Spoiled or Attatched?
By Sissygrl
@Sissygrl (10912)
February 11, 2007 11:17pm CST
My daughter is nearly 7 months old and i am having a small problem. She doens't like to be far away from me at all. She has slept with me since she was born and always around me. but now she cannot be out of reach or she cries. She is in her crib, she can see me, i can see her, i can sing to her, call her name, smile at her, but still she just cries if she's not being held or close to me. she just won't stop untill i pick her up. Is she an attention freak? or does she really need to be picked up? i hate hearing her cry, but i think she should be able to play by herself for a while shouldnt she?
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45 responses
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
12 Feb 07
She wants her mommy, as she feels safe and loved with you. As you too have bonded very close. I'm sorry to say that you may have to put a little change to that, or it will get worse. She needs to sleep in her own bed. If she crys, you must not pick her up immediately. But you must check if she is okay. Babies cry if they are wet, soiled, hungry or sick. The last, is spoiled. Good luck dear. Blessings M&M
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
Thanks. I try to let her cry and put her in her own bed, but i dont like to hear her cry! and she still wakes up to be fed at night time, so if she is close we both get more sleep that way.. *sigh* i wanna keep her close, but not ALL the time! i need some mommy time too! She doesn't even stay asleep long if i'm not right beside her.
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@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
You just answered yourself..lol. In a way anyways...you want her near you , but not ALL the time....you now have to decide which you can handle more, no time to yourself at all, or letting her whine for a bit. :) You're doing awesome hun!
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@boeyong (256)
• Malaysia
12 Feb 07
Why should you want to distance yourself from your daughter? she is just 7 months old and you don't know how lucky you are that she clings to you. I have seen so many mothers who have children who don't even want to be near them because the bond has been broken by the mothers themselves. Don't worry, children this young want the security of having the mother around and the warmth they feel when the mother holds them or near them. Your daughter will grow up and out of the bond. Too soon, before you realise it, you will be wondering why your daughter doesn't talk to you, doesn't want your company, etc. The parent-children bond is very important. Cherish the moments of togetherness, not spurn them. Even adults need to cuddle and hug each other once in a while to feel loved and needed. You are talking about a 7 month old child here. You don't want your daughter to misinterpret your actions as not loving and caring for her, do you? You may think otherwise, but when she grows into adolescence and the age of rebelliousness and then an adult, how will you react when you hear her say "You never loved me!" or as in the other discussion, "I HATE you!". Don't let this situation happen to you. You can make a difference.
Even if you are busy, set her down near you and let her watch what you are doing. Children are good imitators and they like to watch their parents. My son used to sit on top of my table and watch me at my computer when he was about the same age as your daughter and we talked and he would gesture and make sounds (he couldn't talk yet) and I will explain what I do to him. Things like asking them to help you break an egg into the mixing bowl for instance, or help you wash the vegetables, doing small simple things, etc with you is a delight to your child. The point is, don't break the bond when it is till there. You will regret it in your later years.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
ok i maybe i didn't explain clearly or you jumped to conclusions or something, i'm sorry, i'll explain a little better. I dont want her to be away from me, and i love snuggly and hugging her a lot, i want to be close with her! she sleeps in my bed! lol. i just want to be able to do some things throughout the day while she plays on her own. like houseowork, things i can't do while she's napping because they would wake her. I by no means want to break the bond with my babes :) i love her very much and i sing and talk and explain things to her the way you say you did. I understand everything you said and want to thank you for your response even though i think we got a little away from what i was asking :)
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@Tatsuya (1149)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I'm having the same problem with my little one too. Anytime I hand her to someone else she screams bloody murder. She wants me all the time! What I do is I just let her cry. It kills me to hear her cry, but I know it's best. My daughter was a preemie, so I stayed at home to care for her that way. She is a special needs child, meaning that she is still not developed all the way mentally. She doesn't babble like she should, and when she was born she had a heart murmur and bleeding on the brain.
In order for you to get some sort of peace, you have to just let her cry. She will eventually understand that Mommy won't come running anytime she makes a sound. She needs to learn that she can play by herself, but if she really needs you, you'll be there. She also needs to learn how to calm herself down without help from you. When she cries, go to a room that's quiet, or go outside for a little peace and quiet. Keep a baby monitor with you if you are really worried, that way you know when she calms down. Everytime my little one sees me she cries wanting to be picked up. I talk to her, but don't pick her up. I hope this helps you out.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
I try to talk to her and this helps sometimes, i've made it so that she can see me while she's in her crib, and that has helped some. but i can't let her cry it out. she just doesn't stop and gets to the point where she will vommit she is so upset and i don't think that's very healthy. She is my lil angel and i dont want her to cry. its very hard to hear her. she also cries if i hand her to someone else. Yesterday we had some friends visit and she cried even though no one picked her up, just because there were strange people in our house. lol.
