are you in favor of ABORTION?

@ela2pso (364)
February 12, 2007 2:39am CST
tell me why yes or no...... is it bad or good to you?
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5 responses
@happybabe (206)
• China
4 Apr 07
why did you ask like that? Don't you think it is bad for every girl?
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@micamyx (916)
• Philippines
1 Apr 07
When i was younger, I was against abortion because we all know that killing is a big sin specially if you'd kill your own child, but as i grow up and learning the harsh realities of life, I am now in the neutral side since we all know that poverty is one of the main factors why a woman chooses to have her baby aborted
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@fabwisp (1327)
12 Feb 07
Abortion is a very personal choice. I believe that every woman has the right to choose. It is neither right or wrong it is just an answer to a problem. There are many things a woman has to think about before she chooses this. And she has to live with it her whole life. She will judge herself so the rest of the people should support her decision. I am pro choice. Every woman has that freedom of choice.
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• China
11 Mar 07
bad bcz its the procedure to kill a person
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@kreizhy (111)
• Philippines
22 Aug 07
No, its a sin. Your killing your own baby. The baby should not suffer from what his/her parents have done. They know they are not yet ready to be parents but still they do it. To avoid pregnancies, they have to try contraceptives. Irresponsible parents will face karmas in the future. If the woman commits an abortion maybe she will not have a baby anymore.