Would you Vote for Hillary Clinton for President?

United States
February 12, 2007 8:24pm CST
I really might consider it. I really think she would do a lot more for this country the G.W. Who ever follows him up has a whole lot of work cut out for them.
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2 responses
@dbcraff (162)
• United States
13 Feb 07
You must not live in NY. She hasn't done that great of a job in NY. I wouldn't vote for her just on what I have seen.
• United States
13 Feb 07
The next President of the USA needs to be one tough scary character. Dealing with the terrorists is not going to be a job for some nice, touchy feely, let's all get along kind of person. The terrorists have shown they are treacherous, deceitful, ruthless people. Dealing effectively with them will take someone who can throughly understand their psychology. If the Republicans nominate someone who is not man enough for this job, then I'll vote for Hillary.