What do you do when you lose the ring your boyfriend gave you?

United States
February 11, 2007 5:46am CST
Would you tell him and how? Isn't it bad luck to lose a ring given by a boyfriend?
2 responses
• Romania
11 Feb 07
this kind of things happen. it's better to tell the truth than tell a lie that will attract another lie and so on. just tell him that you are very sorry for what have happened and you will make it up to him somehow. he might be upset or even mad for 1-2 day but deep inside he'll know that you didn't want this to happen and that you are sorry. and he will forgive you and most probably buy you a new ring.
@gamekid (208)
• China
11 Feb 07
I'll buy a new ring same as the one you lost.Then forget it!