To All Non-Hindus!
By vkbllm
@vkbllm (474)
February 14, 2007 12:42pm CST
Dear Friends,
I am an Indian and than a Hindu!
I want to ask you what do you know about Hinduism? how do you think and look toward Hindus? If any thing you deslike any thing in Hinduism, what is that?Any of your suggestions for Hindus? Do you like Hindus or Hinduism? If yes than why? If Not than Why? Its a very frank question. I just want to know what is wrong in Hinduism.
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13 responses
@FrancyDafne (2047)
• Italy
14 Feb 07
Well, I know nothing about Hinduism. In truth I bough some books about Hinduism, because I fall for Pagan religions and culture, but till now I couldn't find time to read those books. I'd like to know some Hindu people in my little town (I live in Italia), but till now I could know only some Pakistan persons and muslim.
The only thing I know about Hinduism and that I consider very charming is the respect to the cow. I'm vegetarian and I think that all this love and respect to a quiet animal like the cow is gorgeous. I hope to find a little of time and to start to read the books I bought years ago.
@vkbllm (474)
• India
15 Feb 07
Thats nive to hear you got books on Hinduism! Find it out more about Hindus by reading it!
Yes we respect a lot Cows, Its our holy animal. You know the Milk of cow is much more suitable for humans and children? Even cow dung and urine have wide application in medicine!
@astroo13 (963)
• India
14 Feb 07
I have no problems with any one following any religion. Almost all my friends in my school days were Hindus. I still have close contact with most of them. I am a muslin who went to Christian school where majority of the students where Some people use religion as an excuse for creating hatred. I feel sorry for the people affected by these jerks.
@DanielMarvoloRiddle (331)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I am not Indian, nor Hindu, but I have nothing but good tings to say about Hinduism.
A couple of years ago I was invited to a Hindu temple, and felt such serenity. Such kind people. I read on Hinduism all the time, and live by many of the precepts. So in short, nothing is wrong with Hindusim!
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@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
14 Feb 07
what an excellent question!
This is what I know about Hinduism, (not much so don't laugh). It originates in India. You follow polytheism rather than monotheism. One of your Gods is Shiva. You have 4 divisions of people or castes that you beleive people reincarnate into always. I think Hinduism is particularly interesting because of the belief and acceptance of reincarnation. I have nothing against Hinduism or any other religion. I am interested in most religions.
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@amitsanger (210)
• India
15 Feb 07
Yes Anakata. Shiva is the one from the trinity of three main deities. Brimha -The Generator, Vishnu- the Operator and Shiva- The Destroyer. this is the oldest 'devision of work' for deities described in written litterature. this devision of work for deities is described in Vedas those are the proven oldest written litterature in any rich gramatical language. And the most amazing fact you would love to know is- the name GOD has its origin somewhere from Vedas. GOD (short form of Generator,Operator and Destroyer which is ).
Now the caste system-- The caste system was the best example of "Division of Work". Bcz it was based on the Actions or 'Karmas'. people were devided in four sections on the basis of their karmas. A person who have great knowledge will be The Brahmin , the highest class in the hierarchy. his work is to teach others. Those who were brave and powerful, were Kshatriyas, The warriors. their duty was to rule and save the state. then the people who were good in business or commerce related works were Vaishyas. and the people those were not able to do all the above duties were Shudras. their work was to serve all the above classes. but this devision was strictly on the basis of Karmas (in Geeta, The holy book of hinduism, Lord Krishna says, "Chatyrvarnyam maya-shrishtem, Guna-Karma vibhedshah", that means All the four Varnas(classifications) are made by me on the basis of qualities(Guna) and actions(karmas) . any Shudra who had better qualities like Bravery, Knowledge would be transfered to higher classes and vise versa. but later this great system turned into the worst when people devided in four classes on the basis of their Birth. that means the person will belong to the same class as of his/her parents. now even if the person is 'fool', will belong to Brahmins if his parents are brahmins, and Brave and strong child of a shudra will belong to shudra. the classification based on the birth , turned this great system into the most criticised things of hinduism.
and yes the best thing i like about hinduism or the best reason for me to be proud to be a hindu is- being a hindu you are free to have faith in any Deities of any community. that means being a hindu i am free to worship Jesus Christ too.
@MakeItCount (350)
• India
15 Feb 07
Actually hinduism is monotheistic and believes that all Gods are forms or avatars of the all prevading Brahma

@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
I was born and raised in Canada. I have absolutely nothing against any religion. We're all entitled to our own views and we all have them. What I am against is people and by people I mean EVERYONE, coming into our country should live the way our country is run. It's OK to still have your views but lighten up. Our RCMP for example have never wore turbins by born Canadians and no one else shoud either, if that's you belief, religion and the way you need to live then go home because you'll never be happy here. I know for a fact I would never be allowed to live in India and live MY WAY out there, I'd naturally be expected to respect their customs and live THEIR WAY and rightfully so. Thanks for listening. Grandmaof2
@Sivareddy (5)
• India
15 Feb 07
Iam Hindu, good should be known to every body that's why even though iam hindu iam talking.Hinduism is the only religion which says good is nothing but the god.the man who says good always will be a god. so hinduism agrees that jesus christ is a god and allah is a god who said good to the pupil but not to kill the pupil and spread there religion and saying something wrong at the other religions.So pls think, these religions are to promote culture,humanity,good and not to criticise others and other religions.thanks and pls think ...
