what whould you feel if you invite someone to date and he will say no..

@gevatsh (322)
February 10, 2007 12:55pm CST
what whould you feel if you invite someone to date and he will say no?? i will feel very bad =[ that kinda
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5 responses
@zvi_gold (75)
• Israel
10 Feb 07
i will feel no bad but its no so nice to hear it becouse its the life u cant love some one if she no love you but if you ask her thet its seems you a MAN!
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@gevatsh (322)
• Israel
10 Feb 07
yeah if some 1 say no it very selfich =[
@ToMuSH (202)
• Israel
10 Feb 07
I think I'll feel kinda bad, but after a while it will be just fine coz these things happen all the time you know...
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• India
10 Feb 07
i think girls should not b disappoint ,she will try 4 nexy at same time-----------------
• India
11 Feb 07
Being a guy I don't think there is anything to feel bad about it. It's just the way it is . Sometimes girls say no just to make guys to try on something else or to just show inititally that she got no interest but many times it's the other way round . So just keep trying.
@verbose (87)
• United States
10 Feb 07
wel as a guy it happens to me quite abit. I hear no alot but the way I figure I am no worse of than before I asked her out I still dont have a date. I dont take rejection at the beggenning of the relatioship to badly. What does get me angry is when you got ahalf dozens times just to find out they really have no interest in you