Prayer Does it work?

February 12, 2007 7:53am CST
Whats ur think? For me its work i think with out my prayer i can,t successed in my life its really works and very important for my life I think in world all religons ask for prayer if the Muslim,Hindu,Christian or any other religon every one say for paryer whats ur think its really work ?
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9 responses
• United States
12 Feb 07
Prayers for me do work and are very important to me. I've heard some people say that they don't get what they pray for and there have been times I feel my prayers weren't answered. I've come to realize, in my own life, that all prayers are answered and that sometimes the answer is no. When I look back on it, when the answer is no, in the long run it worked out better than what I was asking for although it didn't seem like that at the time.
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• China
12 Feb 07
Ya some time its happened if u do many many prayers but can,t success its not means God not listing ur prayers God no everything well for that some time ur prayer not sucessed may be for that these thing u doing for paryer is not good for u beacuse In Human just watch these things that in front of our eyes but God watching all things thats is Coming very Far for that some time our paryer not successes Thanks for ur response best of luck friend
@JuliaPan (564)
• Canada
27 Feb 07
I have great confidence that prayers do work if the person prays from the deep of his heart. You know, all our wishes and dreams come true after all. We just need to utter them out in the right way.
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• China
28 Feb 07
ya i think too thanks for ur response best of luck friend
@cerium (691)
12 Feb 07
Prayers are no magic. However, they are a source of self relief. It gives hope and make you accept whatever is the outcome. Sometimes you will have what you wanted, other times you will not. But, whatever is the outcome, you'll be happy and relaxed. Also prayers don't mean to stop working. Someone must work hard to achieve what he wants. However, prayer will help you in your way. No doubt about that.
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• China
12 Feb 07
Ya for paryer is very important to do work hard paryer not means just only paryer no any work if u want to get any thing do prayer and work hard than God will help u and u get thats thing whats u want
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@zugedanit (1958)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
Yes it will work. Just pray hard and it will work. Your prayer will be answer immediately.
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• China
12 Feb 07
Thats iuce if its work ya Pray hard and work hard u get success in ur life everywhere
@sunny1984 (639)
• India
28 Feb 07
Yes it works
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@GODROX (45)
27 Feb 07
St . Padre Pio said "prayer is a fragrance that is never wasted". When we ask for GODs help be sure he will hear you. Jesus said Ask and it will be given and you will find....knock and the door will be opened to you. YES despite what the world tells us...JESUS is the answer. God Bless.
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• Singapore
27 Feb 07
If there is a God and if he is willing to help you and he really helps you, then it would be a bonus. Otherwise, praying helps you to focus and streamline your intention and thoughts. You become more clear-headed (hopefully) and disciplined in your belief. So when you pray, whether or not there is any divine intervention, it will likely help you succeed easier.
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• Philippines
3 Jul 07
hi simpleatif! for me, prayer is very powerful. it's our way of communicating to God and talking to Him heart to heart. for me it's very important... have good day!
@roshand8 (1478)
• Sri Lanka
3 Jul 08
religion doesn't matter.True prayer that comes from your heart without even trying to pray is the real prayer and god always feels that and it will make a connection between god and us.