Its my child not yours!!!!
@mommey20032005 (264)
United States
February 12, 2007 7:55pm CST
I have had, my grandmother is telling how to rise my children.
Yes I did have my 1st child very young, and its been three years. And now with my 2nd child she thinks she has a right to call me all day and tell me how to do everything. she even said that I should move back and let her keep the children and I go on with my life. She is very controlling, she even did this to my father. She went to far and called cps on him, then on me when I wanted to move. I need tips on what to tell her, I love her but Im the mother and I don't wamt to hurt her.
5 responses
@harwoodkp (285)
• United States
13 Feb 07
You need to take a stand now or your children will never respect you. Put the distance between the two of you and move. Remember absence makes the heart grow. Only distance will help you gain control of the situation. I hope the best for you and your family.
@sarunaku (12)
• Australia
13 Feb 07
Grandparents,Parents I guess have a tendency to consider their children and grnad children immature and childish and not responsible enough!!I guess in yr case as u have mentioned ur first child came through when u were young..mayb yr grndmom played a major role in advicing u and taking care of u and ur child(my assumption)..either by being with u personally or through constant communication.And at that point of time since u were young yrself,u accepted all her advice willingly!
Now that u are quite matured,and u also have a 2nd child you feel u can handle things on yr own and dont need molly coddling..but for yr grandmom 3 years may not have been a great deal..she is still looking at u with same eyes as she did 3 yrs back..and hence thinks you need her help as u did then!!
Parents and grandparents,why only them ,even we ourselves take pride when someone else depends on us..its an ego boost for us that someone in this world needs us..
Esp parents and grandparents can never ever cut off the umblical chord that binds us togther..
At times even I get very frustrated when my mum keeps advicing me on how to bring my little one up and how should I potty train her and so on and so fact i fight it with her asking if she thought i was incapable to bring up a child...
But deep in my heart i know its all out of love basically..
Of course if thre is too much domination,then its unhealthy..I guess its you who has to find out if yr grandmom is being dominating or overly protective..and then do smethng abt talk it out with her..
Good luck!
@mommey20032005 (264)
• United States
13 Feb 07
she helped a little, I lived with her for only 3 months. The reason I moved out was because she kept telling me that she wasn't going to let me leave with my child, she wouldn't let me take her out. I had to fight and yell to get my child out of her arms, it got alot worse then that.
@angelastreit (287)
• United States
13 Feb 07
My mother in law always tells me to put a ton of layers on my child when we are in our house all the time and she starts to sweat. My mother is also the same way. For breakfast we always have something big and a fruit,lunch with a veg,and then dinner and a veg and my mother yells at me to feed her more veg. It's crazy how much they try to tell me and my husband how to raise our one year old when they live MILES away. I'm a parent and they need to back off.
@pilbara (1436)
• Australia
13 Feb 07
Maybe you have to sit down with her and tell her that.
Let her know that you love her and that you value her advice, but that you will seek that advice when you need it rather than her calling you all the time.
It probably will still upset her, but if she is like that your options are limited - either be honest with her or continue as you are.
I hope it works out for you.
@dreamingmyth (594)
• United States
13 Feb 07
i think u should set her straight and let her know that ur the parent and that she is not! let her know what she is doing is not ok! set some boundries for yourself. and then let her know that she had her children and got to raise them, not its ur turn to have kids and raise them, and that its not fair of her to try and take that away from you!