Does our age influence on food and stuff?
By lubenx
@lubenx (173)
February 13, 2007 8:28pm CST
I got a question that I feel really interessting to discussed.
Do you think food, drink, tobac, and other stuff has an affect
for how old we are going to be? Yes maybe. But not in all cases.
There was a man who lived for 112 years. He never exericed.
He drunk a lot of booze and smoked 2 package of ciggarettes every day
since he was 14 years old. Still he got 112 years old.
There is allso people who lives a really healthy life and dies
when they are 70 years old.
What do you think? Does our lifestyle have a big influence on how
long we will live?--
Thank you for reading!:) Please rate this discussion.
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