Lord, Now my Mother in Law is going to fly over and be in the middle of it all
By moonmagick
@moonmagick (1458)
United States
February 12, 2007 9:14am CST
For crying out loud my husband called his mommy. She is in Scotland. That is where she is from. She lives there. She has known about his "habit" for years and says if he isnt doing it here it isnt a problem. She lectured me via email that if my husband has a clean home to come home to with a well taken care of baby and all the dogs are taken care of (there are 3 of them mind you, a st bernard, a chow and a puggle) and a hot meal every night, he shouldn't anything to complain about. All of these things are true. Mind you some days the house isnt completely spotless, but it isnt a sty either. You do not know how ready I am to pack her baby up and put his a%% on a plane and let her take care of him. Now she is worried about the well being of her grandchild and coming over. Her grandchild is fine. And I intend to keep it that way. His du#ba## daddy may be homeless before it is all over with though. A woman I have never met telling me how to run my house and care for my child. I am sorry but I dont think she is an expert, look at how hers turned out.
Sorry. I checked my email and felt the need to rant a bit..
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5 responses
@EagleEyes (646)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I am sorry you are going through this, don't be down on yourself though. I have 4 kids and 2 dogs and lets face it, it is not easy to keep the house spotless at all. I know when I clean the house, I will start in one room, and then move to the next only to come out to the first room I already cleaned all messed up again. There is a saying:
Cleaning and Scrubbing
Can Wait 'Til Tomorrow
Babies Grow Up
We've Learned To Our Sorrow
So Quiet Down Cobwebs
Dust Go To Sleep
I'm Rocking My Baby
And Babies Don't Keep
That is so true, don't you think so? I think your mother in law needs a swift kick in the you know what. LOL I am just kidding, but she does need to know that this is your family life, not hers and she should mind her business.
Don't let her walk all over you, stand up to her in a polite way. If you don't mind me asking, what "habit" are you talking about? Sounds to me like you have your hands full and maybe your husband needs to do what you do everyday just once and then he will realize it isn't so easy and that you are doing the best you can do. I betcha you don't have any time to yourself right? I know I don't, well only when my kids are in school, then that is the time I do my housework, blah blah blah yucky laundry too lol, I hear what you are saying, I really do. Just know that you are doing a great job and don't listen to them.
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@EagleEyes (646)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Raising your child is the most important job you will ever have, not cleaning a house, or cooking or anything at all like that. If you love your child and you are taking care of that child, then you are doing everything right. That's all that matters.
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Thanks for you kind words and comments. Yes I totally agree. The well being of the baby overrides everything else. This is kind of a continuation post to the last 2 days where I have posted long conversations about the state of my marriage and what I should do. But I have to say, My son is my overriding priority
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@EagleEyes (646)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I just went and read your 2 posts prior to this one. Oh boy, you poor thing. What a terrible thing for him to do to you, to put you in a situation like this. If it was me, at this point, I hope this doesn't come out as mean or anything, but it really sounds like he is not going to give it up and like he is in total denial about this being a bad habit, I would tell him to get out or if you have somewhere to go for a while with your child, I would leave. As hard as that may be, it's called tough love and it will be a real awakening call for him. He may get stoned the first few days, but when he realizes what is at stake, how much he has to lose, I think he will come around. But under no circumstances would I stay there with him stoned, not with a baby, no way. You are right, your baby comes first, and so does his well being. I would really do something this drastic to end the habit here and now. If he chooses to not end the habit, well then you and your baby are much better off without him. I know that sounds really mean, but he needs to grow up and get his priorities in order. I would call him on it, and I hope this makes sense to you. Hugs!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Feb 07
Well you know what to do Tell her to mind her own Buisness or even better to take her Son back with her. It must be Scotland lol as My Ex was from there to and his Parents always stuck up for him until a year before they passed away. They realised what was going on. Tell her to mind her own Buisness and to stay out of it.
@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
24 Feb 07
She has decided to wait and come over for a visit later. Thank Goodness. Because I have to say, I am typically easy to get along with, but the last thing someone I dont even know wants to do is come into my home and try to tell me how to run it, because I will snap. I think the hubby and his mom both sensed this.
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@signum (545)
• Australia
12 Feb 07
UGH. It's really irritating that you seem to be the last one to know about his habit. There's a lack of honesty here and it's just not right. He should have told you, and since he didn't, his mother should have told you via email or telephone.
There is absolutely no need for her to come over. She has nothing to be concerned about apart from her son, who she can talk to on the phone. Be careful. Something about this woman strikes me as strange. Don't trust her and whatever you do, do not leave your baby with her alone, not even for a second. Not even if you only need to go and get bread and milk. She's trouble.
Right now, if I were you, I WOULD boot your husband out, since all this is stirring up far too much trouble and you simply just don't need the stress.
Good luck, dear, and if you're stuck, PM me.
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Thanks again. And no, I wouldnt dream of leaving my son with her. With either of them for that matter. When I got home and he was high last night, I wouldnt even let him hold his son. He got angry and told me that wasn't right, but I don't care. He can either respect me and our child, or he can be a "man" all by his lonesome. I informed him that he is not the role model I want for my baby, and if he cant get himself straight, he never will be.
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
I feel as if I have walked into the middle of a conversation, but here is my two cents worth, You appear to be the only adult in this entire situation, so you are going to have to make some decisions that effect you and your child. As for your hubby and his mom, I personally would ship him home to his mommy as defective workmanship material. You should not have to be the one to train him, He is an adult and should know better, this being said it is obvious that he is mentally a child, and there is nothing you can do about that, so do not waste you time and breath trying. I truly do hope the best for you, and I do know what you are going through as well been there done that. Honestly it is not going to get better until you take charge.
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@sandgroper1 (629)
• Australia
12 Feb 07
firstly i would put her on block sender list after i sent her an email telling her not to bother coming over and if she felt the need to buy a plane ticket it should have her babys name on it and she can have him back as hes a regect (sorry) as far as telling you to clean your house and the rest HOW RUDE !!! i would have to tell her to sit on that one and she definetly woulnt be welcome into my house after all 1st impressions count and shes already worn hers out, haha. a childs well being is usually a mothers 1st priority expecially a baby and you sound to me to be a very smart loving nurturing mum who wants the best for her baby and family, if i was you i would hand hubby back to his mummy with a return to sender sticker stuck to his head. i hope that thing work out for you, big hugs you sound like you need it
@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
13 Feb 07
Thank you. I havent emailed her back yet because my grandma once told me I have a temper and I really need to stop and think and make sure what opinions I really want to express before I speak because you cant take words back. That is also the reason I havent spoken to my husband since last night. I am trying to think clearly and make sure exactly what I want to say in the email. I plan to try to be an adult, but we will see what happens when I get started. :)
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