Have you ever cheat on exam ?
By victorwzj
@victorwzj (539)
February 10, 2007 1:55am CST
Have you ever cheat on exam?. To be honest, technically I have, there are one time where the government on my area have a central examination and one of the history paper exam were leaked out by the one of the near by school. Allot of student in country got the exam paper before hand, We all know what is going to come out and focusing on studying that few chapter and as a result I got an A+ for it. Normally the history paper that the student submit were very thin but on that exam the paper were thick. Allot of student got A+ and the worst were B, There are no one fail on that exam as far as I know. Do you have similar situation or you really cheated on exam before?.
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48 responses
@makaira (1158)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
yes! i've tried cheating in my exams during my college days. i felt sick afterwards but what the heck! i need to pass the exam. lol. me and my classmates usually discuss the questions and share answers when our professor or our proctor is out.
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@victorwzj (539)
10 Feb 07
well , don't feel bad. It is better to pass than fail. If you fail a subject in college it cost allot to retake the subject but compare to the consequence being caught it is not worth it.
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@makaira (1158)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
if your caught you might fail. it's actually sometimes challenging not being caught by your professors but i dont like the feeling when i cheat on my exams. i feel like i'm not worthy of the grade that i will get because i cheated on my exam.
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@victorwzj (539)
10 Feb 07
really depend on the person morality and I personally don't like to cheat on* the exam. If someone give me question to the the exam before the actual exam then it is a different story. I won't feel bad if I know the question before hand .... and that is the situation that happen to my school before, everyone know what the question gonna be. ..
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@H2hydrogenz (574)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 07
Yes I had, When i was in school. The reason maybe because i don't want to get a bad mark and also because a lot of student do same thing. But i don't do that again when i'm in college. It is because i told myself that i want to create my own best. If i got C, well that's mean i have to learn more. But the habit of cheating was still continued in home works, although i only cheat the basic concept. Well it's kinda hard to change, if you used to do it before.
@victorwzj (539)
10 Feb 07
Allot of student do the same thing is not a reason for cheat and I do understand why some student rather cheat comparing to getting "bad mark". Exam is very important it help student to measure how good you in a certain subject and it can help you determine which part chapter you need more revision before the final exam or entrance exam. I find it is stupid to cheat during "mock" / pre - final exam. If you cheat that you will not know how well you would do in the final exam.
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@H2hydrogenz (574)
• Indonesia
11 Feb 07
yup that's why i never cheat again, but do you think looking/learning the basic concept of someone's work is also cheating. i don't think so from my opinion.
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@joelofcow (193)
• United States
11 Feb 07
its not good to do something because other students do
have u ever heard the sayings **if some jumped off a mountain...*
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@linzmcwilliams (1552)
10 Feb 07
Not on an actual exam no but i have no doubt that i have cheated on tests in the past. Nothing important though. When we did our GCSE maths papers we were given a 10 minute break between papers in which time we were allowed to go outside and have a snack. Of course we all talked about how hard the exam was and what answers we had gotten for the questions. When we got back inside to our amazement out first papers were still lying on our desks and we were told we could go back and check them once we had completed paper two. Of course we all went back and filled in the correct answers we had talked about with our friends. I think that was more of an accident or the school cheating so i don't take any responsibility lol. I got a good grade though!
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@victorwzj (539)
11 Feb 07
Well, good for you . I really believe that exam is a way to measure your competence on a subject and cheating will make the measurement inaccurate.
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@elusivedarkness (531)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I don't cheat. I just couldn't live with myself if I did. I would feel way too guilty. I would rather fail having tried my best than to get an A+ cheating. I mean it's not about passing; it's about integrity. Most universities now have a strict honor code and if you're caught cheating you're expelled and black marked. It just isn't worth the risk of getting caught or the moral dilemma that will ensue.
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@victorwzj (539)
11 Feb 07
well , some people rather cheat that failing a subject and as for the code of honor it is obviously it is not worth it to cheat.
@patrice7 (1191)
• United States
11 Feb 07
wow!. that was a big conspiracy story and most of you people cheated in the exams!. well i guess all of us passed the stage where we cheated on exams or quizzes. well hey we are human and we are not perfect!. we commit mistakes too and one of those mistakes is to cheat in examinations and quizzes..
well as a student this is our number one sin!. to cheat!. even in oral recitations we cheat by allowing our classmates to whisper the answers so that we will know what to say to the teacher.. well i have cheated in examinations by copying my seatmates answers, hiding a paper beneath my hanky and pretending to sneeze or something.. also by recieving and giving answers through hand signals.. oh there are lots of ways to cheat and collaborate with your classmates during examinations or quizzes.. it depends on the teacher and how good you are at cheating..
actually cheating in examinations/quizzes is one of my guilty pleasures.. LOLS..
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@victorwzj (539)
11 Feb 07
Haha, I do remember my friends use to use hand signal to represent the multiple choice question. I didn't participated in that but it seem like they were doing very well and they never been caught. If I were going to cheat I going to cheat off the book worm since they are the one that on the top five ranking in my class. Too bad my surrounding doesn't have any bookworm , if not I probably cheat all the time.
@coffebing (252)
• Malaysia
11 Feb 07
yes...i tried cheating on exam once...and thats the last try of mine..haha...i feel sorry for myself after doing that..i dont know why...What for we want to cheat during exam..The marks we get..means the grade for what we had learned..Cheat doesnt brings anything for us..better marks??but zero knowledge??What for??
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@victorwzj (539)
11 Feb 07
yeah , agree. Cheating doesn't do any good unless it is exam that you cannot afford to fail. But the gain compare to the consequence is not worth it. It is better to be honest during the exam.
