a boy or a girl for your 1st born?

@yanple (164)
February 12, 2007 9:01pm CST
of course we all would say "it doesn't matter, as long as it's a healthy baby". but i know deep in your heart, there's a desire of having a boy or a girl as your 1st born. honestly, i wanted a girl first. because i think she's cuter with all the cute clothes and accessories available. but then i had a boy. and i realized that it's better this way because baby boys are closer and sweeter to their mothers, so i always have my boy with me. =) how about you?
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11 responses
@burieks (127)
• Philippines
15 Feb 07
my husband and i both wanted to have a boy for our first born. this is because we feel that we can rely more on a boy as eldest, in terms of disciplining the children (or his siblings) and maybe because we both have a boy as eldest sibling and i guess for my husband so that there will be someone to carry his name.
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@Atreyu (16)
• Philippines
15 Feb 07
I wanted a boy first. In my family, I'm the eldest and growing up, I always wanted an older brother to take charge.
@selina0625 (1379)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
At first I really wanted my first born to be a girl. Before we knew the gender of my child I really feel that its a girl.Everyone looks at me and tell me that they predicts that my child would be a girl.I'm very excited in having a girl for my first baby.I like to have a girl because girls are so nice to dress up.They're like barbies that you can dress up.Girls are also much easier to discipline than boys and they are a lot sweeter too. But then I found out after the ultrasound that my child is a boy. I didn't feel any sadness or regrets.I just thank God that he's healthy and strong. Now that he's out, I wouldn't change anything.I love him with all my life.
@ethanmama (1745)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
A little OT here....I knew I posted to this topic a few days earlier, whatever happened to my post? Oh well... Anyway, I wanted a girl because they say that a girl is easier to take care of. But when I was pregnant, I just KNEW that my baby was a boy, even before the ultrasound confirmed it. My husband was very happy to know that we're having a boy, even though he had the usual "it doesn't matter" speech. But looking back, it really didn't matter.
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@jayzanne (68)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
I love to have a boy as our first born. but my hubby wanted a girl because girls tends to be more responsible than boys.
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@kimpot (17)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
Me i want a boy. eventhough people say that having a girl as a first born would mean that she would be more responsible of taking care of the other siblings.i almost had my wish a year ago but i think God has other plans for us.Hopefully oneday my wish wuld be granted.
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• United States
13 Feb 07
I always wanted a boy first and I got my wish. When I got pregnant with my daughter, I prayed for another boy because I just didn't want a girl. Now, I wouldn't trade her for the world, but while pregnant, I wanted another boy really bad. I know that sounds horrible, but that's the way I felt. Once I found out she was a girl, I got more excited with the cute little clothes and all.
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@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
27 Feb 07
my hubby wants a boy for our first born, a part of me wants a girl just because of the idea that i'll make her beautiful with all the clothes and accesories, but really it wont matter if it's a boy or a girl.I just hope we could have our first born soon! :(
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
even before i got married, i wished i'd have a boy as my eldest... if possible, i'd like to have male children. because it is a challenge for a mother to bring up boys. since they are more active and more difficult to discipline, i think this would test how patient i can be with kids. i also find the bonding between boys and their moms more touching. it's not that i want my child to be a mama's boy, but because i want to see the 'softie' side of boy but still bringing him up to be a man of words and with great fear of God.
• India
14 Feb 07
• Maldives
27 May 07
Just like you I wanted a girl. Of course my hubby wanted a boy. It was so funny because during my first and second trimester, everybody we know said it is a girl for us because I was blooming. I was secretly pleased but showed sympathy for my hubby because he so badly wanted a boy! Two and a half months prior to my due date, we went home to philippines (we were living in Maldives)and had a 3D, 4D scan. All the while we were thinking it was a girl but to my hubby's delight, it was a boy!!! I was disappointed a bit. But I realized later on that a baby is a gift be it a boy or a girl. I was just happy that I had a normal delivery and a healthy baby boy.