Racial Quotas ~ How Do You Feel About This Selection Process?

United States
February 10, 2007 8:11am CST
How do you feel about the use of Racial Quotas to fill positions in college admissions and in the corporate world? There is a REAL RACIAL QUOTA SYSTEM in effect in the admission process in colleges and universities. When you apply to a college (like for Dr, Nursing, Therapist, Teacher, ect) and the admission is only 20 to 50 allowed per year into the program, Racial Quotas are used. For example, there are openings for 32 in a nursing program. They HAVE to admit 2 black people, 2 Asian people, 2 Hispanic people -- it does NOT matter if the white people that apply have been grades, better community service or better work experience - they might lose out on admission to the program because of the racial quota that has to be followed (for reasons of governmental supplement that the schools receive, etc). Now if there are no "minority" applicants to that program there is no issue, but if there is, then they get priority admission over better candidates. How do you feel about this? Is this right? I do not think it is right - I think the best candidates should be the first priority. Is it a "white" person's fault to have a 4.0 and not be selected over a "non-white" candidate with a 3.2 average with everything else being even? Should a "white" candidate be given priority over a "black" candidate in a school where blacks are in the majority? There should be no racial quota -- black/white/hispanic/asian -- should all be judged based on their qualifications -- not let their race be the determinining factor in selections. Disclaimer (LOL) I thought I'd put this in -- I am not about racial discrimination here -- I'm about there being a fair selection process based on qualifications and fit for the program, not based on race.
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4 responses
• United States
10 Feb 07
Basing ANYTHING on race is wrong and illegal. White people have worked hard to get where they are and shouldn't be held back because of the color of their skin. In what other country would racial quotas even be tolerated?
• United States
10 Feb 07
I know, but the U.S. tends to allow so many things that would never be allowed elsewhere.
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@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I don't think anyone should be passed over if they have a better score or grades. I think there should be the same standards across the board when it comes to getting a job or a place in a university. We have enough discrimination the way it is, why add more to it.
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@mjgarcia (725)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I don't agree with the practice either. There are scholarships directed specifically toward minorities and there are other ways to help them into colleges. I think that the applications for colleges and jobs shouldn't have any place on it to indicate what race a person is. That way they could be evaluated on the merits of the person. I believe when the practice first started, it may have been needed. I don't believe there is as much prejuidice now. Most employers want the best person for the job, no matter what color. There was a time when that wasn't the case.
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@MikeMKD (22)
• United States
30 Jun 08
I think that all races have equal potential and everyone needs a chance to show it.
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