Harrassment On Mylot
By misskatonic
@misskatonic (3723)
United States
February 11, 2007 8:42pm CST
Do you feel that personal harassment - we've all had experiences with or heard stories of a particular user deciding to wage some strange personal war against another user - is worth going directly to the Mylot admins over? Or do you think it's a better idea to just keep reporting abusive responses/discussions and figure that after enough offenses, the user will be banned from the site?
On that note, I really don't understand how people can be so stuck in gradeschool to feel that spamming someone with abusive comments or graphic images or whatever other form of harassment we see around here is actually a good idea or a worthwhile use of time.
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25 responses
@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
I think for the most part I just ignore the harrassment. I figure with enough people rating them as negative, this gets the point across. I agree with you, it is very gradeschool to see people spamming with abusive comments. I don't understand why it has to get to that point. If something offends me here, I just go on to another discussion.
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@desertdarlene (8910)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I haven't had anything quite happen to me like spamming me with pics and abusive comments. I think I've had at least one person, though, put me on their friends list so that they could follow my discussions and give me negative ratings and/or negative responses. But, I might just be paranoid. The one person I'm thinking of just doesn't like that I am a Jesus freak.
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
12 Feb 07
It can happen. Luckily, Mylot has a failsafe for that sort of thing. If a single user is rating you all negatives, the ratings don't factor into your reputation. Which is a wonderful thing, since I'm pretty sure I've had the same thing happen to me. People will take offense over the strangest things, really.
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@desertdarlene (8910)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I took the person off my list. Some people are real sensitive with relgion. You've got some that are really adamant that you see things their way. Politics can go the same way.
Actually, my rating went down recently, from a 96 to a 95. I'm not worried about that, though.
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
May as well report directly to mylot. Hopefully the matter is solved quicker that way. Besides I don't care much for being annoyed it's not in my nature.
@trouble4u2avoid (2915)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Wow, didn't realize all that was happening here. I have seen some discussions that completely confused me because the discussion turned into something else. I normally just left with leaving a post. Sorry, to hear someone is giving you grief. Although, I really don't understand why. I guess if it's getting abusive, you should report it.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
12 Feb 07
I think with the kind of evidence you have, you should report it. I don't know if that's what mylot prefers, but in most forums admins are pretty good about things like that. And this recent mega-deletion of the junk around here makes me think mylot's starting to take a pretty serious stance on keeping things cleaned up.
I don't really see what it can hurt to give it a try anyway. Obviously if just hitting ! on their posts only got those specific posts removed, and the user themselves are still at it, then something else needs to be done. Especially if they're boringly attacking rather than interestingly attacking! The nerve of some people! *laughs*
I can't imagine being like that. Especially on a site where you get paid for posting, why would someone throw away their money-making opportunity like that? I mean, I know it's not a lot of money, but still it's something. Besides which, it's not like they've managed to destroy your world or something by it. There isn't much to be accomplished by such an attack.
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Hi! I don't report most things because I realize there are lunatics on Mylot who will post whatever nuggets of doodoo come tumbling down out of their brains. :-) But, when users cross the line, I do report them. I read one discussion during which a male user was calling a female user derogatory names for female anatomy, if you get my drift. Then he'd argue with a male and use no profanity whatever. Got his number. Anyway, I reported that because it was just going too far.
Personal attacks against me I don't report unless I feel they are abusive or racial. I was called a "white trash jew." Nice, huh. And I've encountered users who claim to be "christian" calling me "a$$hat," and every other nasty names they could think of. That's just not necessary here.
If users abuse this forum and get deleted, then so be it. The rest of us shouldn't have to put up with their abuse. :-)
@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
12 Feb 07
I can't remember ever being harrassed by another user, I have disagreed with a few but I haven't been mean or nasty to them, I just let them know that I thought their views were a bit ignorant or whatever.
I really do think that some people over-react to posts, and many people just don't know how to argue in a tactile manner which is obvious when you see them launch personal tirades against other users for posting something they don't agree with.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
12 Feb 07
It is hard to figure the purpose behind such attacks. I would think that continuing to report abusive behavior would be enough to get someone canned off the site. You are correct, the spammers must think eveyone has a third grade education like they do.
