Live peacefully

@jigishap (595)
February 13, 2007 5:24am CST
Is what I feel like much of the time.Money often seems to be the cure,but I wonder if it is a lure,really to trick me away from seeing what I could do to live peacefully. Can you help me
2 responses
• Bahrain
13 Feb 07
The Only Think Dat Removes PEACE from Life Is Tention We Think Abt dat and dat and bring stress on her mind peace comes only when we free our mind DAts the only way dat i know on gaining peace
@jigishap (595)
• India
13 Feb 07
thanks ahmed but how to make life without tension? u know its very hard.. coz so many people are there to create tension
@Redkitty (480)
• India
13 Feb 07
how to live peacefull pls tell me
@jigishap (595)
• India
13 Feb 07
I m also asking same question