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@kishchun (497)
• Oman
15 Feb 07
you are an Indian and a Hindu - so am I! what is so special about it? nothing absolutely! i mean, in this era of modern technology and advancement in every possible arena, why should you think in narrow ways and try to create rifts and chasms between people in the name of religion?
actually, if you really understand it, the essence of all religions is one and the same - kindness, brotherhood and peace. it is we, human beings, who manipulate and distort religion to suit our selfish needs. this happens whatever the religion is, and it has been happening ever since the dawn of history. that is the reason we have many inhuman or unhealthy practices in different religions.
so, Hinduism may have some not-so-good customs and rituals just as some other religions do. it is the duty of sane, educated individuals to understand religion in its pure form and lead a balanced, ethical life.
hope i made my point clear.

@vkbllm (474)
• India
15 Feb 07
Dear kishchun,
I was afraid of People like You, so i wrote only to Non-Hindus! amitsanger is right 100% I just want to know how much non hindus and foreighners know abt Hindus! I am NOT CREATING RIFT BETWEEN ANY BODY. NUT Y SHUD I BE ASHAMED OF BEING HINDU? WHATEVER YOU COMENTED TO ME, DO YOU COMMENT ON NON-HINDU DISCUSSIONS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE IN RELIGION INTREST?
@amitsanger (210)
• India
15 Feb 07
Dear kishchun. i dont think that the intension of the person who started this discussion is wrong. he/she only wants to know what others know about hinduism and in broad sense, the culture of India.
Now i would like to say you that the way you respond here is somewhat rude (please forgive me). i do appreciate your thought. i too believe that the main work of a religion is to unite the people not to devide them. This is the age of science and as i believe , there is no supernatural power. but people have faith in such powers and deities troughout the world. its always good to have faith bcz even the Human behavioural scientsts and psychologists believe that having faith in any deity or power helps people to fight stress and make them have confidence in worst conditions in their lives. and thus its a very good concept of the religion. so if the person who posted this topic wants to give people a platform to understand our culture then whats wrong. he also wants to know what people know about us, likes about our religion or dislike our religion and this can help to currect the mistakes thaose are in our religion.
and you know why i believe that i am a hindu - bcz being a hindu i am free to have faith in any other religion. that means being a hindu i can be a christion, a muslim or a buddhist at the same time. actually for me religion is not any community- but anything that is legal is religion, anything that is moral is religion, anything that is good for the entire earth and humainty is religion and thats the thing hinduism teaches us. So scientific... isnt it?
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@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
14 Feb 07
ok, first of all i am sorry if my post makes you feel angry,...but it just an opinion from me..i don't really know if this is a culture of your hindu belief, i don't like the treat on widow,..which they should wear white and cannot be married again...if i am not mistaken. I have watched a movie based on true story titled Water...The movie is about a a widow...and a culture where a girl even they are still young been sent or asked to marry even the men is older than them...even can call them a father...what they did is put all the widow in one place where no one can meet them,.....and it's normal i can see a widow cannot wear colored cloth...what's wrong to be a widow,..they never ask to be a widow and when they become a widow peoples look them as a guilty person.
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@vkbllm (474)
• India
15 Feb 07
My dear...That was some thing of 1920-30 instances. At those times the widow condions were very sound. You know before that, i.e. till 19th centuries they used to burn widows with the bodies of there husband! But after that, they worshipd those widows like Godess, I think urs concern is right! But now a dayz there is no such problems! every religon adapts acoording to time. Those Widow burning, and than there harasment was that periods adaptation, now it all is finished!
Any way thnx!
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
15 Feb 07
I have very little knowledge of Hinduism. I only got them from reading books about Hinduism where authors are mostly non-Hindus maybe one of these days I can get a book written by a true Hindu, that will make a lot of difference. I believe that the better we understand people's belief the more we'll appreciate them.
I noticed too that of all major religions represented here in mylot, Hindus are mostly quite about their beliefs. I want to see more postings about this. Cheers.
@vkbllm (474)
• India
15 Feb 07
Oh Well thank you sire!
I thought reading a non-hindu book will be an impartial imression to you! So one cant blame author if he is not hindu.
Any ways for Hindus religion is ver personal, we dont show up it all time! Our basic religious principal is our deeds and conduct that will lead us to heavens or hell.
We wil;l try to post more on hinduism!
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Feb 07
I know a bit about Hinduism, having had some Hindu friends. I know that Hinduism, like many religions, actually includes some rather diverse sects who have slightly different beliefs. I know it can be seen as either monotheistic or polytheistic, depending on sect and viewpoint. I know a bit about specific Hindu sects, deities, and core beliefs and moral stances.
I don't have anything against those who follow this religion, or any other religion. =)
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
14 Feb 07
I am a christian I know little or nothing of hinduism whilst it is my ernest desire that all come to know christ I am interested in knowing your beliefs we cannot ever understand each other if we do not comunicate !
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@renagades (342)
• India
15 Feb 07
yes . i like hindus . bcoz they are believe in the god .
i dont like them bcoz , they will kill the animals for the sake of god . thats some thing should be avoided ,.
@siddharthlife (462)
• India
1 May 07
animal sacrifices are a thing of the past, and i can really assure you, that more people following this religion are vegetarians than in any other, except may be buddhism.
• India
15 Feb 07
I think there is a great misconception in country like India to follow hinduism or not......
I think when we talk about hindu then it directly or indirectly refer to the religion and when we are talking about hinduism it comes to ideolgy of relgion Hindu..
In a country like india where there are many religion we cannot talk Hinduism as the common ideology . this indirectly makes one to think that this country belong to only those who follow hindu religion which is totally wrong ....
This really gives a wrong impresion on whole community of INDIA.A muslim thinks on negative aspect of this ideology ..... Same is the case of Christians,Buddhists,Sikhs And other religions.
Instead we should follow and preach Nationality and integrity to our society and our nation...
This is the only thing which will allow to unite and prosper our country rather than divide it...