine. I don't expect or want the rest of the world to think exactly as I do. I'm not so arrogant as to think the way I see the world is the only valid point of view out there. I'll happily explain and detail my views, but I'm not about to tell other people that my personal opinions are 'right'.
And I've never understood the people that do. The people who assume their way of thinking is the only way of thinking, and who think that they have a right to dictate how everyone else should believe and act. How does one manage that level of ego and arrogance, to believe they can speak for the entire world? To say 'I am right, you are wrong' in matters of personal opinion? To say 'my way is the only valid way'?
I will never be able to wrap my mind around this behavior.
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39 responses
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
9 Feb 07
The people of who you speak are actually much in doubt about their own views. They need to convert you to their view to reinforce in their own minds that they are "right". This is because they doubt themselves.
Such people frequently are of the world view that they are as smart or smarter than practically anyone else in the world.
The people we are speaking of particularily like to go into politics to further their ability to dictate to others through passing laws, rules, and local ordinances.
If you want to wrap your mind around this behavior, just imagine someone who is an ego driven, self centered, insecure, cunning petty tryant whose primary way of making himself feel better is to put other people down.
Fortunately, for me, I don't really know anyone like that. :-)
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@raphael_volts (1131)
• India
10 Feb 07
Really there are a lot of people who like to dominate others wihtout even thinking once about the other persons preferences or views.... it really bugs me a lot as to how can a person just tell someone that he is right and every body else is wrong and we should go their way... i really never stand such people and always end up arguing them.. i have seen a lot of people like that who are not even interested in correcting their mistakes but are always trying to lead others... man they just want to hide there own shortcomings and thats it and thats what i believe...
@beautifulceiling (1300)
• United States
9 Feb 07
This is one of the things that immediately made me like you. I know that you and I don't agree on everything, and that's just fine. The ability to disagree tells me more about someone than the ability to agree. How people react to disagreement is one of the more telling things you'll ever see about them.
One of the reasons I try not to press my beliefs on other people is that in my eternal quest for objectivity, I have found myself too many times thinking I understood something, and then seeing it from a perspective I hadn't considered and changing my mind. And often, much later after seeing it from yet another perspective, I'll change my mind back, or at least modify my opinion. Some people would see that as wishy-washy, but usually those changes come over long periods of time and that is, to me a completely different thing. I think of it as maturing. If I never changed my mind, that's when I'd start to worry.
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@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
9 Feb 07
You've touched on something that I agree with strongly but haven't exactly been able to put into words. I've changed my opinion on views myself, after looking at things from a different angle. I think that's something we, as humans, shouldn't waste the ability to do. To be objective, to see things from every side. We are not set in stone.
I also agree with you on the point about how a person disagrees being very telling.
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@not4me (1711)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I've been dealing with this a lot lately as well. Not so much on myLot as I haven't been around a lot lately, but it's rampant in other forums. People start questions or discussions and get all pissy if you don't agree with them or conform to their viewpoint.
On myLot there are a couple people in my friends list who I really do see eye to eye with on almost every topic of discussion, you being one of them, but that's totally different than people who kiss butt and then talk out of both sides of their mouth later. As for those who are 110% closed minded, I just don't get it either. I've been tossing the word "evolved" around a lot lately and I think it's safe to throw it out again. In this case, evolved people are those who are intelligent enough have their own beliefs and opinions and are open-minded enough not to criticize/bash others for their opinions and at the same time not beat other people over the head with their own beliefs. It seems like common sense to me.
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@girtsmomma (297)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Nicely put. The rest of the thought is that we are to be held accountable for what we say, right or wrong. True freedom of speech, which most people of the world do not understand, is that the right to disagree is also part of this freedom. The difference between those who really do practice freedom of speech is that when the shouting and table thumping are over, we break bread together. Or in a worse case, we go our separate ways. In a truly free society one does not fear being dragged from bed in the middle of the night and murdered or imprisoned for merely speaking words.
