what do you think about snape?

@kernel (191)
February 10, 2007 1:00am CST
is he a villain or a good guy????i"ve been thinking lately .......what if snape told dumbledore(dd) that he had made the unbreakable vow and he didnt want to kill him ?remember that hagrid told harry that snape and dd were arguing???snape saying he didnt want to do this anymore?what if it was about this??dumbledore must have forced him to kill him wen the time comes..then voldemore wont know snape betrayed them .wat say??post your views if you say snape is villain give reasons
2 responses
@rocky1928 (148)
• India
10 Feb 07
I think snape is d most intelligntly made character in d harry potter series.....There r so many shades to potray n all of dem r so strong dat it realy grabs ur atentn...i wunt call him a villain bt a dark character definitely....showng d signs of evil more often dn usual....
@mhv236690 (341)
• India
10 Feb 07
i wish what u said was true but as of now snape is the bad guy!i mean dumbeldore dying..i cried when i read that part!!i just wish the end is good and satisfying awaiting july 21st