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@emmaacton (225)
• South Africa
12 Feb 07
Babies get clingy at this age ...well most ....its a fase and it will pass ...for 2 weeks i left my child to cry *hiding behimd the couch* wanting to just pick her up and hold her ...i left her ..now she plays by herself and learns much faster and enjoys being independant :) it was hard but being strong with your kids now makes for strong kids later :)
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@emmaacton (225)
• South Africa
12 Feb 07
lol ...i never read the other ppls comments before i reply....
do things now that you want to change now cos later on when your baby is like 2/3 it will be hard on your baby to change the routine...routine is EVRYTHING:)
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@emmaacton (225)
• South Africa
12 Feb 07
lol...honestly she wont die and she makes a scene cos she knows how to get to you ...once you put your foot down with her she wont push you ..children constantly push the bound of there mommys.
my story ...my son slept by me ...i never put him down and now when he goes to school he cryes for 2 hrs cos i babied him ..saying " aww he needs me ""he will get sick if he cryes " a big mistake now he lacks the confidence for life.
My daughter i put in her cot and closed the door ...she is 1 and a half and is going to run for congress...lol..very confident lil girl ...now im not saying i favour either child i am jus proud if them for different things ...my son is artistc but introveted...and my daughter is very out going and a qualified furniture climber!!! :) do what yoyu feel u need to , what works for you ...but keep the routine ...you might just be stuck with you baby on you hip :)
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@lucyobythomas (276)
• China
12 Feb 07
i think you caused it,you are not supposed to carry her all the time but now you are the only one that have to stop it.try keeping her down once you have fed her and given her all she needs,you have to do this so that you will have sometime for yourself.
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@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
12 Feb 07
she's 7 months old. she's still an infant. you make it sound like this is a horrible, awful thing!
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@Jocelynk (130)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
It isn't "caused" by anything. You can't spoil a baby. Mommy (and daddy or whomever is caregiving) is all the baby knows.
This is perfectly healthy and normal, especially at this age. All babies go through a stage where they hate to be away from their main caregiver and they don't understand why they won't be picked up!
My daughter is 8 months old and she started doing that at around 7 months as well. Come to her when she calls you - this gives her confidence that you will always be there. Having that confidence will allow them to be on their own more and more.
Since they know you'll come when they need you, they'll learn that they can play alone for a while and if they need you, you will come.
This stage of development will return in toddlerhood. As much of a pain in the butt it is, it's normal. Make sure that you are getting time for yourself, though!
My sister (A mom of two under the age of three), my mom (currently has a 4-year-old), and myself (with the 8 month old) all get together once a week for two hours - we leave the kids with our partners and enjoy the time off :D
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@mommy2taylor1 (405)
• United States
12 Feb 07
She loves her Mommy & that in itself is the most important thing. My daughter is 16 months old & I went through the same thing right around 7-9 months. She is a Momma's girl, but especially then, I couldn't do anything with out her freaking out & wanting me to hold her-- so, I feel that it is a stage that children go through-- I definately don't think it's spoiled. My daughter is a little older now & she still wants me, but it's not to the extent that it was-- she is able to do things by herself etc & be away from me with out crying. I know a lot of people think that this is spoiling and that by picking them up and comforting them is condoning the behavior & I simply have to disagree. Our children love us--especially the primary caregivers to them--they are new to this world & it's a BIG scary world to them with lots of things they don't understand or know, so what's the harm in them needing us close by to make it alright for them? Nothing. You need to do what you feel is best for yourself & what makes you feel good. If you want her to play by herself, eventually she will.. but, if you don't like the crying (which I didn't either) than, she doesn't need to cry if she can have you :) Good luck.. but, I thought my daughter was never going to outgrow it & she did... it just takes awhile for them to get used to the surroundings and actually be okay with the world.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
Okay thank you very much for your response. I was always thinking that i should just go wth my instinct and i have so far. But i was beginning to doubt that with people telling me i spoiled her and her being really needy. I just want to do what's best for her, and i dont see how leaving her alone crying will do her any good at all. wont that teach her that mommy isn't always there to help her ? i want her to feel safe and protected. At what age did your daughter start being able to play alone ?
