How cool is this?
@infamousaunty (241)
United States
February 12, 2007 12:56pm CST
Okay, so last night I am in a meditative state and I am focusing on a new writing project. I still pray to Akua(God) and so I'm like "Hey God, it's me, Mapu..."
So I was sent the message that I should start a new writing game which involves those people whom I know and do not know and it is to rewrite certain books of the Bible as they pertain to your religious beliefs, and your Deities, and your "Creation Story".
Here is something to start with. What happens next is people from all different walks of life "rewrite" the next verse where I leave off, okay?
Here we go-
GENESIS, Verse 1:
- In the Beginning, there was nothing. Time and space were one and the same. The Earth was just a mass, a void in the nothingness.
- Akua said " There is light", and so it was. Akua saw that the light was good and revealing.
- He separated the lightness from the darkness, calling the lightness "Day" and the darkness "Night". The Sun set and the Moon rose, and then the Moon set and the Sun rose, and this was the First Day.
- When morning came, Akua decided that He would give separation also to the waters, placing space and time between them, with one above and one below, calling the one above "Heaven". Night fell. Morning ROse. So was the second day.
- Akua said, "Let the water that is beneath the newly formed sky come together in one place so that there can be dry land. Then we can call all that water ke kai moana...the ocean. Akua was pleased with His own Self. Then He said "Hey! This place wold probably look pretty cool with some plants and stuff, and I am pretty sure that I want to grow plants that can sustain and reproduce themselves..." So it was that Akua would make fruit bearing trees and plants would grow. Night fell. Morning rose, and this was the third day.
....who's next??? Goldi?
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