Salt Lake City-Teen kills 5 in Trolley Square Mall...
By mzbubblie
@mzbubblie (3839)
United States
February 14, 2007 12:00pm CST
I have to wonder what goes on with these people just to up and kill people in schools, malls, and god knows whereever else.. For NO reason....
I was watching the news and this really disturbed me, It almost makes you worry about going to public places...Cause you just don't know now a days..
A few years ago we had Sniper shootings all over this area, I was scared to even pump gas in my car. They were just shooting at random people. Even killed a guy at a gas station around the corner from my home...
Yesterday 2-13-07, A 18 year old teenage gunman went on a rampage in a crowded shopping mall in Utah in a result, killed five people before he was killed.
Investigators struggle to figure out why a trench-coated Sulejmen Talovic opened fire on shoppers with a supremely calm look on his face...
This teenager wanted to "to kill a larger number of people" and probably would have killed many more if it wasn't for a off-duty officer...
For more of this story you can visit:
I don't understand what makes someone just up and want to go kill innocent people. It scares me to think I'm going into a crowded area, such as a mall, or even my son going to school and something like this happen. Doesn't things like this bother you? What can we do?
Please express your thoughts...
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12 responses
@artistmel2000 (438)
• United States
14 Feb 07
I struggle to understand why someone would do something like this. We will, undoubtedly, learn more in the days and weeks to come about this young man and what may have been troubling him. The scariest part for me is that my daughter lives in SLC. Upon seeing the news, I immediately called her cell phone and got no answer. Thankfully, she called me this morning to tell me that she was fine. She also told me that she and a friend of hers were supposed to be at that mall at the time of the shooting. Fortunately for her and her friend, they were in another shopping center at the time of the shooting and thus missed the whole thing. It's scary to think that people can just snap and go out and kill innocent people. I think many will be thanking that off-duty officer for being in the right place and the right time.
I remember back to 9/11 and the weirdness of going to school (I was in college at the time) and the silence being overwhelming. The university that I attended was in the landing path of the major airport in Ft. Lauderdale. I had become accustomed to the jets flying overhead, but with no flights in the days that followed 9/11, the silence was scary. I didn't really have my PTSD breakdown until weeks later. I called a friend who talked me through the panic and she told me that while the terrorists had wanted to kill as many people as they did, their secondary goal was to frighten everyone else into staying home, hunkering down and being lulled into a false sense of security. The reality is this: no matter where you go, no matter what you do, there will always be someone out there who will be killing others, terrorizing others, and making everyone afraid. This is the way of our global society. I know it's hard, but being afraid of the world isn't a very fun way to live. We have to acknowledge the dangers in our society, take whatever precautiions we can take, and try to find our happiness and safety in the moment. Does this make sense?
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Yes, it makes perfect sense. I know during 9/11 myself I was very scared. I live about 30 minutes from DC and about 20 minutes from the Pentagon. It's said that people go through all this to not only end their life but end others life so suddenly.
It's very hard being afraid because of something going on in your area or the fact of "not knowing" what may happen.
That is no way for anyone to live. But, in todays world you have to work and live through it.
I'm also happy to know your daughter and her friend decided to go elsewhere. Being a parent myself I worry just as much as you to.
The thing is in this case with this 18 year old, what do his parents think? I wonder. Do they blame themselves or just didn't give enough attention to him.
Not only did these parents loose a son, their son ended other people lives...
Its such a sad story ..
Thank you for responding...
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
14 Feb 07
It scares the crap outta me , I often wonder why these kids ( even grown-ups) do these things . Is it because of the way they were brought up , or something in their genes . I mean what actually makes them this way . It could be hatred towards all man kind I don`t know .
I mean people like that don`t just wake up one day and decide that today I want to kill people at school , or at the mall , or co-workers , something has got to trigger it , an event gone bad or a bad relationship , maybe childhood memories they couldn`t deal with . It`s gotta be something .
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Yes it does, I totally agree...It has to be something that has gone wrong, negative..cause man, When you think about WHY? Why kill people you never seen in your life, why kill period...It bothers and scares me at the same time.
It seems like someone they are around, notices these things or at least such be paying attention and observing...Then to know my family, friends or other innocent people are surrounded by things like this...just plain sad.... :(
Thank you for responding...
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@sharon613 (2321)
• United States
14 Feb 07
You can blame parents; schools; neighbors; its this fast paced society and its getting woorse before if there is hope of getting better or putting things back the way it was back in the 1950s.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
14 Feb 07
It's got to be something that makes a child or anyone for that matter want to kill innocent people...It's beyond me. I do know things now a days are really getting out of hand.