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@Jocelynk (130)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
You sound like a wonderful mom :)
Keep doing what you're doing - leave her in the crib and stay beside her. It take a while, but the more you do it, the longer she'll stay in there. Eventually, you'll get to the point where she'll fall asleep... Hopefuly :P
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@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
12 Feb 07
Do not really know how will you take it, but, this is the way I take up such issues.
1. Your daughter is only 7 months old, right? She needs your love, attention and care. So, it is natural for her to try and stay in touch with you always.
2. Unfortunately, your daughter does not seem to have anyone else to trust in your house. Baby of her age requires a protective shield. They really feel helpless and insecured at this age. It may be a reason why she is simply unwilling to get detached from you.
3. So the only option is to bear this small trouble for a little longer. And try to make her own world at the same time. It is better to continue talking with baby instead of picking her up in the very first attempt. So, just stay cool, give her confidence (You have, probably, done so though). I think, it will be over within few more months. And for God's sake, never show your anger or frustration before her. The more you will react, the more she will feel insecured and she will tend to grab you more closely. Just stay cool. It will be over. Trust me.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
I never get mad, i do get frusterated but, i keep that to myself. i always just try to talk to her first or sing to her, but she just wont have it usually lol. I am usually the only one in our house she has yes. daddy is usually either at work or sleeping, (he works midnight shift) and both her grandparents live over 2000miles away. i wish we could move back home so she could be close with my parents too. aw. i wish i wish.
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@Dara_momto4 (842)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I co-slept with all four of my children. They never got 'spoiled' from this. I also have been in your current situation with all four of my children. I say she's going through a phase. Please remember you CANT spoil a 7 month old baby! You are giving her the love and comfort she needs. You are doing a great job responding to her needs. She will play on her own when she is ready- all children are different, so are independant at a young age and others aren't. My oldest was never really a clingy baby, but my youngest is a real snuggler.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
thank you :) I am just running with instinct here. and i can't let her cry it out like some of the people responded and say is hould try. i will just break and pick her up. i think she needs me, and i think i'd be letting her down if i didn't do something to make her not cry ;/
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@sweetaspie52 (2359)
• United States
12 Feb 07
do you have any other children? she just wants to feel like she is being loved every baby goes through it so did mine when they were little I held them more and more doing the day then we they went to sleep I did what needed to be done ( you can not spoil a baby ) they need to feel loved I slept with my sons for the first 4 months of their lives and they are NOT a mommies boy I still hold my granddaughter and she is 6 years old and sleep with her when she is with me but to answer your question she just wants to feel like she is being loved I AM IN NO WAY SAYING THAT YOU DO NOT LOVE HER it is just something that they go through she will out grow it and then you will feel the need to hold your daughter and she will not want to be held
@mommycrat (148)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Most babies go through a period of separation anxiety. I would continue to give her closeness if that's what she needs, that way she trusts that you'll meet her needs when she communicates them to you. You should look into babywearing. Try thebabywearer.com to find lots os carriers that will allow you to be close to baby but still hands free and able to function.
I know it's hard, hang in there. Attached babies whose parents meet their needs become trusting, independent adults.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
Thank you :) i will do my best and now that i know it will someday pass i have something to think about when i start to feel like i need some time. i can think. SOMEDAY.. i will be able to do this or that, and i will remember these times she wanted to be with me 24-7 and cry cause i miss them. lol. thank you.
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
sorry dear you set this up all by your self. you kept her close to you from birth and now you do not understand why she crys, yes it is separation anxiety, she is seven months old, She has had control of her little world and now you want to change the rules.She is going to have to be gradually left alone. as for playing by herself, Not likely she needs something to gain her attention, That is why those companies that make mobiles and stuff you can attach to crib, baby seat or stroller are so rich because they do keep baby entertained, the more colorful and musical the better. This is terrible but in a pinch even sitting them in their baby seats in front of the TV will distract them but please do not make this a full time entertainment feature.Just keep shifting her around , to keep her entertained and not in your arms. I hope you keep what has happened in mind as a lesson and learn form it.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
I learned that she needs attention from her mom yes. i do not think that i over did it.. she needs to feel safe, and i make her feed safe. i do not let her watch any tv, and on occasion when i have put on those kids shows she's totally not interested. so no tv for her.
