Has Someone You Loved Died Of Cancer?????
By cabergren
@cabergren (1181)
United States
February 12, 2007 8:08am CST
My sister was only 42 years old when she died of cancer. That is just way too young. She was diagnosed and died 9 months later. The hardest part was watching it happen to her. Watching her get sicker and sicker and just wasting away. At first it was hard to know what to say to her, but after a while I figured out that she just wanted to know what you were doing. What was going on outside of her life. I spent a lot of time with her and am glad that I did. How do you handle when someone you love is that sick????
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30 responses
@momokoseiya (453)
• United States
12 Feb 07
My mother had skin cancer when I was a child. I didn't really know what it was, all I knew was that she had to go into the hospital and have surgery. When she came home, she was bandaged and bruised, and I was frightened of her. I didn't know what to think. My parents never explained it to me until I got older. I guess they didn't want to scare me. Thankfully, she pulled through and is now cancer free. I have never had anyone close to me die of cancer, though.
Thanks for sharing your story. It is so nice to see that you were there for your sister. I'm sure she apprecaited that.
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@weemam (13372)
12 Feb 07
I had an uncle die of cancer at 40 something a cousin at 40 something and an aunt just recently at almost 80 my aunt had been in remission but it came back with a vengeance , It is so sad to See someone you love go like that well to go with any illness, all you can do is be with them and try to keep everything as normal for them as well as you .xx
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@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
My wife lost her younger brother to cancer when he was just 21 and also her mother who had just gotten through one type of cancer and thought all was well and then she had lung cancer and was gone so fast.
My wife has also overcome cancer twice and is now doing great, with nothing on the radar. She works very hard to do things that give her the best chance at good health.
Cancer is such a horrible disease.
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@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
Sorry I got a little emotional and didn't finish my post. :)
It hurts me to see people go through things like this and I am just a big baby and am really no help because I can't seem to control my emotions. My wife is the stronger one in the area of not losing it around those that are sick and dying.
My thoughts are with those that are dealing with cancer personally or otherwise.
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@stutiaquarian (394)
• India
13 Feb 07
yes one of my aunt did and that was brain cancer and the most horrifieing one
@shaheenazahid (12)
• Pakistan
13 Feb 07
i feel sorry for your sister. May she rest in peace and may god give you the power to with stand this grief.
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
I lost my grandpa to lung cancer, I was quite young at the time. At that age I really didn't understand things..infact I think I was myself around him. I know that he didn't want people to feel sorry for him and to just act natural, so as a kid I was able to naturally do just that. I'm sorry to hear about your loss and I bet that your sister was glad that you talked to her about your life rather than stuggling to decide what to say.
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@arinig (1376)
• India
13 Feb 07
we too loosed our uncle in cancer of age 42.my aunt is the only younger daughter to 4 brothers.it was a sad situations for our whole family.we got very much depressed knowing his disease.he is a good and bold hearted person.he doesnt even express his pain to others.even before one week he spoke making fun with others.how can we forget him.he doesnt want her wife or children to cry.but unfortunately we lost him.
@ownado (1679)
• Portugal
12 Feb 07
My mother had cancer about 11 years ago and I didn't released it at that time because I was still too young to know what it was but fortunately she got over it and never had anymore problems about that until today.
I'm really sorry for your sister.
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@Questy (98)
• Nigeria
12 Feb 07
I lost an uncle to the ugly hands of cancer. He had just finished his training as a lawyer and was serving at the house of assembly when cancer struck. It was colon cancer. We all wept bitterly and my grand mum couldn't do any less. God rest his soul.
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
13 Feb 07
We have a neighbor who was very close to us. She suffered from the disease, too. As she underwent through her day to day ordeals, how I wish there is something I can do to alleviate her pains. But of course, the best I can do then was to let her talk about how she feels through it all. After more than a year of suffering, she rested. It was devastating considering that she was the head of the family.
I have a son who has leukemia. The doctor declared he was dying when he was ten. He lives through the years because of an all natural herbal drink and botanical drink he has been taking for some years now. The doctors who had taken care of him could hardly believe it was happening at first. But yes, his condition has improved greatly from the time he started taking Intra. Intra is a botanical drink which the Canadians concocted. I believe you can order it through the internet. Another product is a produce of the Philippines, the Bio Enzyme Plus. As of this time the tandem of these two products is creating wonders in my child. I am still nursing hopes in my heart, that time will come when he shall fully recover from his condition. He is now 19 years old.
