The horror- running out of toilet paper! and other necessities!
By sylviekitty
@sylviekitty (2083)
United States
February 9, 2007 7:14pm CST
I'm sure it's happened to somebody else.. right?! The last two days, we've had NO toilet paper. I ended up taking napkins (which we usually DON'T have), and tearing them in half, to keep from clogging the toilet. I had a stack of them on the bathroom sink, til we finally had a chance to go get some.
Then, we have no soap. I just bought 3 bars of soap when I went grocery shopping last weekend, and suddenly they're gone. I jumped out of the shower and was running around the house naked today, trying to find them. No such luck. Ugh! I ended up using shampoo! ARGH!
Have you ever run out of the important stuff?
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4 responses
@hustlin313 (62)
• United States
10 Feb 07
ummm..... not really like that but we have ran outta toilet paper. There's better ways to handle it though....
When we run outta toilet paper we just wash in the bathtub like your taking a shower. Also, if your using paper napkins why would you stack them up next to the sink??? Just flush down one by one it wont get clogged. At our house we only rarely run outta toilet paper anyway though because we buy lots of them in a box to keep downstairs and when we run out we just take more upstairs. It's a pretty smart idea isn't it??? It's called...ummm......
I don't really know what its called but its having things for times of
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@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Dude, I don't mean we're stacking up USED napkins by the sink. We're not that sick LMAO!!! I'm saying. I put a stack of napkins on the sink, for us to then use to wipe with when we need to go! LOLOL!! OMG. HAHAHA!
Sometimes people run out of things they think they have enough of. It does happen!
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
11 Feb 07
Yep, we too have run out of toilet paper. I have been known on more than one occassion doing that intersting little shuffle. You know the one, with your pants around your ankles! You shuffle through the house looking in other bathrooms and in the linen closet, all the while silently saying, "Dear God, please, just let there be a roll stashed in here." But alas, as with you, I end up in the kitchen grabbing a few napkins. On the last occassion, I shuffled to the kitchen to find no napkins. *insert curse words here*. I shuffled to the bedroom to get a kleenex, no kleenex. *insert additional curse words here* Out of desperation I found my purse, and got one of those little tiny kleenex from the purse pak...GEEZE....I deserved a degree from Harvard for engineering that wipe!
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@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
11 Feb 07
LMAO!! Oh jeez.. that sounds like something that's happened here on occasion! I try to be prepared. When I was growing up, my mom didn't go shopping a lot. I actually had to take toilet paper from school and bring it home with me. HAHAHA!
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@rainbow (6761)
11 Feb 07
never loo roll, I always have 2 big packs of Andrex in the bathrooms as it terrrifies me , and usually some moist wipes for my boys too.
The harbrush or tanngle combe is lost every day even with abouut a dozen of them around the home and car I can never find one. I've run out of sugar and am having to use light brown sugar in my coffee at the minute, but that's not so bad really.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
10 Feb 07
i have run out of toilet paper before like but the shop has always been open close by, one time tho i had to use hand tissues because i wouldn't just leave myself and don't clean after the loo, lol! i was so annoyed!
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