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@krishnageethika (119)
• India
12 Feb 07
At this age it is only natural that your baby wants your nearness. Pamper her a lot and there is no harm in showering a lot of love on her. Don't fear about her getting spoiled by your love. LOVE never spoils any body! She, in turn, will learn to love others also.She wants to be held in your hands- may be because of the coldness she feels or because of a feeling if insecurity when you are away from her. So don't try to make her behave or try to train her at this very young age, give her whatever she wants and let her bloom into a loving and responsible human being. Even if these childhood years will be erased from one's memory the incidents and experiences in these days will have a long-lasting impact on the future life. So let her bask in your over-spilling love!!!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
I feel the same. my mom held me and slept with me in her bed because my dad was always away working. and it was just instinct to keep my daughter near, and she loves it and i love it. i just am wanting some time to myself too. but that will have to wait i guess.
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@mom2adopted (56)
• United States
12 Feb 07
You poor girl!! First, your baby is not spoiled. At this age, babies need attiontion and security. One thing that might help is to smile a lot at her. I would start right away to get her in the crib. I don't believe that children should sleep with their parents. I sing this silly song to my daighter who is now 2. I sing: "it's time to go ni-night, time to go ni-night". I also sway or dance a little. She loves it. When she was smaller, I would hld her in my arms or against me and sway her while singing it. Now, she sings with me at night time.
Make everything fun. Smile, sing, clap your hands. babies do what there mommies do. If you are happy and excited about them going to bed, they will start to feel the same way. I would also tell her she is a good girl or is doing a good job.
When she cries, check on her andd tell her that she is ok. Also say "I know" when she in crying a lot. This all worked for me. I hope I have helped, even a little bit!!
Keep up the good work, it doesn't get easier, but it will seem better!!
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
lol thanks for the vote of confidence :) i know its not easy and i 'm trying to work with my instinct here, but i like to hear others opinions too. i really like sleeping with her at night cause its easier to nurse her when she wakes up and i just like to have her close at night. its in the day when i'd like her to have some time to her self to play so mommy can get some stuff done too!
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@mum2five (4)
• United States
12 Feb 07
She's seven months old. This is prime seperation anxiety age. Get a sling and carry her while you get some houswork done. I swear she won't be like this forever. Someday she'll go to school, someday she'll close her bedroom door and beg you not to come in, someday she'll even move out and some day she'll get married. It goes really, really fast. You'll miss the needy stage and wish she was still an infant that only wanted to be cuddled by her Mom.
Good luck
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
Thank you i will definitely keep this in mind when i'm complaining about no time to myself next time. i realize she won't always be like this. and maybe she will one day not want me around at all when she's a teenager, i think that must be hard.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I'm a firm believer that you cannot spoil an infant. She finds comfort in being with you and there is nothing wrong with that. I used to carry around my oldest all the time and we enjoyed life together. Believe me when I say, it will be soon enough that she will be too busy to be around you and off doing her own thing. You cannot give a child too much of your time.
@clod0327 (817)
• Philippines
13 Feb 07
I read a book that sometimes, it is not always good to always pick up the baby when they cry because they will get use to this kind of hobby. According to the book, you should try to find out first why he/she is crying - he/she can be hungry or you need to change his/her diaper, etc. Finfing out the reason why he/she is crying will stop the baby from crying so you don't have to pick her/him up everytime she/he is crying.
I think there's just apoint in a baby's life where they feel this, I think it's what they call separation anxiety. They just need to feel secure beside you. It willall pass and before you know it, your baby will be independent soon.
@lvap0628 (731)
• Philippines
13 Feb 07
I don't think she's spoiled, just attached, you're her mother after all. But perhaps it's time for her to start learning that you cannot be with her all the time. Try not to pick her up everytime she cries, give her some toys to play with. she'll get used to it.
@mbarryton (1872)
• United States
13 Feb 07
she so small and dependent on you she just wants to be around you. both my kids at that age were the same. dont worry shell eventually go out of it
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@jsae29 (1120)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
My mom often told me not to cradle my baby to often beacuse it will get use to being cradle all the time. I'd like to listen to her but it was my first baby and cant help but to hug, kiss and cradle him my arms always. After a few months, I wished I listened to my moms advice. I cannot go to the rest room without him crying, there was even a time that I had to bring him inside the bathroom with me because he wont stop crying.
My aunt advice me to buy him those baby gym set and put it in his crib. It worked! First few days there'll still be some crying, so don't leave him right away with the toy. make your baby feel that you are just there beside him. Slowly you'll feel that your baby is getting used to being alone. You also have to change the toy from time to time so your baby wont get bored
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