Cat hand holding

United States
February 10, 2007 11:23am CST
Does your cat pick up things with his paws like a hand? Explain please. Thank you.
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9 responses
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I haven't noticed either of them doing this. The big cat, Mojo, is in big trouble today. He chewed up some recent pictures of my grandaughter. I think my daughter wants him to face the I think he just started chewing on them. For some reason he likes glossy pictures.
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• United States
10 Feb 07
Both my cats like to lick glossy pics too. Weird. Blessings, M&M
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• United States
10 Feb 07
One of my cats absolutely LOVES to lick those plastic bags that groceries come in. If we have one laying around, pretty soon we hear a little crinkling noise, and she'll be licking and licking at it.
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
10 Feb 07
LOL yes my cat is weird like that but the thing that I like to watch her pick up the most is her catnip ball. She acts like she is in another world and she picks it up and dropps it and up again. It is so funny to watch.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
11 Feb 07
All three of my cats do that. I love when they do that I think its so cute.
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Our kitty Merlin moves his water dish around with his paws so he can see the water in it. He will also pick up popcorn or something if another kitty seems about to get it and he snags it for himself. I have heard of cats learning to eat from a dish with a spoon attached to his paw/arm. Given a chance these feline friends will surprise you!!
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
11 Feb 07
I don't think it is so much picking it up like a hand as it is scooping. I think they use thier nails to pick something up and then curve their paws around it. I have seen them do it alot and it is just like they are holding something in their "hands"
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@verbose (87)
• United States
10 Feb 07
My cat on occansion will use use paw with claws extended to pick somethinjg up then she will turn her paw toward her and check out her prize
• United States
10 Feb 07
One of my cats drinks out of his water dish that way. Scoops up water with his paw turned up like a hand, and licking it. He's right-pawed by the way.
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• United States
18 Feb 07
Yeah, I have several cats and a dog. A couple of my cats pick up things and then toss them like they're playing catch. It's so cute to watch! I have hours of entertainment! LOL I have 1 male and 5 females. They have all been fixed. Thank god! We also have 7 cats that hang out in our basement. I guess they like me or something. My male cats mame is Bandit. The females are; Tiny, Missy, Sissy, Tigger and Baby. I have a female dog; her name is Princess. She got her name because whrn she lays down she crosses her front feet. It looks like a princess to me!
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
23 Jul 08
yes my domestic shorthair girl does that. she is the one in my avatar by the way. when i got her, she was very young and most probably not weaned completely. we believe that she was snatched from her mother by a stray dog as she has got puncture wounds on her. not having a mother to learn from, she 'adopted' me as her mother. when we eat, she will try to pick up her food using her paws like me. she also learned to sleep with her head resting on the pillow, just like me.