@Tenerifelynn (575)
13 Feb 07
Ive lost a few close friends and family members to cancer... Each time we learn of another case it never gets any easier to handle.... Only last September we learned my brother only 39 years of age after just coming back from a stint serving with the armed forces in Iraq has been diagnosed with a brain tumour. So now it is a case of waiting time and hoping they can cure him and things are not too late.. He is currently in a military hospital undergoing treatment for the tumour to the right side of his brain.
@simplycza (1480)
• Philippines
13 Feb 07
I've seen my mom how she suffers from cancer. With all the chemotherapy and radiation, medicines, from getting bald, loosing appetite, etc. It was really so hard to see your loved one like that but I'm glad she survives! I prayed a lot and she really fights!
@EagleEyes (646)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I am so very sorry about your sister. God Bless you and big hugs to you too. My dad is dying of cancer right now, and it is the most heartbreaking thing to watch. My father was always in great shape before this happenned, he exercised every day, ran 4 miles every other day, ate right, drank so much water, always protected himself from the sun and now he has cancer everywhere inside him. The thing that gets me is in Sept of 2006 he was still running 4 miles every other day. Now, he needs a cane to walk, and a wheelchair to go to doctors appts. He is so weak, and in so much pain, it is just awful. He does not eat much anymore, I just feel so bad for him. I am terrified of losing him, he means the world to me. He is a wonderful man, but I don't want him to suffer either. I wouldn't wish this on anyone at all. I spend as much time as I can with my dad, right now I have a cold, so I haven't been there in the last 3 days, I don't want him to catch my cold. I think that it's important to cherish every moment with him now, and I will always cherish the ones before this happenned to him to. I tell him everytime I see him how much I love him and what a fantastic father he is.
I just wish I could make him better, but I can't do that, only God can. A good friend of mine just emailed me a short while ago and she said a pastor told her that "sometimes God does heal by taking us up to heaven, so we don't have pain and suffering anymore", and it makes sense, as hard as it may be for us to handle that, our loved ones will be in peace in Heaven.
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@niceandshort (72)
• India
12 Feb 07
Well i wish people don't have to go through what your sister when throuhg. SHe's was a really strong person. RIP.
@cliffcliff (1350)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I fear my best friend in the world is fighting cancer at this moment. He was diagonosed 6 months ago, he is only 48 years old... I have been visiting as much as possible, we are the best of friends, i feel bad, i dont know what to do. Sometimes I feel guilty for being healthy... he is a two hour drive away, so i spend some weekends there.
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@elizabeth525 (654)
• United States
12 Feb 07
i have had too many people die from cancer. My uncle, my grandpa, my grandmother and a second cousin. hers was the fastest. She was diagnosed and 3 weeks later she passed away. it seems that today no one is without cancer somewhere in the family. everyone has lost a loved one to cancer sometime
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
Yes I lost my dad to cancer at the age of 59. He'd just got to where he'd made his last house payment. He'd worked extremely hard all his life and not successful at farming but later supported his family of 3 three kids and a wife being a mechanic. Prostrate cancer set in and I watched him go downhill to where he was so weak he couldn't suck water from a glass with a straw, so Yes I know first hand the sorrow and the pain. There isn't a day I don't think about him. We need to love them enough to let them go. Remember this they want us to keep a soft spot in our heart for them but not carry them as a burden on our back. Take Care and one day we will all meet again. Grandmaof2
@sisan76 (43)
• Singapore
12 Feb 07
Please accept my condolences for your sister. My mom passed away two years ago due to cancer. It hard to see when someone you dear to you becoming weaker and weaker by the day. Going the chemotheraphy made her lose all her hair. The sadness in her eyes is not about her illness. It more to unwillingness to leave me, my brother and my father. As she was on her deathbed, I told her not to worry about all of us. I will take of the family. I pray that she is in heaven now looking down on us and be happy that my brother has already graduated from University, my father has retire and start to realise his dream to travel and for myself happily married. I know that she would want us to live our lives to the fullest and not in sadness.