Is a wedding ring necessary?

United States
February 12, 2007 3:28am CST
If you get married or engaged is a necessary to wear a ring?
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9 responses
• India
21 Feb 07
Wedding ring is nothing but a rememberance of wedding. By wearing it we remember all the time to our soulmat. It is a sign of love which we carry all the time with us. It is just a ritual, not necessary to wear it. It depends on person to person, someone likes it someone do not like it.
@victor234 (506)
• Brazil
21 Feb 07
Yes, I think that it is necessary, If you married you have to use it. The ring show that you are a married woman and far away another men. The ring is so beautiful, why doest use?
@annieroos (1845)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I don't think its necessary, but its a nice gesture.. I guess some people think that by wearing a ring you are showing that ou love that person.. but i don't you really have to wear a ring to show you love a person.. Don't get me wrong.. Its nice.. and great thing.. I don't wear mine cause i can't my hands swell.. and my husband doesn't cuse he lost his.. but we don't love each other any less...
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
yes i think a wedding ring is necessary because i think its part of the wedding ceremonies the ring right? so u must have a ring when u are married. Irregardless of the cost...but every married couple should have their wedding ring. For engagement ring its okay for me not to have one... if you're question is for the couple to strucly wear it..i think thats not necessary anymore.
@baby88 (696)
• Singapore
21 Feb 07
yes it is! its a symbol of love when the two get together. just also to tell everyone that you r already engaged to someone you love. :)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I don't think it is necessary but I wear one on my right and my left ring fingers. I say I am double married :) It is of course your own personal choice but if offered a ring and you turn it down you could hurt the person.
@as2006 (5040)
• Israel
12 Feb 07
No, but I think that yes.
@joyskie23 (174)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
as a married woman, i think wearing our wedding ring is necessary because i feel so much loved by my husband everytime i saw him wearing our wedding ring.It symbolizes love and respect in your relationship.And by wearing your wedding ring seems like you wanted to tell the whole world that you are already owned by somebody.
@joyskie23 (174)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
as married woman,for me i think wearing our wedding is necessary.I feel so much loved by my husband when i see him wearing our wedding ring.It symbolizes love and respect in your relationship.For me wearing it seems like you want to tell the whole world that you are already owned by somebody.