It is the "spamee" that has the control to delate these silly messeges. Spamers never have any power and it is a useless waste of time. Gee, these 3rd graders could better use the time playing outside and pretend it is recess.
@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
12 Feb 07
seriously ...if they would use all that energy to post some great discusions they would be using that time to be valueable...I don't understand all this ...seems like the star ratings has gotten alot of this started.. maybe mylot should get rid of those too that might help ...if someone is giving you a direct abusive commnet then by all means go to admin. here and report that ...the things that I have been getting in my messages is bothering me ...but I certainly haven't run around and bashed this person ... gradeschool mentality is right ...I try to ignore and let mylot take care of these people ...or they are taking care of themselves ...ha ha and mylot will catch up with them ...
@clod0327 (817)
• Philippines
13 Feb 07
I didn't know that harrasment is really that bad here inmylot.
Lucky me, i haven't had any harrassment experience here. I just received two negative replies from my posting and I just ignored it. I figured, why would I waste my time in replying to people like that.
Maybe, we should just not take it personally and just have a healthy and fun discuddion here.
@pooksywooksy (1006)
• Indonesia
12 Feb 07
I think it's just not nice doing a harrasment on MyLot. Just like in a real world we don't think it's nice, so does in a virtual world.
I don't mind debate, or different opinion, as long as the poster starter doesn't open or start discussion that could lead to a fight. I just think it's a very low and a bad style to get responses.
When or if one did, then one should be prepared of the consenquences. (i.e people's judgement to him/her personally)
I think when there is such case like this, it would be nice to be reported to the admins of MyLot, in a hope that they would look on to the matter and I don't see no problem of the person to be banned.
@Lush_heidi (994)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I agree with you,hun! I wish we had an ignore button, and if your being harassed, please report and forward all images/msgs to mylot. Everyone has their opinions and are entitled to them and while we may not always agree with someone else's opinions or advice, that is no reason to harass them and send abusive comments to.
I am so sorry your enduring this, hang in there hun!
@panicdreamlabz (8)
• United States
13 Feb 07
If it bothered me that much ...I would CRUSH them...kidding.
I would leave it to higher authority (admins) with the and let them judge whether they want that sort on their site...
Or maybe give the offender something else to do...a little game of fetch?!!?
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I've never had anyone send me graphic images but I have seen my star rating drop from a 10 to a 9. I see this when I answer more "deep" discussions. Especially if I am not in agreement with the original poster. I see that I went back up to a 10.. but I didn't change the way I answer discussions. If I don't agree with someone I'll let them know-
When I first joined I had one other user telling me how bad of a parent I was and didn't I hear of birth control. LOL all because I said homework-- just isn't for kids anymore. I told her off.. and then my rating dropped. O-well..
I think we should just keep turning these offenders in- Not when they don't share your point of view but when they break the rules and harass people.
@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
12 Feb 07
If I were being harrassed, I know I would go to Mylot admin. I would report it the first and second time, but after that I consider that harassment and I would definately be going further.
@flagbabygirl (891)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I agree I am in the process of being harassed as we speak My rating was an 8 and now its a 5 what crap all because I worded a post really wrong yesterday and I have been trying to get through to anyone about what happened I tried to say sorry I messed up but no one listened they just kept of rating my bad and ragging on me I am so sick of it already! I wish we could fix our mistakes at least or remove something that is causing us grief! Crap I swear I wasn't trying to piss anyone off now what do I do?
@saralee1 (1983)
• United States
12 Feb 07
hmmmm, you had this happen to you as well, huh? I say report em' and burn em' at the stake!I don't like getting attacked by a group of future has beens!
@essilem (286)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
Instead of making it a personal war over somebody, i suggest you report it once to MyLota admin and leave it that. Eventually they will tire with the harrasment and leave you alone, especially if you ignore them. Block them off in your email and see their imterest in you wane and they will just go and look for another one to victimize since they did not get the response they wanted from you. Goodluck.