Additonally, in our free country (US of A), we can agree to and do live together, even when we don't remotely agree with the peolple in power. I sleep peacefully at night. Who was it that said (Patrick Henry?) ..I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it... This is the essence of freedom in America and a lesson not yet learned by disenfrancised citizens elsewhere in the world. The tyranical and dictatorial rulers know this power of the word, and strive to prevent their subjects from evey having this power by any means possible. Ignorance is their weapon with which to control the masses.
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@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
9 Feb 07
One of the things we are taught as children is, "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all." I followed that for quite a long period of my life.
Then, I woke up and realized that by disagreeing with someone was not necessarily being "not nice". Holy Crow! Once I realized that I really found my voice and my Self.
You are so right MissK. One does not have to be rude to say and think differently. Many good friendships and couples relationships are based on differences and the fact that they balance each other.
Before my realization, I was forever saying, "I'm Sorry", and to some extent I still find myself, even in old age, doing that; but not nearly as often.
Thank you once again for another stimulating discussion `Donna
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@rekkusu (601)
9 Feb 07
Hey if everyone thought like you, then the world would have everything in common
But theres no fun in being the same, be different ;)
People who believe their beliefs are the only ones live in little worlds of clouds and unicorns (or something to that effect) that exist only in their heads
Ah well, every village needs an idiot ;)
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@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
9 Feb 07
It would be a very boring world indeed!
This is true. And I can, on a psychological level, understand their reasoning but it still boggles me!
I think we've got more than our quota...;)
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@Pmcbride (1081)
10 Feb 07
I believe that everyone has a right to their own opinion, if they disagree with me, then so be it. Each person is an individual and has the god given right to believe what they want, no-one has a right to push their opinions on anyone else, this is a discussions site and if someone doesn't want other peoples opinions (good or bad) on what they start discussions about, then don't start them!
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Very well said. It is so true. Views and opinions are unique to each person. Even if two people have similar views they are very seldom exactly the same. People have a whole life to build from and it effects their perception on issues. To say one way is the only way discounts everyone else's life and what they have learned. We need to accept each other and allow everyone to believe as they would like to. No one should try to force their opinion and beliefs on another. We should learn to accept the fact that everyone is different and that it's ok to be that way. It's what makes life interesting and intrigueing. One never knows if someone might look at something differently due to what we say or someone might say something to make us re-evalutate our views. Of course we can also cause people to dig in their heels more on an issue and vice versa but that's ok too. We are allowed to view things how we want. We can express those opinions without belittling another, without being cruel, and without arrogance. We should be able to accept the fact that others might never see things the way we do and that life will not end because of it.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
10 Feb 07
I certainly don't agree with you on some things, but I have appreciated your forthrightness and the way you express yourself in many discussions. We all have a right to our opinions and beliefs and we are free to express these on a forum such as myLot.
Personally, I have found that the discussions I enjoy most, and the people I appreciate most, are ones with whom I differ on major subjects. However, we have debated courteously, intelligently and on a friendly basis, accepting one another's rights. I have only found one person on myLot to be dogmatically and abusively "right" and totally oblivious to anyone else's rights to an opinion. I just ignore him.
@elizabeth525 (654)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I totally understand you! I am married to a man who thinks its his way or no way! His way and everythign he learned in life is what is right, even if it is just down right old fashioned! I also think that when people on here disagree on here it results in some unhappy feelings, and lower ratings! Just because everyone sees things differently!
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@bluegem3 (7)
10 Feb 07
I enjoyed reading this particular post because it reminded me of how much my own views have changed. For example I was once stuck on the opinion that I could not help resolve poverty unless I had money a great deal of it. But now I am a much older and wiser person I now know that this is not the case. My past opinion reflected my level of knowlege at the time. As a result I like to think I will always listen to another persons point of view even if I diagree with it. Beautifulceiling put this really well about individual growth and change. Lastly, for Beautifulceiling Gemmini has a wonderful way with words and also make good lawyers just like Libra.
@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
10 Feb 07
What a utopian ideal! If only we could agree to disagree with some degree of civility. Imagine what we could learn from one another. Although we do learn enough from how a person responds when faced with an opinion or belief that goes against their grain.
