How much grease is to much?

United States
February 9, 2007 3:05pm CST
I think that Pizza Hut, or at least the one I worked at, used way to much grease on their food. Every pizza that was made was made with, I swear, at least a pound of grease. The breadsticks were even worse. Tons of grease and butter. I just wanted to puke. I am the only one that thinks that is unhealthy?
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5 responses
@librarian (181)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Years ago in college there was a pizza joint called Godfather's Pizza. It was delivered to your table and there was a two millimeter deep oil slick on top of the pizza. I'd soak the customer response cards with the grease & leave it at the table. Good pizza, though.
• United States
16 Feb 07
That is actually really grose. However, some greasy pizza can be good. I do like Pizza Hut pizza i just dont understand the grease. That is funny though. I could so see myself doing something like that.
@greengal (4286)
• United States
9 Feb 07
A pound of grease!!! I think I'm gonna faint! I had noticed that myself too, every time we ordered from Pizza Hut, the pizzas were very very greasy. I always thought the cheese melted and flowed down to cause such greasiness. It sure is unhealthy, pizza in itself is bad..and to top it all more grease. Sigh, and Pizza Hut is my favourite!
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Feb 07
Some of the grease does come from the cheese and ingredents on the pizza but they also have the spray-on grease. It is supposed to help the dough from sticking to the pan. But I just think it is to much. Dont let my post change your choice of pizza. I still eat at pizza hut because I dont find the food good. I just chose to make less of a habit of it so i can stay healthy. But if you like Pizza Hut, then keep on eating there. I know I will.
@AndreaM76 (1164)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Thank you for your post because I saw a commercial for the new pizza with the cheese rolls on top and thought it looked tempting and hearing about grease took that desire away. I really don't like greasy food much but that pizza did looky good. I never knew the bread sticks had more grease than the pizza it self but it gives you something to think about. I think I will have a salad with a non fat itallian dressing instead tonight. Thanks!
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Feb 07
I wasnt meaning to make you not want Pizza Hut anymore. I still eat there when I feel like pizza. i just cut dow to remain healthy. Those cheesey bite pizzas are really good though. Im just glad i dont have to make them anymore.
@my2luvs (158)
• United States
11 Apr 07
ugh Pizza hut. I swear when I would get off work there I would have a pound of grease in my hair alone. That pizza is sooooo greasy. Now that I ma older and wiser I will agree with oyu. It is very unhealthy. I have not eaten there in 5 years now.
• United States
15 Mar 07
I sadly do not get to eat at Pizza Hut very often. I love it! I'm a fan of the buttery grease myself. lol. I'm so bad that even non greasy pizza like Papa Johns has to have the garlic butter sauce to dip in.... Dang all this talk about pizza is making my preggo craving worse! lol. I been craving Papa Johns for like 3 months now. (family votes for Papa Murphy's... too bad no butter sauce!)