The owner is THINKING of closing the business in 6 mths would u leave nowRstay?

United States
February 14, 2007 1:39pm CST
The owner called today after recieving the bills I mailed her and stated she is thinking about closing in 6 months. This is not the first time it has mentioned & then blown off like it was said out of fustration.We have about 36 other competing companies. Our office is the only one that will be closed,she has other offices in other parts of the state. Would you look for a job now and take it or would you wait around to see what happens? I am thinking about getting a overnight job and keeping it until I know for sure what shes going to do. Business has been bad for over a year.
3 responses
@Piratesware (2888)
• Indonesia
14 Feb 07
yup ...thiss year is bad for businees.. i agrre with u
• United States
14 Feb 07
I would see of there will be any severance for those that decide to stay. If not, I would start looking now. No need of leaving without something to go into. It would be a good idea to leave as soon as possible, simply because you don't want to be in a company that may be sinking and could drown out at any time and then where would that leave you. I would see if I could find me a job that is paying a couple of bucks more an hour or a thousand or so more annually (don't know what type of work you do but you know what I mean) This way you have an income and get a bit of a raise out of it too!!! Best of luck!!!
@tarlsgirl (102)
• United States
14 Feb 07
I know that it is hard to find a new job, but with information like that you need to start trying, tell your owner, boss, whatever that you need to take a personal day to go do something, with that time go put in applications at other places, alot of places, you can even go to a unemployment office and they will help you find other jobs, you need to start doing that regularly, then when you get the offer you can accept it.