WOW...It is Freezing here .... BRRRRRR!!!!
By ronita34
@ronita34 (3922)
February 13, 2007 1:10am CST
I live in Northern Canada and it is very cold here. It was a cold day today at school so that means that it was at least minus 35 degrees celsius. The weather report is calling for minus 38 or colder too for tomorrow morning so i think that i will keep my girls home fr sure! How has the weather been in your part of the world?? Has your weather changed any lately than what your usual winter months normally consist of?? Un fortunately for us we might be experiencing this well into March or even longer ... OUCH!!! I miss the warm weather but from the looks of things i guess we have at least a couple more months of this cold ... BRRRRRRR!! Hope you all that do have this sort of weather are staying warm!! God Bless!
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97 responses
@Demonix (294)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
Is it really that cold there?
I think you said you are only about 3 hours from here?
over in Edmonton here it was -20 today, and I was afraid to check the weather report for tomorrow
-20 is bad enough, especially when you have to walk a good 25 blocks outside

@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
I will be fine and i thank you for your concern and care that i have to go through such a cold front. Unfortunately my mom has to travel tomorrow to Edmonton in fact so i hope that she is safe on the road she should be though! I agree that it is in fact odd and maybe even amazing the way things can be so close but yet so different!! Peace!!
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
Yes it is really that cold here and yes we are only about 3 hours from each other. It is surprising though just how much the weather differences can be even when we are not that far away. It is super cold here man be glad that you are only - 20 and not quite as cold as here!
@Demonix (294)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
I am glad, at the same time I am sorry you have to put up with such unbearable temperaures...
it is kind of odd that being so close the weather can be so different, mind you when I was living at sandy beach there was also a noticeable difference in the weather between there and here and that was only an hour away, its strange how that works out
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@noviare (132)
• Indonesia
14 Feb 07
yea rite! here is in Indonesia never get cool, but that's good coz if Indonesia get cool, it means the end of the world!:p coz we should stay in hot temparature since Indonesia is a tropic country. take care always in canada, keep your body warm!;)
@Bunny2 (2102)
• Australia
13 Feb 07
Wow, that's cold! I love cold weather but it doesn't ever get quite that cold here in Melbourne, Australia. The past winter we didn't even make a zero degrees - I don't think it got below 10 degrees Celsius. It snows here about once every 20 years or so - that's in the Melbourne suburbs. We do get snow in the nearby hills and snowfields.
Today it was 33 here and I hated it. It's going to be 38 on Saturday and Sunday and I'm looking forward to that like I want my head chopped off. I HATE HOT WEATHER!! I HATE SUMMER!! Roll on autumn and winter!! (BTW We had some rain about half an hour ago! YAY!!)
I hope you stay safe up there.
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@moirax23 (317)
• Malta
13 Feb 07
Wow I cant imagine living in -35 degrees! The lowest it gets here in Malta is about 8 degrees celcius and we all complain that it is too cold! Right now I think it is about 18 degrees... normal temperature. This winter has lacked very much from rain.. it rarely rained which is good because I hate rain but people are complaining because their land will not grow any vegetables and such. I wish you warmness and hotness :) God Bless!
@lalitha55 (193)
• India
13 Feb 07
Here in Mumbai, India it is already very warm. We have hardly any winter here. You must be really cold. I have never experienced such cold weather as you describe.
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@butterflydawn (297)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
I think I'd rather try and stay warm here in Canada than deal with the hot, temperatures that you get there in India. At least we can dress for the weather, and bundle up.
@amethod73 (12)
• United States
13 Feb 07
Hi my name is John and I live in Madera California . Its at the center of california and its no where near cold as where your at . I dont know but maby you need someone to help keep you warm at nights thats my method. well have a good one
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I am in Chicago. We have not gotten a lot of snow this year or the past few years acutally. We are having some snow right now. Our biggest problem is the wind. It is making snow drifts all over & it is impossible to keep things shoveled.
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@Slim_Shady (668)
• Romania
13 Feb 07
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW , here in romania , yesterday wore 16 degrees , i went in a T-shirt at school ! :D
But i watched last night the weather and i saw that a bad storm is heading our way ! Do you want me to make you a hot coco ? :D
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
13 Feb 07
Oh dear it was very cold freezing actually I hate when it is cold like that. When it gets too cold in here in some places nobody goes to school, so I hope that you do not send them to school, as they would get extremely cold and may end up very sick. The weather for me has been quite humid and warm with plenty of rain the last couple of days but once again it has stopped but I do pray that it will rain a little bit more especially in country side as they really need rain for their crops. God Bless you too!!
