
February 12, 2007 12:40am CST
is friendship a gateway to love ?
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4 responses
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
Not necessarily, but friendship is a good foundation for a good relationship.
@smille (829)
• India
12 Feb 07
yea most of the times friendship leads to love....cos people know each other more in frinedship and if they like something more its very much posible tht they fall in love!!
@abhax123 (1695)
• India
12 Feb 07
ITs not a gateway, but its a first step towards LOve, you came to know about each other and stuff, you talk and you think about each other, you know what he likes and she dont likes and stuff and then you can say "MAYBE HE/SHE IS THE ONE..." So friendship is a step towards that gateway to LOVE... Have a nice DAY
@bcc23488 (883)
• Thailand
12 Feb 07
your discussion is interesting and I have oe discussion like this but my discussion ask friends on mylot can you marry with your best friends? and have lot of my friends on mylot say I must be risk if she cannot love me is nothing happen to my relation so i think it is real haha so valentine day i will say it to her -_-"