@yanjiaren (9031)
10 Feb 07
yes very well said...too many bigots..i just phoned a guy doing a show on mnn and he wants everyone to vote him for senator of new york..his views were bigoted..he was a self rightious little git who cussed everyone on the planet..arabs, blacks women..that women swear alot and we are dumb and on top of that he expects the american voters to vote for himj..the amount of phonecalls he gets from people to p.o and he still doesn't get it ceases to amaze me..yet these are the people on telly..i tried to get into a lively and civilised debate with him..he wouldn't even entertain it..he said i was a liberal lesbian cow.i am not lesbian..and i am not liberal cos i can't vote in the u.s all i asked him was why he had so much hatred towards arabs, blacks and women..i had to share this example with you..
@Sabeehthegr8 (248)
• Pakistan
9 Feb 07
Yes I agree that in matters of personal opinion There is not a thing such as "I am right and you are wrong"..
Everyone has his own opinion and we have to respect the person for that.
There's no point in being arrogant and Dismissive about anyone else's Opinion.
One can't always be right anyway..
It's the same thing as when you say something and it may be a truth fr you and a lie for another...
Just as Truth for different people is different in the same manner the opinions of different people are different..You have to have your own views but No one has a right to Wrong anyone..That's just not right....
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@clownsundae (23)
• United States
9 Feb 07
My grandmother used to say:
"if sense is so common, how come most people don't have any?"
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
19 Feb 07
I know that I was musing about this not too long ago on one of my blogs. I simply can't understand how people can do this. It seems that people really want to dictate he lives of others based around their beliefs and those that resist are the enemy. These are the same people out there trying to force their views into laws and prohibit things simply because it disagrees with their sensibilities.
That to me is the ultimate expression of this idea of forcing one's views down other's throats.
@nw1911guy (1131)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I try not to do what you're describing unless their opinion appears illogical or they are threatening to take an action that infringes on one of my rights. Otherwise, I couldn't care less.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
11 Feb 07
The freedom of thought.
That's not specific to any one country, but to everyone in the world, I can choose what I believe in.
Everyone can have their own opinions and we listen to them, but we don't have to adopt their opinions or their beliefs, just listen to them.
Free will, people, no one can take that away from you.
Although, there are people who do try to take it.
i say, 'live and let live'.
We don't all have to agree with each other to be friends, that's the beauty of it, that we agree to disagree.
@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I AGREE! I dont think like others think. Especially my parents. How they feel about certain things is WAY not how I feel. For example tatoos. My parents freaked when I said I'd like to get one someday before I turned 30. They dont like them. I am thinking of getting one...
Growing up especially my mom but also dad, and my grandma always would get upset when I would disagree with them by showing my views. I COULDNT have another view. They'd fight with me for not thinking like them! My parents still do this. I HATE it! I hate when they think I should only think like them. We DONT share the same brain!
I have things I know I believe not even my sister would agree. Who cares! Its life and its how we were made. If we all thoughts and believed the same things where would the world be? Imagine if Columbus had thought like the Queen and not come to Amercia. Or you know what I mean! Things like that would have changed the way the world is today.
And if I tell you what I think, I am not gonna make you believe how I believe. I know we each share our way of thinking and we only share it not FORCE it on others and make them feel guilty for believing different. I respect you, you respect me, the world is right.
We know this isnt true though. We know that in the world people often push this on others and this is the cause of fights maybe evens wars! Its is a sad fact indeed. :/
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
There is no wrong or right when it comes to opinion. I agree with you, each and everyone of us is different. Even identical twins with the same upbringing have different way of thinking. I just ignore and avoid those people who thinks they know it all and thinks that they are always right.
@xiohexia7 (40)
• United States
10 Feb 07
ok am i the only one that sees the irony in posting a topic that seems to force a veiw on someone else, when the post itself is against this???
@beautifulceiling (1300)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I don't see any irony. I think maybe you missed the point.