do you like having to scan your own debit card at stores?

February 12, 2007 4:04pm CST
recently i noticed that stores are switching to new debit card machines. you have to scan your debit card yourself. i know it only takes a minute to do this and is really easy to do, but it really bugs me. I feel that the cashier is getting paid to do the work and for me to scan my own debit card, the cashier is getting paid to stand there and do nothing. how do y'all feel about this?
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13 responses
@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I think I've only been to one store that had me hand my debit card to the cashier. I've always scanned it myself. I actually prefer to scan it myself because then I have to enter my pin number and I feel MUCH better about that. But then again, maybe you still have to enter your pin number when you hand it to the cashier. I don't know. But if all they have to do is scan it and you're good to go, then that's a BAAAAAAAAD thing. What if I lost my card or it got stolen? Then anyone could use it. Nah, I feel much more comfortable scanning it myself.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Feb 07
Oh ok. That's good, then. I still don't mind scanning it myself, though. I can scan it while they're scanning the items and ringing me up. Saves time that way.
• Canada
13 Feb 07
when they would scan the card, i would still have to enter my pin number myself.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I do like it, b/c it means the card never leaves my hand. I only use credit, and lately I've been doing self-check out whenever I can. In this day, with people stealing things all over the place, it's nice to keep my card in my hand where I know it's not getting seen by anyone else.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Plus, I hate the stores that take your card and license and hold on to it until after I've signed. That bugs me b/c it makes it too easy for me to forget the card. If the cashier is going to swipe it, they should swipe and hand it right back to me - not set it on their register waiting for the transaction to finish.
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• Canada
13 Feb 07
i do agree that they should scan the card and hand it back right away. . . i don't understand why they hold onto it until you're completely finished the transaction.
@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I actually prefer it because I have the credit card ready to swipe as soon as it asks... in the mean time the cashier is finishing up the bagging process. In some stores it is the other way around... they take the credit card and while you are bagging they ask for your ID or whatever making you stop what you are doing. What I HATE is self-checkout. This has to be the worst invention ever. If you have ever been to Wal-Mart and used the self-checkout you will know what I mean... but swiping a credit card... I think I can handle that.
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• India
13 Feb 07
i think its always better to swipe ur own cards as these items should be confidential today people are making a huge amount of money thru such forgreies
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@cabergren (1181)
• United States
13 Feb 07
Personally I would rather scan my own card. I don't like that many people handling my card. With all the identity theft going on to be it is better to scan my own card.
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@Zo0mZo0m (1357)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I dunno know exactly. I can feel both ways for it and against it. I guess to be against is becauset we are so use to having it done for us that and it seems obscure. To be for it is saying that it really doesn't matter. Just my thoughts.
@vmoore709 (1101)
• United States
12 Feb 07
It doesn't bother me too much. Actually, I'd rather not hand over my card to anyone. I've had my information stolen before so I guess I look at it a little differently.
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@classy56 (2880)
• United States
12 Feb 07
i rather scan my own card instead of the cashier doing it.that way i know i will get my card back.i have had cashiers not give me my card i went off an forgot about i feel saver scanning my own card
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Wow--- we've been sliding our cards for years now it seems in NY. I think it is just as well... It's quicker for me. I think it prevents credit card fraud.. Less people touching my card and that means less people looking at the numbers. Usually the cashier is busy bagging my items when I'm scanning the card. I really do not see a problem with this.
@plantit1 (297)
• United States
13 Feb 07
That has been going on here where I live for a long time now. You will get use to it and will probably like it as I do. It's really fast now to do it yourself. Plus you easily put it back in your wallet without anyone else touching it and that stops the chance of losing it.
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@aradia (68)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I agree with the other posters. I like doing it myself. It's my card and I don't want it in anyone else's hands. Honestly, would you rather hand it over and become a victim of identity theft? And the cashier is working. They scan all your items, take your money if you pay with cash, give you change. If you choose to pay with your debit card, they wait until you've scanned it, push the appropriate buttons on the register, pring the receipt and give it to you to sign. How is that being lazy and standing there doing nothing? Have you ever had a cashier job? If not, you're not in a position to understand how difficult the job can be. If so, I would think that you would understand. Since it is your purchase, and your card, don't you think you're the one being a little lazy? You can't even scan your own card when you go to buy something? So you want someone else to do it for you while you are being the one who is standing there doing nothing? I'm not trying to be rude...I'm just trying to help you see it from the other perspective. And yes, I do think it is laziness. It's really not a big deal...just scan your damn card and get over it already. It's not breaking your fingers, is it?
@linoleum (200)
• Indonesia
13 Feb 07
Wow. I prefer to have your way, to scan our own debit card. Since, I know some cashier do "bad" things. They stole our data by swapping it to other machine. You are lucky.
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@sasklily (240)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
As far as I know, we've always had to scan our own debit cards. I don't use them but I see everyone with them scanning/swiping their own. I find using the debit card usually is slower than other methods of payment. Cash, of course if fast, and with a credit card you only have to sign. Entering the pic number slows up the checkout quite a bit, as there quite often seems a delay with it or someone putting in the wrong numbers.