hey guys if you link to e-glod you can get free membership talk with me so we can get!!!!I am lvl 96, i got 99 in 4 skills im a mem and i am a 1.2 billionare
Is e-gold better than paypal? Because I have a paypal account right now with 0.00$. Hehe... Well anyways nice skills and money. What are those skills that you have 99 on?
hey man im not going to force u to give me money, but i am not a member, so money is hard for me to get. so it would be nice if you could give me a mil or two
my rs name is rabidars
i could use a lil cash if u could give me some im broke all the time i could really use cash if ur willing to give me some on runescape im thinking about becoming a member on my own pretty soon but not right now.