Teen gets 10 years for torturing, killing a dog, is it too harsh?!
By SxyFlGrl315
@SxyFlGrl315 (306)
United States
February 11, 2007 9:08am CST
"Two teenage brothers were each sentenced to ten years in prison for torturing a puppy by cooking it in the oven.
The two boys, ages 17 and 19 pleaded guilty in January to charges including burglary, criminal damage to property, terroistic threats and cruelty to children.
The boys brought neighborhood children to see the dead puppy inside an oven at an apartment community complex on August 21st. Scratch marks were found inside the oven indicating the puppy had been alive when it was placed inside the oven.
A necropsy on the 3 month old dog found its paws and nose had been duct taped and it had been doused with paint before being placed in the oven.
The brothers first trial ended in mistrial in december. Their attorney said he had hoped his clients sentence would have been aimed more at rehabilitation that incarceratio."
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90 responses
@TheOriginalRed1 (512)
• United States
11 Feb 07
Their actions are awful and wrong. I have no sympathy for anyone that abuses an animal..I say let the punishment fit the crime. Maybe some time in an oven for them both? Ten years will at least make them think about what they did and keep them away from any other helpless animals.
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@SxyFlGrl315 (306)
• United States
11 Feb 07
Agreed! I just wanted to post the original link since I forgot to in the original post!
it's one of their focused stories right now.
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@SxyFlGrl315 (306)
• United States
11 Feb 07
it won't let me respond to the comment below me and I dont know why :(
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@Jocelynk (130)
• Canada
11 Feb 07
What they did was absolutely disgusting. They didn't just kill a puppy, they let it suffer and watched it as it tried to escape... Then they showed off for neighborhood children.
I'm sure that they have some sort of disorder, but this is - as someone else said - a trait of future serial killers. Why stop at puppies if it's just a small sentence?
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@spiritwolf52 (2300)
11 Feb 07
To me, 10 years is not long enough. The hell that poor puppy went through. Do we really want these people out on the streets again? They will not stop at killing dogs, next sto is humans. This is absolutely horrible. The only thing in their favor was the fact that they pleaded guilty. People like this is the reason we have capital punishment. Rehab will not work on these two. How can our society create such monsters?

@SxyFlGrl315 (306)
• United States
11 Feb 07
We continue to create these monsters because we don't punish the ones we have severely enough. If people see that someone else can do the crime and get away with a slap on the wrist then they feel they can do the same.
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@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
11 Feb 07
that is so absolutely disgusting and sick. i dont understand what's wrong with people. what is going through their mind when they do something like that? i mean, to COOK a live puppy in the oven?!?! these teens obviously have some mental issues...its not like they are little kids that dont really know anything. i mean, 19 and 17 years old? they are almost college-age, yet they are doing things like this? the poor dog...its just absolutely sick. i dont know if the sentence is good or bad, but they definitely need to get serious mental help...cause they are not right up there.
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@SxyFlGrl315 (306)
• United States
11 Feb 07
mental help won't even help them. There's only so much that can be done. There is obviously something lose up there.
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I agree with you 100%. It has been proven that people who abuse animals like this have some kind of "wiring defect" in their brains; they do tend to go on and commit even more heinous crimes against humans. I don't believe that rehabilitation is possible for these people, and jail is the only solution. I'm with you- give them life in prison. Besides what they did to the animal, consider the implications of the cruelty to the children that had to witness this. These guys are definitely too sick and inherently evil to live in our civilized society. Why let them out of jail in 5-10 years only to find out years later that they are going to go on to be serial killers of humans?
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@Sawsen (793)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I just read this story last night. I was thinking of making a discussion of it myself, but it was too long lol. I think that what they did is atrocious, especially to a little puppy that couldn't defend itself. And then to show it to all the children in the neighborhood is just mental torture. And to add that they threatened them not to tell anyone. I think it was a fair judgement, and I'm glad that there are harsher penalties for such crimes.

@mommey20032005 (264)
• United States
12 Feb 07
they should have gotten alot longer then just ten years.
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@SxyFlGrl315 (306)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I actually wish the punishment would have been more severe. They say 10 years but they will probably get out in 3-5.
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@Maremma (30)
• United States
7 Apr 07
Indeed our justice system is far from just. I say give them back whatever they dished out. There would surely be a rapid reduction in ALL crimes but especially these violent and cruel ones against other living beings.This is beyond heartbreakingly, viciously cruel.This rips my heart out.
Maybe their "sentence" isn't quite complete. I'd like to believe that what goes around comes around. The other prisoners in with them may feel the need to give them what they really deserve. You know like they do child molesters.
@bhetelux (189)
• Italy
11 Feb 07
i don't have words to exprime my hate to the people that make cruelty to animals! is that orrible and really bad and evil! if i were been the judge i will give the life inprisonment to that guys! this fact is another dimostration of the cruelty of the humans being that not appreciate the nature and the pleasure thet god give us
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@SxyFlGrl315 (306)
• United States
11 Feb 07
You are so right. Why let them on the streets again? Why take that chance. Lock them up.
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@Country_Girl311 (194)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I think the punishment was in the right, I wouldnt want these kids in my neighborhood or town! They would grow up to either be involved in a school shooting, kill someone, or be a child molester! This behavior is just early signs of what's to come. Maybe they should put him in the oven!