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@joelofcow (193)
• United States
11 Feb 07
but if u dont know the nollege while taking a test it doesnt matter becuase your already taking the test u should just do and study the things u missed but u still get good marks for the things u misst because u got *extra help* i still thik cheating is bad though
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
11 Feb 07
When i was in High School.. I hated History more than any subject..well one day we got a test and i wasnt prepared at all..well i cheated off the guy beside me..welll..2 days later i got a BIG FAT D!! I was liek omg! and when i looked,.imean really looked at the questions i knew more answers than he did.,.and i prob would have got a C..!! lol!! Soo that was the day i swore never to cheat again..and i didnt..lol
@victorwzj (539)
11 Feb 07
well, good lesson learned. If you want to cheat , cheat off from a smart guy . But it also good that you be able to be truthful during all the exam. kudos.
@sweetstacy (159)
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
yes i have cheated on exams...a lot!but no one can beat how a few of my classmates did last semester.i'm a nursing student,and just before the final exams one of our teachers told the whole class that the only way to pass that semester is to get a grade of 80 and above in a 100 point test.so naturally everyone got really shocked,scared even that they would really fail.so what these stupid classmates of mine did was,they obtained a leakage,given to them by one of the faculty.they paid that faculty 15,000 pesos each,and they were about 15.so can you imagine how much money that faculty had!so on the day of the exam,they were the only ones who got really high grades,their grades ranged from 79-85,which was very shocking since during the semester they got really low scores on the quizzes.so can anyone explain how someone who has very low scores gets very intelligent overnight?!well not to underestimate them or something,but we really knew there was something fishy,because we never saw them studying!so an investigation was done,and it was proven that they really had the leakage!now they are kicked out of our school,justice really prevailed.
@victorwzj (539)
11 Feb 07
Good story you have there, Justice does prevailed . Cheating does make it unfair for student that really study hard for it but the thing that impress me is the person actually sell the leak exam paper and earn something* for it.
@aniket2007 (120)
• India
11 Feb 07
no. because i value my self respect. if i fail it means, 1:i didnt want it bad enough, and 2:i didnt study hard enough. no insult intended. we all make mistakes, thats how we learn and sometimes become a better person(if thats what we want). what everything in life comes down to is, do i want it bad enough? life is full of choices and when it comes to making them, think of the time you cheated, do you want it bad enough , and what is the right thing to do. the last two self questions are what has helped me in my quest to be the best person moraly that i can be. it sounds like you want the same thing as i do, but realize that the right thing is the hardest thing to do, but it gets easier when you stop caring about what others think about your decision and start caring more about what is the right thing to do. good luck on your moral quest! i will ask Mother Nature to help guide you on your journey. /
@victorwzj (539)
11 Feb 07
kudos, it is good to have dignity and honor in studying. It is actually not good to cheat because if you cheat then your marks will not be accurate more over if you being caught the consequence is not worth the risk.
@joelofcow (193)
• United States
11 Feb 07
from 9th frade till now?whats till now?
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@suresh86 (7)
• India
11 Feb 07
Hello my friend.During my higher secondary for all the board exams we just copied fromour neighburs.Mostly te One word questions.We just write the chooses in an eraser and we pass it.Some time our school principal himself bring the answers to te exam hall and pass it to everyone.
But this is not good.as students will think that they will give the answer.After tat in my college i am not following such activities.
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
I am very proud to say that i have never cheated in my exams even if i wasnt able to study. Its not that i wasnt tempted but i was just too afraid to be kicked out of school if ever i get caught. The penalty for cheating from the school where i studied was so severe that most of wouldnt even dare to try. We felt that we could survive failing an exam and will have another shot at passing the course.
@victorwzj (539)
11 Feb 07
well, good for you. I am not that proud my self and I do have some skeleton on my closet. But cheating on that history paper doesn't make me feel guilty because the whole country got that paper.
@babysusie18 (231)
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
Yes Ive done some cheating in exams I had. But not always. And sometimes, the teacher watches attentively to those who cheats. I also cheated in my entrance exam when I entered in High School. Hahaha! Im such a cheater...
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@victorwzj (539)
11 Feb 07
Well, kudos for not being caught . I know entrance exam does have allot of pressure and some student do cheat ... but it better not cheat at all. The consequence being caught is far worse than the gain .
@joelofcow (193)
• United States
11 Feb 07
i wouold never do it in college the conseqeunses r to high
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@guyinbluepants (225)
• Pakistan
16 Feb 07
well i used to cheat alot in exams durin my school days ... but stopped duin that in college ... now i only cheat durin class quizes and try not to cheat in exams ...
it is however a very bad habbit to cheat ... we should avoid that ...
and i dont think "better to fail then to cheat" is true ...
@ajinomoto23 (1057)
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
Cheating on exam makes you feel weak. I do it but only very few times. Not very often. When I took my board exam - my seat mate allow me to copy from his answer. I think it help me a lot. otherwise I have failed.
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@thecaitycat (267)
• United States
11 Feb 07
To be completely honest... No, I haven't. I'd personally rather get a bad grade than risk being caught cheating.
@victorwzj (539)
16 Feb 07
Yeah , we ( our school ) doesn't exactly have the exam paper but just a hand written paper of the question and I do not know where it come from but I glad I got the chance to read it the night before the exam. Well, at first I don't believe it myself but there are nothing to lose if I study those as well and in the end it does help me allot in the exam . In general it is not good to cheat and I do hope that no one do it because it will defeat the purpose of exam.
@blushnpixie (216)
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
I have, several times in fact. I'm not proud of it, but at that time, there was too much to study and I didnt get around to finish the other subjects. My friends and I decided to help each other out so we would pass the exams. I think most students do cheat, in some way.