Did your parents make mistakes when raising you?
@awonderfullife (2893)
United States
February 12, 2007 12:58pm CST
It seems many people blame their parents for things that have gone wrong in their life. Or they'll say they want to raise their kids differently than they were raised. Of course no parents are perfect, but do you parent your children in the same way that your parents did? Do you think your parents made a lot of mistakes and do you avoid doing things the way they did them?
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82 responses
@hartnsoul (558)
• Philippines
13 Feb 07
It is a fact that parenting styles differ among culture and traditions. Every generation of parents would want to change some things with the way they were borught up. Making huge efforts to correct the wrong they observed.
I think my parents did their best in bringing us up. They taught us to be God-fearing and considerate to others around us. They may not be the perfect lot, but they sure are admirable with their attempts to make life a learning experience for me and my siblings. :)
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@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Everyone makes mistakes raising their kids. Mistakes are just a part of life and how you learn! I'm sure every parent would say that they regret doing or not doing something a certain way..but we cant go back in time and change it. We just have to learn from it and make sure it doesnt happen again!
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• China
13 Feb 07
I agree with you! and when the child has grown up,he will
@himlaks (10)
• India
13 Feb 07
It is true that we, as parents do many mistakes while raising our first child.Once we realize that mistake it is wise to avoid when you raise the second child.I have noticed that unconsciously we carry the same mistakes which our parents did to us in the past.So each step has to watched so that our child doesn't suffer a lot.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
13 Feb 07
of course not all parents are perfect and children can go 2 ways, they either do what their parents did or the complete opposite. i do think my parents did some wrong things when i was older in rasing me, and they didn't talk to me as much and form a good bond enough for me to trust that i can come to them with any problem. thats the one major thing i want to change in my relationship with my children. i know its going to be hard, but i'm going to try my best to do it. my parents did their best as well, to whatever their knowledge was, thats what they did. i can't blame my parents sometimes because my grandparents where pretty old school in their parenting as well. each generation learns and hopfully improves on taking the best care of their children. parent will often make mistakes, any human would...parenting is hard.
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@poppoppop111 (5731)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
no one is perfect so i think all parents make mistakes. i'm sure they mean well at the time. i parent my child the complete oposit of how i was raised. i was raised in an abusive household, spanking, hitting with ibjects, etc. it was also a home with out any affection what so ever. with my daughter there is absolutely no abuse adn not even any spanking. and i show her a lot of affection. i tell her i love her at least 50 times a day and give her hugs and kisses all day long.
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@jamirse21 (25)
• United States
13 Feb 07
yes, my parents made mistakes when they raised me. People aren't perfect. I do whish they had done certain things differently. All in all I can't complain. My life turned out pretty great, and I consider myself lucky.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
12 Feb 07
yes my parents made alot of mistakes. but not because they were bad parents but because they had not the greatest teachers(their parents, my granparents). there were alot of things that my grandparents did that my mother did not do with us. and there are lot of things that my mother did that i would never do with or too my children. as a parent being a parent is not easy. you learn as you go and treat them the way you want to be treated just like anyone else. you give them space to grow but not so much space they go to far. when my children are blessed with their own children i pray they do some things different from me as well as do some of the same things.
@emskoneko (805)
• United States
13 Feb 07
when I was 2 years old, I was running around my house and being a wild child. My mom tried to catch me a few times and when she did she brabbed my arm so suddenly that the bone popped out of the socket. It was an accident so i am not angry or blam my mom. I was pretty wild that day.
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@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
See there's 2 kinds of parents when it comes to mistakes.
First the kind of paren that makes the mistakes due to trying to do things in their child's best interest.
And then there's the kind that makes their serrious mistakes because they just don't care about the kid, because they are too selfish to give a damn about them.
The later, is my parents. My parents had 6 kids so that they could get the most money possible from AICH A dissability fund for dissabilities that they don't even have.
They had me, and then 5 others, i had the responsibilities since before i can remember to be housewife kind of, mother, chef, maid, and much more.
So when I say that i REFUSE to be the kind of parent to my children as my parents were to me, it's because i will not treat my children like that.