The people who have mental issues are now coming to light, when in fact it was top secret or hush hush to talk about people with mental problems...
Thank you for responding
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Oh, this saddens me so much :( I didn't realize that this sort of thing was now happening even at other public places, like malls. It really is sad when a person has to be afraid to even leave their homes for fear of people going on a kiling spree just because they want to. I can't understand how anyone could ever kill another person except in defense. I can barely even squash a bug, and will not do it unless I can't see any other way of getting it away from me, because I just think that every life is precious :( This kind of crime is just horrific :(
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Yes it is...I really worry a about all the things that happens because it could be where I'm at.. Or someone I know and love...
It's really scary out there now a days the thought of just simply not knowing....
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
14 Feb 07
That is sad, and it seems becoming more and more popular. When I turn on the TV, all I hear about is more and more people being killed or killing others. There is something wrong with the way this world is living and I fear that it will only increase, world peace cannot be attained, if we do not begin to have peace within our own small communities. We are all in fear of something now, more than ever before, and this feeling has got to change, society has to change.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
14 Feb 07
That's very well said and so true. Society alone has to change before world peace can take affect.
I honestly believe when one do it, there is always someone else who admire these people for killing others. Sad but I believe it's true...
On top of that to possibly end their life for doing so..It's really a overall sad situation..It scares me...
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@PacificChief (123)
• United States
14 Feb 07
This Sulejmen Talovic is a Bosnian Muslim,no wonder you cannot understand his purpose.The Liberal Drive-By Media wont tell you he was a Muslim
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Well could you be so kind to explain his purpose then? Enlighten me please...
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@praveenkumar06 (4077)
• Hyderabad, India
15 Feb 07
Mall security check allow a motorist to leave Trolley Square parking in Salt Lake City after gunman killed five people
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Me either, it is very sad, I wonder does it make people in general with children or love ones who are somewhat trouble want to try harder to communicate with them.
I believe it all stems from home. my opinion, I believe as adults, parents we need to be careful and aware of what's going on in our homelives with our family and kids..Because you never know...
Thank you for responding
@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
It's a real shame. I can't begin to understand it. I hate to always point the finger to the parents but if your child is that troubled would you not notice it?? I'm close to my kids and I talk to them all the time. My 18 year old son is a very moral person if you know what I mean. There are so many things he feels strongly about and is against. We talk all the time so I would like to think I am in touch with his feelings. I just don't understand what happens with these kids. It really is sad. The pain all those people are in because they've lost someone, needlessly.
I remember all those sniper shootings. I am in Canada but I watched it all on CNN and followed the stories. It must have been so terrifying. I seriously wouldn't have let anyone leave the house. I'd be too paranoid. It was so random and with no rhyme or reason so you just never knew. It's crazy what this world is coming to.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Yes it is crazy what the world is coming to, I'm worried everytime my son walks out the door. I know I can't keep him prisoner and have to let him go. But man things like this that happens makes you wonder and it's starting to happen more often...Schools, malls, some of everywhere..
You are doing the right thing, be active in your children life. that's the best thing right there...
Thank you for responding
@littlenita (144)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I heard about this story on the news and I like you find people to be very crazy! I don't know why people are killing other people. I think, if they are so unhappy with their life, they should kill them not other people.
@vbcoder (196)
• Philippines
15 Feb 07
its really hard to go to public nowadays. from terrorist bombings to kidnappings and now, outright killings. its really hard to find a safe place to live in. i do not know why this is happening, or why we should have the burden fear, but one thing is clear, we should be alert at all times.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
15 Feb 07
That's soo very true, it's like now I'm aware of all my surroundings when I go somewhere. You just never can be to careful now-a-days..
Thank you for responding...
@kims374 (300)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I don't know what one can do, except where were his parents? how did he have access to a weapon of this sort? Obviously if it was from home, it was not locked in a safe like it should be. That is the first problem.
The other is that parents must recognize when their kids are having serious mental problems, and get them the help they need. My son is bipolar, and is in a facility now.
I am trying to prevent things like this from happening.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
15 Feb 07
First off, I hope your son is getting better...and yes you are so right, where are the parents or the ones who love him...How could they not see this coming or noticed something was not right..
I see his family on tv crying and saying he was a good boy and don't understand how this can happen...
Interesting all the way around...
Thank you for responding to my topic