Academy Awards Polls

February 11, 2007 9:25am CST
Its almost time for the much anticipated 79th Annual Academy Awards. Making my own predictions as to the winners are always a favorite past time of mine, and perhaps myLot members will consider casting their votes as to the winners. Here are the nominees: Best Picture: Babel -- Golden Globe winner Little Miss Sunshine The Departed Letters from Iwo Jima The Queen Best Actor in a Lead Role Leonardo Di Caprio (Blood Diamond) Will Smith (The Pursuit of Happyness) Forest Whitaker (The Last King of Scotland) - Golden Globe Winner Peter O'Toole (Venus) Ryan Gosling (Half Nelson) Best Actress in a Leading Role Penelope Cruz (Volver) Judi Dench (Notes on a Scandal) Helen Mirren (The Queen) - Golden Globe Winner (Drama) Meryl Streep (The Devil Wears Prada) - Golden Globe winner (Comedy) Kate Winslet (Little Children) Best Actor in a Supporting Role Alan Arkin (Little Miss Sunshine) Jackie Earle Haley (Little Children) Djimon Honsou (Blood Diamond) Eddie Murphy (Dream Girls)- Golden Globe Winner Mark Wahlberg (The Departed) Best Actress in a Supporting Role Adriana Barraza (Babel) Cate Blanchett (Notes on a Scandal) Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine)-- Wow, she's only 10 years old. Her role in the movie was hilarious! Rinko Kikuchi (Babel) Jennifer Hudson (Dream Girls)-- Won in Golden GLobes I think I'll watch the nominated films before posting my own choices. Can't wait till Feb 27 :D
1 response
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
here's my bet BEST PICTURE: Babel BEST ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE: Will Smith (Pursuit of Happiness) BEST ACTREES IN A LEADING ROLE: Meryl Streep (The Devil Wears Prada) BEST ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE: Eddie Murphy (Dreamgirls) BEST ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE: Abegail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine) although i like Jennifer Hudson