Creation Science, a biblical approach to our Origins
By keepinghome
@keepinghome (270)
United States
February 12, 2007 11:06pm CST
This is out there for all you Christians. Do you REally believe what the bible says about creation, a literal 6 days of creation, a literal Adam, a literal Eve... Or do you compromise ... In the beginning... ?
What do you know about the great debate between Literal Creationists vs Theistic Evolutionists...
Where do you stand on this topic?
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4 responses
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I believe that the Biblical account of Creation is true and trustworthy.
I believe that the heavens and the earth and everything in it was created in a literal 6 days (day being 24-hour period).
In response to the word day being yom in the Hebrew and can be interpretated as an "unspecified amount of time" I think that it would be poorly interpretated as such, in this instance. According to Walzoord and Zuck, and other Dallas Seminary faculty "day" should be interpretated as a literal 24-hour days of divine activity. This is supported by the fact that the term yom (day) with an ordinal adjective means 24-hour day wherever this construction occurs in the Old Testament.
We must remember that in order to interpret the Bible accurately we must use the whole of Scripture and not just pick and choose to make our position right.
Evolution is an invention of Satan and therefore has no truth whatsoever in its origin.
@keepinghome (270)
• United States
26 Feb 07
you are welcome! It was the best responce. You even backed up the position well.
What always gets me, is even beyond the "yom", how about, "and there was evening, and morning the sencond day..." "and there was.... the 3rd day" Are we ignoring the WHOLE thing? :)
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
15 Feb 07
I believe the Bible says about creation. God is the one who brought the universe into existence out of nothing.
But I do have problem with the way answeringenesis people interprets the Bible, specially Genesis 1 and 2. In Genesis chapter 1 you find the word 'day' (yom in Hebrew) again and again. In Hebrew literature the 'day' need not be always interpreted as 24 hour duration. It can also mean a long unspecified period. So we have to really see when we should interpret 'day' as 24 hr duration and when as long unspecified period. I do not think think Genesis 1 talks about 24 hr duration. Prof Walter Kaiser and Prof Gleason Archer are two very well known OT scholar who believe in the Bible as God inspired book. They said that the day in Genesis 1 need not be interpreted as 24 hr duration.
I find problematic when some evolutionists say that evolution explains even the origin of the universe. Theory of evolution cannot explain that. That is the realm that philosophers and theologians must deal with, and not scientist who deal with emperical things. Literal creationism has poor biblical exegesis as well as poor scientific evidence.
I am an old earth creationist, not even a theistic evolutionist nor literal creationist. So I believe in literal Adam and Eve, but not that the star is just some hours older than Adam. I also can't make sense that Adam felt lonely after few hours of creation and so God had to create Eve.
Answer in Genesis people are God fearing people, but there are also lot of God fearing Christians who hold on to the Biblical inerrancy, but also believes that Genesis 1 does talk about 24 hr duration.
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Where does Scripture say that Adam got lonely and so God created Eve?
Genesis 2:20-22
The man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the sky, and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man.
Seems to me that God choose the suitable helper for Adam.
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@deesdomain (64)
• Philippines
13 Feb 07
From what I have learned from my lessons in Religious Education, the story of Creation did not literally took place in 6 days. All that happened were some sort of symbolism, all were symbols. But what interested me most was the lecture about how God created only good things in this world. He did not created anything bad, the only reason that evil existed is because of too much goodness. Confused? Because of too much want for goodness man tend to do everything in order to do good. And too much goodness is bad.
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@keepinghome (270)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I am so grieved by your responce. I am rating you well because you were so honest, and I am really thankful to you for your honesty. What kind of religious ed did yo get? Adam's sin was he was too good? WOW, I thought it was pride, not trusting in God, choosing Eve, and his own desires over God's will, total disobedience... Where do you read that in the Word of God?
Creation was symbolic? ARE you symbolic? Do you exist? I do. I was created. Why did Jesus Come? Why was he humiliated, beaten, whipped, crucified? What was the point if it were symbolic my friend? If it were that we were so good, where do you see evidence of that? Why the Cross, if we were already so good? It seems like something EVIL would teach, to say it's good's fault that evil exists... Blame shifting, I think I read that in the book of Genesis, when Adam blames Eve, Eve blames the serpent... Yes blame shifting goes way way back.
I would encourage you to check out
for answers that MAKE sense, and actually come from the Word of God, rather than some teacher who taught a class they didn't believe in the first place.
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