Was man created sinful?
By goldenboy20
@goldenboy20 (555)
19 responses
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
14 Feb 07
Man is only how you as an individual perceive him, neither good or evil. When you meet someone do you look for the good or the bad in them. If you look for the good in them you will find it. As we say in Thailand; "it's up to you."
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@goldenboy20 (555)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
That is a good one. But i think, in my opinion my friend, that man is morally evil and by nature evil. Eventhough man has a free will but still his nature influences him to be a bad one. What is your opinion about this my friend?
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
14 Feb 07
If in your opinion man is born morally evil than that is how you will find him. I prefer to see man as a compassionate being and, you guessed it, I find it to be so. Sad you have such a negative outlook.
@fujin1985 (684)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
Well, some say man became sinfu since women were created! But I don't believe in that. It's our free will that makes us sinful. We're free todo whatever we want and yet we still stick into sinning than doing good.
@goldenboy20 (555)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
I see. So what is your comment my friend regarding to romans 3:10 that says "There is no one righteous, no not one." Does it mean that man is a sinful or by nature sinful? how can you assess that my friend?
@goldenboy20 (555)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
Yes that is true my friend. Man was created good. But sinces the fall of adam, the whole race was became evil inherintly. And so man, by nature, became evil and corrupt. What is your opinion about this my friend?
@malouasuncion (555)
• Malaysia
14 Feb 07
god created us in his own image and likeness.. so with this i personally agree that man is morally good =)
anyways, nice avatar.. i fan of jewel in the palace.. i really love =0
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@simple_joy1587 (232)
• Philippines
22 May 08
Man was created by God Through His own image and likeness... Way back in the creation. we are not created sinful. But because of the TEMPTATION the devil had made. We are made sinful in the eyes of God. Because of that tree of knowledge of good and evil.. But by God's grace through His begotten Son JESUS, our Lord and Savior.. even how many sin you commit He is faithful to forgive and accept Us as His son and daughter that is the heirs of God's Kingdom... We just follow the way of Jesus and live a life with Him in our hearts.. and follow it in our words and deeds... We must have JESUS always live in our hearts... As what the scripture says:
"A good man out of the good treasure of the hearts bringeth forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth foth evil things.
But I say unto you, that every idle word a man shall speak, they will gave it an account hereof in the day of judgment."
(Matthew 12:35-36)
Hope something I have shared for i also learn this in our church...
God bless you always
@gkurt08 (233)
• Philippines
10 Jan 08
Man was created without sin. That is in the case of adam and eve. However, when they ate the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they committed sin. That sin is passed on to their children's children. What others dont realize is that sin is the SIN of KNOWING what is good and evil which God did not want his creation to know. Its not like what others thought. It not the sin of killing or stealing or any sin against the commandment. Its the sin of knowing what we are not supposed to know. That is why we all die. Sin rots away our flesh and soul. Those people who have not or only sinned a little die with their body preserved naturally. It's sin that rots out flesh.
@MySpot (2600)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I don't believe that we were created evil.
Evil is man's creation and we can be influenced by it's negativity, if we choose so.
@funfreak2k2 (1734)
• India
16 Feb 07
no, man is not created sinful, but he is given a mind that can think sinfully too. it is man's choice to think and do sinful or think and do good things. man's surroundings are definitely full of sins.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
18 Feb 07
in my opinion, notions of sin and corruption are all socially constructed. Man by nature is neither sinful nor innocent, just another biological organism striving to suvive what makes his actions appear sinful or otherwise are simply the judgements of others. As most moral teaching tells us not to judge less we be judged, who are we to label the actions of others?
@cyndhirella (549)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
I believe that man by nature is morally good. It is our decsion that makes us evil.. Free will right?
@geejoy (344)
• Philippines
15 Feb 07
morally good...we are created in the image and likeness of God...its just the choice of man to be evil that he is turned evil...
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
No, Man was not created sinful. When our Almighty God created man in His own image and likeness, man was absolutely pure, unblemished, sin free. It was only when Man allowed himself to be tempted by the serpent that he became sinful. And that sin was carried through generations through generations, inherited by the whole of the human race. That is why, the bible says, no one is righteous no not one. From the time we were born, we inherited the sin our great ancestors Adam and Eve had committed. That sin has been passed down to us. By nature man was not created sinful, it was man’s own shortcomings that made him sinful as he is now, as we are now. The only way for us to be clean is to ask God’s saving mercy and grace to forgive us of our sins, cleanse our hearts and renew our spirits.
@tambangmas (342)
• Indonesia
14 Feb 07
I must agree with all response above. Man born without sin intact in the beginning.
God has provisioned every man with Brain and Feeling to make a distinction whether something is bad or good, PLUS Desire.
If man follow his desire blindly, then there are very great possibility to man to commit sins.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
14 Feb 07
Man is born morally good.
But its greed for money and power turn him evil very quickly.
The only way to remove evil is to make everyone equal, remove their freedom and sterilise them. You need to turn man into a robot in order to achieve peace.
It has been done in science fiction for a hundred years and might well become reality in the future.
@Neo_Knights (1882)
• Indonesia
14 Feb 07
I don't really know, according to the Bible man born with Adam and Eve's original sin.
But my Tao-ist friend said that it was not Adam or Eve's sin, but it was our karma from our previous life.
But If you ask me the answer from the bottom of my heart, I will personally answer NO. How about the babies that miss-carried ? They never born, but they already have soul, so the directly go to Cleaning Fire ?