Could you hug your lover for 5,000 years or more?

The longest hug in history? - A pair of human skeletons lie entwined at a Neolithic archaelogical dig site near Mantova, Italy, in a photo released on 6th February 2007.
@Thomas73 (1467)
February 13, 2007 3:55am CST
A Neolithic couple, dating from 5,000 to 6,0000 years ago was recently found near the town of Valdaro, Italy. As you can see in the picture, they are locked into an 'eternal embrace', and the archeologists who discovered them decided not to separate them. Nothing is known yet about the respective gender of each skeleton, and not even if this is really a hug or some kind of death grip. With Valentine's Day approaching, let's be optimistic and assume that those are the remants of the oldest lovers on Earth and that they are linked for eternity. Any comments?
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30 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
13 Feb 07
This is very neat. I seen this the other day, but the pic I seen showed a full body view. I found it rather odd because it appears there are too many leg bones. There should be no more than 8, but I think I counted 11. So I dearly hope this isn't a fake. The idea is very touching and I would think if someday I was dug up, they would find me in an everlasting embrace with my hubby.
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@hezoid (2144)
1 Apr 07
I saw that picutre a while ago and thought it was really touching and moving. i think it's such a lovely, romantic idea that you could be burried with you lover in hug like that. I would love to be locked in an eternal embrace with my partner!
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@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
14 Feb 07
I could , if I could live that much, love the same person for that period of time. Too many time. About the couple, well, don't even know what to say. Being buried in this "eternal embrace" sounds very strange to me. Useless also. Just my opinion.
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@smille (829)
• India
14 Feb 07
hey thx for the wonderful foto and story of the couple,difinitely they are the most romantic couple on everlasting love story. realy gr888
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• United States
14 Feb 07
Assuming those are a neolithic couple and they're not trying to kill eachother, I think that's kind of interesting that they're hugging eachother like that. Just goes to show that human emotions were really developed then as well and people really did engage in acts such as hugging for comfort and loving purposes.
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• India
14 Feb 07
Yeah! even i read about this strange hug in newspaper today and i m indeed surprised on seeing the picture. May be they were great lovers and there can't be a better occassion to write about these couples with Valentine's Day on the cards. I appreciate u for that.
@mansha (6298)
• India
13 Feb 07
I would love to think that may be they were Romeo and juliet of the lost era. It made me remember a bollywod movie where the lovers body was washed over the sand still holding hands. This is beautiful I wish I had someone to love me so much.Happy Valentine's day.
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@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
13 Feb 07
You too, Mansha. And thanks for the response.
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@Melizzy (1381)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Thomas, I can't even commit for 6 minutes let alone 5,000 years! Seriously, I'd like to think they were huddle together, maybe during an earthquake or some other catastrophe. But I am glad they won't be separated.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
13 Feb 07
Who knows, it could be Adam and Eve. It surely would be interesting to understand what exactly was going on at the time. Maybe they were celebrating the first Valentine's Day.
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• Philippines
14 Feb 07
Oh, I just saw this on tv this morning and I find it really romantic...Well, I could hug him for eternity...if we are still together..:)
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Feb 07
I saw that on the news... pretty cool, especially because they found almost all the skeletons, which is incredibly rare. I heard one of them had like an arrow wound, or evidence of one, then the other was like sacrificed. I also heard on the news that one was a man, and the other a woman. Its a really cool find over all, especially because the skeletons are so complete. Heh, as I'm typing this, there was something on the TV about it.
• India
14 Feb 07
hey really it's great to know i wish i too can do beacuse it would be really pleasing to HUG your loved one for thousands of year
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• China
14 Feb 07
It is so lucky that they don't separate them. It is a great couple. I admire them and respect them so much. A lot of couples could fall in love with each other. But after they live together for a long time, they abandon their love. If each couple can be the same as the Neolithic couple, there is no divorce in the world and the guilty cases will less.
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• Mexico
14 Feb 07
Single 1, this comes to demonstrate that to the love ah existed from the beginning of the humanity x3
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@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
That is amazing. I would like to think that they are in some sort of embrace. At least they did not die alone. It is a nice reminder that love has existed through time and that is nice to know when Valentines Day is approaching...we should all embrace more...
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@pendragon (3349)
• United States
13 Feb 07
That's actually very interesting, if they are truly embracing that's incredible, I hope that's what it is and not how they got locked in a double-mortality whilst fighting,lol.I have tried to hug my lover that long, but they unfortunately had to go to work, i hope I have better luck next time I try! :)
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@rosie_123 (6113)
13 Feb 07
In our newspapers in the UK, they say both these skeletons had arrow heads emdedded in them. There is a theory (though not provedn, that the man was killed in battle, and his woman was sacrified, so that he could be accompanied on his final journey. They assume he may have been of Royal blood in some way, as this would not have happened to any ordinary soldier. I think it is quite a beautiful story in some ways, and I am glad they haven't tried to extricate them in any way.
• United States
13 Feb 07
It was reported on the news that, due to the close city of Verona near by, that they might be of the actual Romeo and Juliet...take that FWIW. Talk about a twist on those kissing (and hugging) contests. :)
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@ebudae88 (110)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
btw, the picture in your avatar has that strong and piercing look. I don't know but it gives me that chill, weird. Is that really you???
@ebudae88 (110)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
sounds like The Fountain??? I certainly believe that love expands a lifetime to infinity