labor pains

@fox123 (285)
February 10, 2007 12:26am CST
do you think that labor pains experienced during childbirth of a woman is one of the punishments that God give to Eve..if not any ideas plss..
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2 responses
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
12 Feb 07
if were going to based it in biblical events i could say that it is a curse given to eve or punishments for eating the forbidden fruit...but if were going to put it in layman's term/medical was just natural that a woman will experience such pains due to the contractions on the process of labor or childbirth...
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
10 Feb 07
No that response is bigotted and ignorant. How could anyone think a loving god would do that to women simply because one woman centuries ago made a mistake. Labour is simply the body's method of expelling a baby. Pain just happens to coincide with the stratching and contracting of the muscles.