I absolutely will NOT treat my children like they mean nothing, i will never tell them they don't deserve to be happy, and then when they're sad tell them they don't deserve to cry, I will ALWAYS be there for them, I will ALWAYS love them, unconditionally, I will ALWAYS be the one to take care of them, and i will NEVER force them to be the adult.
Yes i had a bad childhood, But! And i don't mean this in a messed up way, I thank my parents for who i am today... because without them doing what they did to us, i would never be who i am, think the way i do, and have the morals that i do.
I don't want anything to do with them, they will never be allowed to treat me or my future children like they did, but i do thank them for who i am, because them not playing a part in my life, but evil, played a big part in who i am, showing me all the wrong things to do...
So when i say anyways that i will not raise my children the same way my parents raised me, i will not make the same mistakes they made, it's because i genuinly will not see my children hurting like that. Instead i want to protect them.
And yeah i know i'll make mistakes, as all parents do, but it'll be out of love, and i'll try to make sure i don't make most mistakes...
Anyhow... sorry if this is disturbing... just thought someone who had good reason for not wanting to be like their parents in any way shape or form should say something
@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
First of all let's remember that parents are human. Most of them do their darnest to raise us in the best way possible. None of us came with a users manual.
The only thing that I did differently was I was not as unreasonably strict as my parents were. I offered my children more choices and gave them more freedom as they learned to chose wisely.
@angelastreit (287)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I don't honestly think that my mother or father made mistakes I think that they was learning how to be parents just how I am. Yes my mother and father got divorced when I was a child but I don't think that was a mistake. I think I have done good by how they raised me. The one thing that I have always been so touchy about is my relationship with my husband. I don't want a divorce and don't plan on it so that is why everyday I work at it for the sake of our 1 year old.
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@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
13 Feb 07
Nope, my parents raised me and my older sister just fine. We had our share of hurt and pain.. but all families go through those times. They taught us the right values, good moral and right conduct. They molded us real well. We will not be where we are right now without them. They worked their butts off to send us to the best schools here in our country. I wouldn't trade them for anyone else.
@Chaosocean (31)
13 Feb 07
i think people who as grown up find it hard to accept responsibility for their own percieved short comings have a tendancy to blame anyone that is significant in their past, usually of course this is the parents. Realistically everyone knows you cant do anything without making mistakes and learning from them. Thats how we grow as people.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I sure do raise my kids differently! The only good that came out of the way I was raised was learning how NOT to parent! As much as I realize that there is no such thing as a perfect parent, my mother and her ex husband didnt even come close and still dont to this day...In fact all three of us kids are screwed up, I'm just the only one willing to admit it fully (my brother and sister hint but thats about it)
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@shineison (874)
• Uganda
12 Feb 07
Parents do not make Mistakes by their will, But mistakes happens from Humans its natural, and parents are natural,
A great Mistake By some parents i think is about Education,
Parents wants their children educated like them, they want their education like theirs But i think their is always a lot of difference B/w Parents Education and New Eduction.
One Really Great Person of this world said that " Don't teach your children your Education, they have their own Education to learn, Your Education is for your Life, and they will learn for Their life " And every one know their is a lot of difference b/w Education ages of our Parents and our Education. and surly will be different education of our Children from ours.
I am sorry if any one don't Like my words. I don't want to Harm any one.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
15 Feb 07
No, I honestly don't think that they made mistakes. They were/are awesome parents who did a great job raising me. They taught me that I could do anything that I sat my mind to, to appreciate the small things, to love, the value of a dollar, the value of hard work...i could go on and on. They did the best with what they had too. They set shining examples in their lives. I only hope that I have been/can be the type of parents to my chilren that my parents were to me.
@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
of course they made mistakes. Everyone does. I don't hold it against them, but my brother does. He still hates my mom for things that happenned 30 years ago. It's ridiculous and makes me sick! I feel bad for my mom, she's almost 60 and my brother HATES her guts like a teenager.
@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Yes, that's pretty bad. I think a part of growing up is accepting that your parents did the best that they could-- or the best that they knew how to do.