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@SxyFlGrl315 (306)
• United States
11 Feb 07
That is 100% true. Get them off the streets now before something worse happens.
@babyhar (1335)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
You know what? When I read that people have done things like this to animals it makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. I cannot begin to even think what kind of logic would have to be involved in this certain type of situation. How could two people have no conscience whatsoever and get a slap on the wrist for harming an innocent little puppy like this? It disgusts me to know that these people are not sitting in a jail cell awaiting a sentence that will place them in that prison for the rest of their life.
I see cruel behavior towards animals on the television all the time and it does a number on my stomach. It really affects me deeply because I have a puppy myself and every time I see stories like this on TV I grab her and hold her close to let her know she has me there for support. It might sound weird to a outsider, but my other half & me basically consider our puppy our daughter. If anything like this story above were to happen to her I don't think I could go on without seeking some revenge against the people who did it.
When it comes to animal abuse being a starting point for career criminals, I'm not so sure that it works that way. I can't say for sure a serial killer began by torturing kittens or something like that. I think they become serial killers or other types of habitual offenders/criminals because of something deeper than just killing cats or dogs at a young age. I think they are wired that way because of something that might have happened to them when they were very young.
I think the sentence in this case and in most cases of animal abuse are far too lenient. They are not enough to stop these criminals from re-offending. They could kill a hundred cats and then get thrown in prison for it and then be let out not much longer after their sentence was up. Then when they get out they do the same thing or if it's possible worse things to animals in the neighborhood.
I think that anyone who intentionally harms an animal, no matter what breed or type, should be treated no differently than someone who stabs or kills a human being. If they kill an animal they should be held accountable and pay for what they did. I sometimes even believe that they should have what happened to the animal revisited on to the criminal themselves. Only then would they possibly begin to realize how terrible they were to the animal they harmed.
So, in conclusion, I do not believe the punishment for these two boys was harsh enough. They tortured an innocent animal and took it's life in the end. To me that is murder just like to a human being. I feel that without some strict laws regarding animal abuse that the entire pet community will suffer because too many people will be doing whatever they want to animals.
Thanks for allowing me to share! xx
@SxyFlGrl315 (306)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Thank you to EVERYONE that responded! I enjoyed reading all responses and found that the vast majority agree with me, the sentence was WAY too lenient.
Unfortunately I do not have time to respond to each and every one of you but do want you to know your opinions are greatly appreciated!
Thanks again!
@theempress (408)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I wonder what those kids are thinking. For now they might have just tortured and killed a dog, we never know in the future they will start torturing and killing people. I think they deserve the punishment.
I have 2 dogs and I felt sorry for that little cute puppy. It absolutely breaks my heart.
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@volcom (161)
• United States
11 Feb 07
This is pretty awful. I think they deserve this. Dogs and humans are both common we are both animals. If they did this to a human this punishment would be even worse just because it is dogs doesn't mean it should be any different because we are both animals. After reading what they did to the dog this is just shocking to see people treat a licing thing like this. I think they should be put though what they put that dog though but not the oven part. Even worse this dog was a poor ddefenseless puppy that hardley even had a chance to live. I think these teens that treated this poor dog like this should be sentenced longer then they are now....
@elsueno1937 (6)
• United States
11 Feb 07
They should rot for at least 20 years with no chance for parole. These are the traits of future serial killers, and they need to be taught a lesson. Also society need to be protected from people like these!
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@SxyFlGrl315 (306)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I was thinking along that line too. Maybe 20 years would help teach a lesson to them and future criminals.
@koikoikoi (1246)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Well obviously it's wrong what they did to the poor puppy. But let's not forget, people from other countries eat dogs, so just think of it as oh they were probably going to eat it. I think they should get more time because not only is it wrong it's pretty sick and rotten minded not to mention sadastic.
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@sapya123 (129)
• China
11 Feb 07
that is so absolutely disgusting and sick. i dont understand what's wrong with people. what is going through their mind when they do something like that? i mean, to COOK a live puppy in the oven?!?! these teens obviously have some mental issues...its not like they are little kids that dont really know anything. i mean, 19 and 17 years old? they are almost college-age,yet they are doing things like this? the poor dog...its just absolutely sick.i dont know if the sentence is good or bad, but they definitely need to get serious mental help...cause they are not right up der
@simplysue (631)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I agree with you that the sentence is too lenient. What kind of sick demented pair of minds come up with something like this? If it was just one of them, insanity would make sense kind of.........but two people in on something like this? both insane? or both so sick and demented in their thinking? What on earth kind of upbringing could these two have had that they even think to do something so horrifying as this? What kind of pleasure could they have gotten from tourturing a poor defenseless animal and WHERE is that judges brain that he/she let these too sick indiviuals off so easy!
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
11 Feb 07
Absolutely disgusting. Tney need to be taught a lesson so they and others know that it will not be tolerated. Imagine if it was a person?
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@candyland (30)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I am horrified. I mean, I know this goes on but oh my God this is awful. Its hard for me to think that anyone above the age of 3 wouldnt know that this is wrong. They deserve alot more that 10 years. If they would do this to an animal what would they do to a child? Scary thought isnt it?
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