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
Yes and God Bless you once again and i can totally see where you are coming from that more rain would indeed be good for everyones crops right now. We have enough snow here to start a flood when it finally starts to melt ... LOL!! I hope and pray that you all get that much needed rain and take care!!
@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
You bet it has been cold and the wind has not helped either. I finally broke out the Heely Hansen long underwear! How glamorous. I don't like the restricted feeling of bulky winter clothing so my long undies keep me warm and toasty with just a couple of lighter layers over top.
I wish my kids were still at home and there was no school tomorrow. I loved those days. We stayed in our pj's all day and watched tv, played games and ate. Oh the good old days.
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
LOL...Glamorous or not they are well worth pulling out regardless ... LOL! I am glad that i helped you reminice a bit don't you love those little trips that take you down memory lane. When the kids stay home now with me they also run around in their PJ's all day unless they are playing house and are dressing up constantly ... LOL!!!
@sasklily (240)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
Wonderful, isn't it? I'm also in Canada and it's about the same in the West.
I keep telling myself, just 6 weeks more to go and it'll be Spring, but this cold makes me want to hibernate! I go out as little as possible.
Keep warm!
@flickchick (17)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
I am in Southwestern Ontario (Canada).
Last Monday (February 5th) was the coldest I have experienced in a LONG time. My husband and I had to take our 2 1-year-olds to a nearby city, and ended up getting in and out of the car several times. Even though they were wearing their winter coats and hats and gloves, every time I took them from our van into the cold, I thought "This is child abuse!"
I'd much rather hole up inside where it's toasty! But at least the kids have cushy carseats to sit in... my husband and I had to sit on frozen leather seats!!
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@bigedshult1 (1613)
• United States
13 Feb 07
come down hear to Portland,Oregon it is going to be 60 tomore that is very nice and no raine at this time
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@Opteron (1842)
• Italy
13 Feb 07
wow you are really freezing there! I live in south weather is never so cold! Weather is tempered because we have the mediterraneum sea that surrounds our peninsula. Temperature in my town is near to 0 celsius degree ...about 2-3C. We never experience temperature under 4-5 C under zero! I can't imagine how is going under zero degree of 35 degree!! Brrrr! How do you manage to get some heat? How do you wear?
This is an anomalous year for us...because weather has been so heat lately!
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
13 Feb 07
I am known for loving cold weather - but not THAT cold!!! About 16 degrees celcius is the way I like it.
I live in Queensland, not far below the tropics, so we seldom get below 20 degrees - and never minus! Our summer temperature (which is where we are now) the temperature is high thirties, but it isn't the temperature that really gets us. It is the humidity. The humidity can be high eighties, and the water just keeps dripping down the body all the time. My head is always wet.
Parts of Australia have high 40 degrees, but theirs is a dry heat: no humidity. I don't mind that.
Keep warm - and I'll try to keep cool. God bless.
@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
Today I woke up and heard on the radio that with the windchill it was minus 50 degrees celcius. However, it isn't windy here on the prairies so it's not that bad. you just bundle up and go for a walk . I like it.
@spiderman05 (851)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
Today we have -18 in Montreal. It is cold, but still bearable. We had mild temperatures in December and early January. Tomorrow we are going to have around 20 cent. of snow.
Temperatures did not go down to -38 this year. We had -36 a few weeks ago, but that was with the wind factor. The actual temperature was -22 degrees.
@medaa25 (18)
14 Feb 07
I don't know how you guys do to survive under these extremes conditions. Over here in the Uk, when it is -1C and snowing the schools are closed and trains don't work! Have you ever thought of living your country for a warmer one? I would like to go to Canada but the weather really puts me off...brrr, I am cold just thinking about it!
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
14 Feb 07
Thanks and yes i have thought about moving to another country at times ... LOL! I guess considering that i have lived here my entire life and have yet to travel very far at all that i have nothing much to compare it with so i guess once i get a taste of warmer weather i will so get out of here ... LOL!!! I love Canada though so i do not know if i could leave here!