I watch other children, and recently had a five year old hit me.
By all4ucnc
@all4ucnc (861)
United States
February 10, 2007 5:47pm CST
I've been watching kids for a while, and this particular child has been a handful for some time, If I am able to give him a one on one attention, he's the sweetest kid ever, but as soon as I have to attend to the other kids, he's hitting the others or doing something to draw my attention back to him.
I had a couple episodes earlier where I had to call his parents due to him biting my child, and another time for tring to choke another child.
Well Thursday, he scratched my son's neck, in an attemp to choke him, and my boy pulled away. So I put the kid in the corner, he got mad and punched me in the back. So I called his mom, and say enough is enough, and he is not welcome back, in the time it took his grandmother to arrive and pick him up, he had kicked me in the leg. Am I wrong for giving up on this child, he hits his dad everytime he comes to pick him up, So why wouldn't he think it's okay to hit me as well.
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5 responses
@jan1972 (80)
10 Feb 07
You're not wrong to give up on this child, as a child minder you must put the safety of the other children first. It is possible, however that this child has problems that run deeper than his behaviour. ie; autism or adhd. If so the child will be better suited to a care environment that has more adults available to support him and meet his individual needs.
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@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I recently seen a thing on the news about young children lashing out at thier authority figures, They found a lot of them were suffering from depression. I started watching him after 2 other care providers decided they couldn't handle his fits and fighting. I tried for over a year, and gave many warnings, but I just can't risk the safety of the others. And if he doesn't see the trouble of hitting me, then hard telling what he's gonna do when he gets into shcool (next year).
@angelagomes77 (198)
• Singapore
11 Feb 07
This kind of behavior should not be tolerated and you did the right thing. He needs some discipline. There is not point in you putting him in the corner and disciplining him yourself if he gets away with murder at home. His parents need a knock on their head and he needs a good spanking....in my opinion.
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@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I can assure you, if my child ever acted the way this child does on a daily basis, I'd a given him a spanking, but I don't put up with disrespect, and my kids don't behave that way at all. But as a child care provider, the spanking needs to be done by the parent. So my only means of punishment is the corner, and they don't get out until they can give me 3 minutes of just standing quietly, so as he screams at me about wanting to punch me, or burn my house down, I keep resetting the timer. Some think thats a bit excessive in itself, and that after 3 minutes they should get to come out reguardless. But I'm not gonna tolerate him screaming at me, and let him out thinking thats it's okay to talk to me that way. So if it takes him an hour to settle down and be nice, so be it.
@Country_Girl311 (194)
• United States
11 Feb 07
ohh man, this kid needs DICIPLINE!! (sp?) whats wrong with the parents??? They sound just like my stepdaughters mother. Her daycare provider told me that she's seen my stepdaughter hit her mother in the face and she just says "oh your silly" wtf? Anytime she's at our house she goes to time out or gets spanked! Children only have one set of parents, and they are not meant to be their friend, they are to set guidlines and help make them make good choices!! I will not put up with that behavior and you were not in the wrong. I can gaurantee the next person to watch him will have the same trouble and maybe the parents will get a clue when they cant keep him anywhere permanent!
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@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I'm actually the third person to watch him that I know of anyway. And I kept him for over a year, I had told her before if he did not get him under control, I would not allow him to come back. They just say . . ."Oh it's just a phase he's going through." and the next time I watched him he bragged about all the new toys he had received over the weekend. So I'd a year is a good try, I tried to make a difference, but I can only do so much.(When I called her to come and get him, she said she had just finished talking to the police about her other son, Was she just having a bad day?)
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
11 Feb 07
This child has real anger issues.What did the father do when the boy hit him? You did the right thing by calling the parents to come and get him. You cannot put your child and the other children at risk. It's too bad that you had to give up on him.
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@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
11 Feb 07
His dad just smiles and says "Oh honey did I come at a bad time?" or "Wow! you must have been having alot of fun to be this angry." Then picks him up and they leave. I'm worried about the liability of the other children, I can't have him choking the other kids, or my kids. I've been fighting this for over a year, hoping I could make a difference in him. But I'm hoping I'm not really giving up on him, but maybe forcing his family to have to do something about his problem.
@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I've been watching him for over a year, and it's always been a problem, I generally only have four kids in my house at a time, When I leave to fix meals, it guarenteed he'll be picking a fight with someone, It is impossible to keep at my hip the entire 12 hrs I have him in my home, He's really bad the days I watch the baby, when I have to feed or change his diaper, Oh wow! . . .I think things need to change at his home, before I can hope for any kiond of change.